《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionA PPT

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionA PPT
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《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionA PPT

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《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionA PPT

第一部分内容:Fill in the blanks with the different forms of the verbs.

e.g. jump—jumped—jumped

call _______ _______ watch _______ _______

hate _______ _______ study _______ _______

chat _______ _______ am/is _______ _______

are _______ _______ find _______ _______

go _______ _______ make _______ _______

like _______ _______ have _______ _______

... ... ...

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》PPT,第二部分内容:Fill in the blanks with the words

A: Have you ______ been to France?

B: No, I’ve ______ been to any European countries,but Michael has. He has ______ come back from

France. He likes it very much. He says he has ______ been to such a beautiful country before.

A: Have you seen him ______?

B: Yes, I have seen him ________.

Listen to 1a and mark T (True) or F (False).

1. Michael has just been to a shopping center.

2. Michael hates to go to the place because he couldn’t buy anything.

3. Kangkang and Michael went back home together.

4. Maria likes going there.

... ... ...

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》PPT,第三部分内容:Read and understand the first sentence.

Then complete the second one.

1. I always lose my way in New York.

I always _________in New York.

2. Yesterday Maria made a telephone call to Michael, but he wasn’t at home.

Yesterday Maria _______ Michael ____, but he wasn’t ____.

3. Mr. Brown is such a kind teacher that we all like him.

This teacher is so _____ that we all like him.

4. I don’t like to go to such a crowded place.

I _____ going to a crowded place _____ this.

... ... ...

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》PPT,第四部分内容:Exercises

Choose the best answer.

1. — Have you returned the book _______?

— Yes, I’ve _______ returned it.

A. already, already B. yet, yet

C. yet, just D. just, already

2. Jim, Maria _______ just now, but you were not at home.

A. called up you B. called you up

C. calls up you D. calls you up

3. — I find it very important to learn English well.

— _______.

A. So I am B. So do I C. So I do D. So am I

4. China is _______ that my mother likes it very much.

A. such beautiful a country

B. so a beautiful country

C. such a country beautiful

D. such a beautiful country

... ... ...

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》PPT,第五部分内容:summary

We learn:

1. Some words:

yet, probably, cinema, department, nearby

2. Some phrases:

not…any more, get lost, lose one’s way, call sb. up,

make a telephone call to sb. , department, store

3. Some sentences:

Have you found him yet?

So do I.

We can:

Use the Present Perfect Tense with just, already, yet, ever and never.

... ... ...

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》PPT,第六部分内容:Homework

1. Read 1a aloud.

2. Make five sentences , using ever, never, yet, already and just.

3. Finish Section A in your workbook.

4. Preview Section B.

关键词:仁爱版九年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,《The population in developing countries is growing faster》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionD MP3音频课件:

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionD MP3音频课件 文件内包含本课教学使用的MP3音频文件,非常适用于本课教学。 关键词:仁爱版九年级上册英语MP3..

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionC MP3音频课件:

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionC MP3音频课件 文件内包含本课教学使用的MP3音频文件,非常适用于本课教学。 关键词:仁爱版九年级上册英语MP3..

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionB MP3音频课件:

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionB MP3音频课件 文件内包含本课教学使用的MP3音频文件,非常适用于本课教学。 关键词:仁爱版九年级上册英语MP3..


更新时间: 2024-10-03



文件大小:695 KB



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《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionA PPT