《Please write to me and send me some photos!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件3

《Please write to me and send me some photos!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件3
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《Please write to me and send me some photos!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件3

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《Please write to me and send me some photos!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件3

1 给某人写信 1 write to sb =write a letter to sb

2 为……做准备 2 prepare for

把东西准备好 get things ready

3 列清单 3 make a list ( of )

4 狂热于 4 be crazy about

发疯 go crazy

5 “疑问词+不定式”结构 5 what to take = what I should take

6 在……的结尾/末端 6 at the end of

7 短裤 7 shorts trousers sunglasses

长裤 +动词复数 a pair of shorts / trousers /

太阳镜 sunglasses

穿薄裤子 wear light trousers

8 支付……的费用;为…..付款 8 pay for

支付机票钱 pay for the air ticket

花多少钱买某物 pay some money for sth

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English Standard link 课标链接


Learning aims

1.Memorize 10 words and 2 key phrases in M7U1; can understand conversations about holiday trips.

2.Can get specific information from a conversation on a person’s trip by listening practice, self-study and group work.

3.Get to know the famous universities all over the world. Define the importance of learning English.

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New words

list n. 名单; 清单 shorts n. 短裤

crazy adj. 发疯的,荒唐的

trousers n. 裤子

sunglasses n. 太阳镜,墨镜

weigh v. 重量有……, 重……

total adj. 总的,全部的

weight n. 重量

passport n. 护照

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Listen and complete the notes.

1.Where Daming and Linging are going: They are going to LA.

2.What they are going to do: They are going to do an English course.

3.How long they will stay: They’ll stay for about four weeks.

4.How many students there are in the group:They are going in a group of 20.

Listening Practice

Task I. Listen to the dialogue, then answer the following questions.

1.Where is Lingling going?

Los Angeles/LA

2.When is Lingling leaving?

She is leaving at the end of July.

3.How long is Lingling going to stay there?

She is going to stay there for four weeks.

4.How much money does Lingling prepare?

200 dollars

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Language points

1. I’m making a list of things for my trip.

make a list “列清单“。

make a list of … “列…的清单”。

e.g. I usually make a list of things before going shopping.

2. I’m leaving at the end of July.at the end of … “在…的结尾,在…的末端”。

e.g. The hospital is at the end of the street.

3. Shorts are good, or you can wear light trousers.

shorts“短裤”,用复数。trousers “裤子”,用复数。另外,sunglasses表示“太阳镜”,用复数。在表示“一副、一条”时,用a pair of。

4. If you’ve already paid for the air tickets and for homestay, it should be OK.

pay for “支付…的费用, 为……付款”。

e.g. My father paid for my driving lessons.


homestay 指吃住在当地人家里,实际体验当地人的生活。

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1. 并列复合句的定义:由并列连词and, but, or等把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起而构成的句子。


The boy fell off the bike, but he didn’t hurt.

2. 并列复合句的构成:



I help him and he helps me.

You must put on your coat, or you’ll have a bad cold in such a cold day.

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1. The term will end ____ the end of December.

A. at B. in C. to D. of

2. My parents gave me _______ as a gift.

A. sunglass B. sunglasses

C. a pair of sunglasses D. two pair of sunglass

3. I went home after I _______ the service in the hotel.

A. pay for B. pay off

C. paid for D. paid off

4. - ______, where can I find the hospital?

-Oh, go straight ahead.

A. By the way B. In the way C. On the way

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关键词:《Please write to me and send me some photos!》教学课件,外研版八年级下册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Please write to me and send me some photos!》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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《Please write to me and send me some photos!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件2:

《Please write to me and send me some photos!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件2 Words review list n. 名单;清单 make a list 列清单 crazy adj. 发疯的;荒唐的 at the end of ..

《Please write to me and send me some photos!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件:

《Please write to me and send me some photos!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT课件 Lead in Look at the pictures. Where do you think it is ? Words and expressions list 名单;..


更新时间: 2024-07-03



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