《How to Push a Product?》Buying and Selling PPT课件下载

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《How to Push a Product?》Buying and Selling PPT课件下载

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

1. Be able to use the words and phrases:battle, create, ad, customer, already, similar, sample, offer, shine, quality, surely, succeed, push a product, stand out, catch one’s eye, have an interest in

2. Learn how to push a product

3. Learn some key sentences:

·Remember, you need to make your product stand out.

·Find ways to catch their eye.

·People coming to trade shows already have an interest in similar products.

·Push your product using samples and good deals.

·Offering samples and deals will get you more customers.

·With a good quality product and excellent advertising, you will surely succeed.

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How to Push a Product?PPT,第二部分内容:Lead in

Do you know how to create a good ad?

If you want to create a good ad, you must study your customers and catch their eyes.

An excellent ad can make your product stand out.

Trade shows

If people come to trade shows, they will have an interest in similar products.

Just do it

At the moment to make silk slip

In a word, these suggestions can make your products shine, good quality is the most important thing.

You will surely succeed.

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How to Push a Product?PPT,第三部分内容:Words and expressions

battle n. 战斗;战役

create v. 创作;创造

ad n. 广告

customer n. 顾客;主顾;客户

already adv. 已经

similar adj. 相像的;相仿的;类似的

sample n. 样品;样本

offer v. 提供;供给

shine v. 发光;反射

quality n. 质量;品质

surely adv. 当然;确信无疑

succeed v. 成功;做成


What is important for pushing a product?

If you had your own product to sell, how would you push it?

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How to Push a Product?PPT,第四部分内容:Presentation

Listen and read the passage.

After a lot of hard work, you finally have your product. But that's only half the battle. Now you have to get people to buy it.

Is your product easy to use?How can your product improve people's lives?Why should people buy YOUR product?Remember, you need to make your product stand out.So tell people what is special about it. How can you do that?Here are a few suggestions.

Create an ad. First, study your customers' ages,interests and other information. Second, choose a type of ad—TV, bus, magazine, newspaper or Internet. Third, decide what your ad will tell people about your product.Find ways to catch their eye.

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How to Push a Product?PPT,第五部分内容:Let’s Do It!

1.Read the lesson and write true(T) or false(F).

1. Making your product is just half the battle. ( )

2. There are only three ways to push a product. ( )

3. Customer learn the advantages of a product by using it.( )

4. Only excellent advertising can help you succeed. ( )

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How to Push a Product?PPT,第六部分内容:PROJECT


A product is something that you sell. In small groups, think of a new product. It can be a funny product or a product that helps people. Think hard and have fun!Create an advertisement for your product. You can get useful information from TV, newspapers or the Internet.Here are some ideas:

●What does your product do?

●Who would want to buy it?

●What kind of ad would sell your product best? A TV ad? A radio ad? A newspaper ad?

●How much money would people pay for your product?

As a group, present your ad to the class.

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How to Push a Product?PPT,第七部分内容:Language points

1. Remember, you need to make your product stand out.

stand out意思是“引人注目;显眼”。

例:They were all pretty beautiful, but she stood out among them. 她们都很漂亮,但她在他们中间脱颖而出。

He is a tall, distinguished looking man who stands out in any crowd. 他是一个高大、英俊的人,在任何人群中都很突出。

2. Find ways to catch their eye.

catch one’s eye意思是“引人注目;吸引某人注意;吸引……的目光”,同义词组为:draw one’s attention (to)…

例:That postcard, a present from my grandfather, caught everyone’s eye. 那张明信片是我祖父送给我的礼物,吸引了大家的目光。

3. People coming to trade shows already have an interest in similar products.

have an interest in意思是“对……感兴趣”。

例:We all have an interest in playing chess.


The child has no interest in drawing.


4. Push your product using samples and good deals.

push one’s product意思是“推广某人的产品”。

例:It’ll cost us a lot to push your product.


It’s difficult to push their product in this area.


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How to Push a Product?PPT,第八部分内容:Exercises


1. 和其他那些人比起来,她的才能很突出。

Her talents ________ in comparison with the others.

2. 那个广告吸引了我的注意。

The advertisement _____________.

3. 他们对于创造利润有着共同的兴趣。

They _________________________ making a profit.

4. 我们正在设法推出一款新的产品。

We are trying to _________________.

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How to Push a Product?PPT,第九部分内容:Summary

1. Learn some new words and expressions, such as create, customer, already, similar, offer, shine, succeed, push a product, stand out, catch one’s eye, have an interest in.

2. Learn some ways to push a product.

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How to Push a Product?PPT,第十部分内容:Homework

1. Make sentences with "catch one's eye, stand out, have an interest in".

2. Enjoy more famous ad and tell your classmates in the next class.

关键词:冀教版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,How to Push a Product?PPT下载,Buying and SellingPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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更新时间: 2024-10-03



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