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第一部分内容:Who makes a film?

actor/actress 演员

director  导演

producer 制片人

cameraman 摄像

make-up artist 化装师

scriptwriter 编剧

lighting manager 灯光师

film editor 影片剪辑员

costume designer 服装师

stuntman 替身

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《Films》PPT,第二部分内容:Answer the following questions.

1.What was Audrey Hepburn’s dream at a very young age?

To become a successful ballet dancer.

2.What marked the beginning of Audrey’s successful career?

Playing the lead role in the play Gigi.

3. How did Hepburn become world-famous?

By playing the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman Holiday.

4. In which film Hepburn made her final appearance and played the role of an angel?

In the film Always.

5. Why did Hepburn’s achievements go beyond the film industry?

Because she spent her last few years working closely with UNICEF and helped many poor children.

6. How old was Audrey Hepburn when she died?

She was 64 years old.

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1. The stubborn girl ______ (坚持) on her idea, but she failed at last.

2. Her _____________ (成就) went beyond the film industry at that time.

3. As we all know no one can make his dream come true without e_______.

4. The event m______ the beginning of Hepburn’s successful career.

5. The f______ test is coming.


1. Audrey ____________ (choose) to play the lead role in Gigi by Colette.

2. They _______________ (water) the flowers when I got to the garden.

3. Gong Li is one of the most beautiful __________ (actress) in China.

4. At the __________ (begin), we didn’t believe him at all.

5. The boy fell asleep _________ (peace) after driving some milk.

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Australia is far away from China, but it is a good place to visit.

Although Australia is far away from China, it is a good place to visit.

We use although / though to contrast two clauses. we can’t use‘but’and‘although’together.

It is a good place to visit although Australia is far away from China.

We put‘although’at the __________ or in the ________ of a sentence.

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《Films》PPT,第五部分内容:Using‘although / though’

though 连词 conj.

虽然,尽管 , 副词adv. 不过,然而

although 连词 conj.虽然,尽管

1. 两词同义并可换用,但although语气较重,通常放在句首并用于正式场合。如:

I'd quite like to go out, although/ though it is a bit late.


Although it’s raining, they are still working in the field.


Though he tried hard, he was not successful.


Although / Though he was tired, he kept on working.


e.g. I will try it, although I may fail.


Although /though (it was) snowing, it was not very cold.

虽然在下雪, 但是天气不是很冷。

There is air around us, although we can’t see it. 尽管我们看不见, 但我们周围全是空气。

注意:1. though 可用于even though, as though 等结构,although则不能。

Even though I fail, I'll keep on trying.


You look as though you know each other.


2. although 和 though 用作连词时不能和but连用,但可跟yet, still 等连用。如:Although he lives alone, yet he is happy.

= He lives alone, but he is happy.


My car is very old, but I don't want to buy a new one.


Although / Though you are a little younger than me, yet you are much taller. (√)

Although / Though you are a little younger than me, but you are much taller. (×)

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Mr Wu went to see My Fair Lady last Friday. However, he did not enjoy himself. Read the sentences below and find out why. Join the two parts of the sentences by using ‘although/though’.

1. I left early to ①avoid the rush hour/ there was a lot of traffic in the streets

Although/though I left early to avoid the rush hour, there was a lot of traffic in the streets.

②avoid doing sth避免做某事


She avoided answering my questions.


I can’t avoid meeting him.

2. I could not ③find a space to park my car / the cinema ④had a big car park

I could not find a space to park my car, although/though the cinema had a big car park.

3. I finally got a ticket / my seat was⑤ in the last row in the corner

Although/though I finally got a ticket, my seat was in the last row in the corner.

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( )1. _______ scientists have done a lot of research on A (HIN1) flu, there are still some cases for further study. (2009南京)

A. As B. Once

C. If D. Although

【解析】此题考查了连词的用法。通过句意, 我们了解到"科学家已做了关于甲流的大量研究"是后面主句"仍有一些病例需要进一步研究"的引出条件, 表示条件退让一步。我们应选用引导让步状语从句的连词although, 故选D。

( )2. _____ they are very tired, they feel happy because they’ve finally finished their project. (2011广州)

A. So B. Although

C. If D. But


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Shirley does not know who Audrey Hepburn was. Amy is telling her something about Hepburn. Help Amy join her sentences with so…that and such …that.

1.Hepburn was very beautiful. Many people were amazed by her beauty.

Hepburn was so beautiful that many people were amazed by her beauty.

2.Hepburn was a kind lady. She spent her last few years working with UNICEF to help poor children all over the world.

Hepburn was such a kind lady that she spent her last few years working with UNICEF to help poor children all over the world.

3. Hepburn acted very well. Some people mistook her for a real princess.

Hepburn acted so well that some people mistook her for a real princess.

4. Hepburn was a great actress.

She’ll always be remembered.

Hepburn was such a great actress that she’ll always be remembered.

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《Films》PPT,第九部分内容:Using ‘so that’

so that引导目的状语从句, (目的状语从句用以说明主句动作发生的目的。)

其从句中的谓语动词通常和情态动词can, may, will, might, would, could, should等情态动词连用, 而且主句和从句之间不使用逗号。

so that意为“以便, 为了, 使能够”,可以与in order that相替换。

e.g. 1.They got up early so that they could catch the early bus. 为了能赶上早班车, 他们早早就起床了。

2.Say slowly so that I can understand you. 说慢点, 好让我听明白。

3. We will come at eight so that the meeting can begin early. =

We will come at eight in order that the meeting can begin early.

so…that…引导结果状语从句, 意为“如此 ……以至于……”, so后面加形容词或副词。

e.g. This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it.

这本书很有趣, 人人都想看看。

He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him.

他跑得那么快, 我没赶上他。

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1. Remember the new words in this lesson.

2. Do the exercises on the workbook.


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《Films》Flash动画课件 本课件为课程对话学习的Flash动画课件,适合小学英语学习。 关键词:牛津译林版九年级册上册英语Flash动画课件免费下载,《Films》动画下载,.swf格式;..


更新时间: 2024-10-05



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