《I'll help to clean up the city parks》PPT课件12

《I'll help to clean up the city parks》PPT课件12
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《I'll help to clean up the city parks》PPT课件12

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《I'll help to clean up the city parks》PPT课件12

课 前 预 习


1. 几个;一些pron.______________

2. 强烈的; 强壮的adj._____________

3. 感觉; 感触n.___________________

4. 满足;满意n.__________________

5. 高兴; 愉快n.___________________

6. 物主; 主人n.___________________

7. 旅行;行程n.__________________


8. give up several hours__________

9. at the age of four_______________

10. try out for_____________________

11. go on a journey_______________

12. a dream come true____________

13. at the same time______________

14. by oneself__________________

... ... ...


1. Can you help me to find out the ________ (主人) of the keys?

2. We had a pleasant _______(旅行) during the summer vacation.

3. He gets a feeling of _________ (满足) when he sees all kinds of food on the table.

4. James gave up _______ (几个) hours to help the others in his class every week.

5. When I see the look of _____(高兴) on their faces, I know their team win the game again.


6. 她在六岁的时候就已经会自己洗衣服了。

She could do the washing


7. 在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。

Volunteering here is _________________.

8. 我可以同时做我喜欢做的事且可以帮助别人。

I can do what I love ________ and help others _____________.

... ... ...


( ) 1. Mario volunteers at ____ animal hospital to help care for ____ sick animals.

A. an, a B. an, / C. a; the D. a; /

( ) 2. –Who is the ____ of the house?

–Mr. Black. He bought it last year.

A.passenger B.guest C.visitor D.owner

( ) 3. Swimming in that river is dangerous. You can’t go there ______ yourself.

A. with B. of C. by D. from

( ) 4. We wanted ________ the invitation that we lost a week ago.

A. find B. to find C. finding D. found

( ) 5. –Why are you working there?

–I am working there _______ kids learn to read.

A. help B. helped C. to help D. helping


1. 他们同时到达城市公园。


2. 你的梦想终有一天会成真的。


3. 四岁的时候她就能够自己阅读。


... ... ...

课 后 作 业


I was shopping at an Asian grocery store for the things I needed for my volunteer work. I wanted to cook breakfast for some homeless people at a shelter in San Jose. I went to the store to buy some tofu and vegetables. As I was waiting in line to finish the purchase (购买), a woman next to me wondered how I was going to consume the big box of tofu I was buying. I replied that I was buying the food for the breakfast for some homeless people. Then it was my turn to pay for the bill.

To my surprise, I was just going to take out some money from my wallet when the woman offered to pay for everything I was buying. I could do nothing but thank her. I tried to ask what her name was, but she didn’t tell me. She just said that she felt good about the kind of volunteer work I was doing. She said her parents once received help from the volunteer work when they first came to this country as refugees (难民). So she wanted to show her thankfulness.

My volunteer work began three years ago and this was the best reward (回报) I had ever received for it. In a strange way we are all connected with each other. That’s what I call being a “human”.

( ) 1. The writer is a _____.

A. store keeper

B. homeless person

C. volunteer

D. refugee

( ) 2. The writer bought some tofu and vegetables for ______.

A. himself

B. homeless people

C. the woman

D. the woman’s parents

( ) 3. The woman paid for everything the writer was buying because _____.

A. he forgot to bring his money B. she had borrowed money from him

C. he doesn’t have enough money D. she wanted to show her thankfulness

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更新时间: 2024-10-12



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