《Have you read Treasure Island yet?》PPT课件13

《Have you read Treasure Island yet?》PPT课件13
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《Have you read Treasure Island yet?》PPT课件13

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《Have you read Treasure Island yet?》PPT课件13

课 前 预 习


1. 工具n.__________

2. 枪;炮n. ________

3. 记号;分数n.做记号;打分________

4. 沙滩;沙n. _______

5. 朝;向;对着prep.. ____________

6. 陆地;大陆 n. 登岸(陆),降落v. _____

7. 技术;工艺 n. ___________

8. 法语 n. _________


9. give up____________

10. the mark of ___________

11 who else ___________

12.science fiction________

13. can’t wait to do sth. __________

... ... ...

课 堂 小 测


1. One of them died, but the other ran ________(朝……) the wood.

2. It’s clear that it has nothing to do with __________(技术).

3. Can I borrow your bike? I’ve ______ (丢失) mine.

4. ---What e ____ do you want to buy?

---No more. I’ve bought quite a lot.

5. We found the m_______ of a kind of animal’s feet on the sand.


6. -你来这儿多久了?-一周。

-How long _______________?

- For a week.

7. 在那之后不久,我看见一些食人肉者在试图杀死两个来自破船上的人。

Not long after that, I saw some cannibals ____________two men from a broken ship.

8. 我还没有失去生命,我将不会放弃我的梦想的。

I __________ my life. I will not __________ my dream.

... ... ...

三、语法专练 (现在完成时)。

( ) 11. — _____you _____your homework yet?

— Yes. I _____ it a moment ago.

A. Did;do;finished

B. Have;done;finished

C. Have;done;have finished

D. Will;do;finish

( ) 12. ---Have you _____visited the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

---Yes, I have.

A. never B. ever C. just D. yet

( )13. —Do you know the movie Lost in Hong Kong?

—Yes. I ____ it twice. It’s funny.

A. saw B. see

C. have seen D. will see

( )14. I____many new friends ever since I came here.

A.make B.have made

C.will make D.made

... ... ...

课 后 作 业


( ) 1. ___, or you'll be late for school.

A.Look up B.Put up C.Turn up

D.Hurry up

( ) 2. Tom ____up into the tree. Look,he ____ high up there.

A. climbed…is B. has climbed…is

C. was …was D. climbed…was

( ) 3. — What happened at the end of the story?

— A policeman shot and killed the dangerous animal with his____.

A. gun B. treasure C. mark D. laughter

( ) 4. If we work hard, our future will be____hope.

A. because of B. full of

C. fill with D. proud of

( ) 5. The Internet is so closely connected with our daily life. Can you ______a life without it?

A. understand B. imagine

C. introduce D. expect

... ... ...


Martin lived in a magic city. He was a successful 1 . He wrote lots of short stories. People liked to read his stories and some people asked him how he got his 2 . He just smiled and kept his secrets.

His real secret was a magic pair of glasses. They seemed like 3 glasses, but they gave him magic power. They allowed him to see a story in everything. If he wore them, normal objects 4 stories! Do you want to know how it works?

For example, Martin was walking around the store with his glasses on. When he saw some bananas, suddenly, his glasses began to shake and nearly 5 his nose! He knew he had to write a story about monkeys and 6 .

Another time, Martin 7 to hear some students complaining (抱怨) about the school bus ride. His glasses began to shake again. He soon 8 a story about a funny bus ride.

With just a few words, small objects like a cat, a kite, became great 9 . People around him appeared in the stories. They don’t know they have been written in the stories! 10 they know the secret, they will be surprised and happy.

( ) 1. A. doctor B. writer C. teacher D. reporter

( ) 2. A. names B. ideas C. numbers D. secrets

( ) 3. A. small B. big C. normal D. strange

( ) 4. A. became B. lost C. arrived D. found

( ) 5. A. fell off B. fell into C. fell down D. fell behind

( ) 6. A. peaches B. bananas C. apples D. grapes

( ) 7. A. happened B. started C. Planned D. was able to

( ) 8. A. came out B. came up with C. came across D. came along

( ) 9. A. records B. dreams C. books D. stories

( ) 10. A. Because B. Since C. So D. If

... ... ...


The Little Prince is a novel widely known by the people all over the world. It was written by a French pilot and writer Antoine de Saint—Exupery. It was published in 1943. This story has been translated into 42 languages and was adapted into a movie.

The little prince lives on a small planet(行星) alone. He leads a happy life. One day the wind brings him a seed. The seed then turns into the loveliest flower he has ever seen.

He takes good care of the flower, but finally he decides to leave it and his planet to search for a secret—the most important thing in his life.

During his journey in space, the little prince meets a king, a businessman, a lamplighter(点燃街灯的灯夫) and a geographer. They all live alone on different planets. At last he finds out the secret from a fox of the Earth. Before he returns to his planet, he tells his secret to the writer of the book, whom he meets in the desert. The secret is: the power of love.

When you read this touching and sincere story of the little prince, you can’t help smiling and feeling the beauty of life and love in your heart.

( ) 1. After reading the passage, we can’t know_____.

A. who wrote the book

B. what is the book about

C. who turned the book into a movie

D. when the book came out

( ) 2. ____ told the little prince the secret

A. A pilot B. A lamplighter

C. A geographer. D. A fox.

( ) 3. The underlined word“ adapted” means “_____”in Chinese.

A. 改编 B. 删减 C. 公开 D. 模仿

... ... ...

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《Have you read Treasure Island yet?》PPT课件15:

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更新时间: 2024-10-20



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