《I was born in Quincy》my past life PPT课件4

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《I was born in Quincy》my past life PPT课件4

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《I was born in Quincy》my past life PPT课件4

New words

1./’ba:θ,ru:m/ bathroom 浴室

2./’ga:dn/ garden 花园

3./’bedru:m/ bedroom 卧室

4./i:st/ east 东面的; 东方

5./kəust/ coast 海岸

6./ə’gəu / ago 以前

7./stɔ: / store 商店

8.起居室 living room

9.电影院 movie theater

... ... ...

Match these words with their meanings.

bedroom garden kitchen living room

movie theater lake store tree

1 somewhere you relax at home__________

2 somewhere you sleep________

3 somewhere you cook ________

4 somewhere you see films ___________

5 somewhere you buy things ____________

6 somewhere with water for fish ________

7 something you see in the forest _________

8 somewhere in front of and behind a house____

... ... ...

Let’s learn about Quincy

The City of Quincy is in the south of Boston .(昆西市位于波士顿南部。)

It’s called the "City of Presidents" and "Birthplace of the American Dream",(这就是所谓的“城市总统”和“美国梦的发源地”)

Quincy is the birthplace of the second and sixth U.S. Presidents, John Adams and his son, John Quincy Adams. (昆西是第二和第六位美国总统的出生地,约翰亚当斯和他的儿子约翰昆西,亚当斯。)

Listen and read the passage and choose the correct answers. (Activity 2)

1. Betty was/wasn’t happy when she was in Quincy.

2. Two /Three US presidents were born in Quincy.

3. There were/weren’t pictures on Betty’s bedroom walls.

4. There was/wasn’t a small lake in the garden.

5. Betty was/wasn’t in Quincy last year.

... ... ...

Watch and repeat:

Answer the questions.

1 Were there a lot of things to do?

Yes, there were.

2 Was anyone famous born there?

Yes. Two presidents of US.

3 Who were they?

John Adams and John Quincy Adams

4 What was Betty’s house like?

Her house was big and comfortable.

Now join these sentences with “with”.


There were lots of things to do in Quincy.

There were many stores …

There were lots of things to do in Quincy with many stores …

... ... ...

Language points

1. on the east coast of …

e.g.: I lived on the east coast of China.

2. There be …

be 动词用单数还是复数, 根据就近原则来定。

There _____ two books on the desk.

There _____ a pen and three books on the desk.

3. A big living room with ….

with的用法, 表示伴随, 随着,带有。

4. look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事

She looks forward to going to Beijing.

5. one day 有一天

My dream will come true one day.

6. go back 回来

I’ll go back soon.

... ... ...

Listen and retell

Paragraph 1

was born in

on the east coast

lots of things to do…

with stores, two … .

Paragraph 2

two presidents…

were born in Quincy

visit …old … .

Paragraph 3

big, living room with ,

a kitchen, three , On,

bedroom walls, movie stars.

... ... ...


1. ______ you difficult in 2004?

A. Was B. Were C. Are D. is

2. Sunday is ______ day of the week.

A. the one B. first C. the first D. the second

3. There ______ a lot of flowers in the garden last week.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

4. My father was born ______ May 1, 1973.

A. on B. in C. at D. for


1. My grandfather_____ ( be) born in 1945.

2. The little girl looks forward to ______( play ) with snow.

3. It’s great ______ (visit) the Great Wall in China.

4. One day man______(live) on the moon.

... ... ...

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更新时间: 2024-09-03



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