《Raising Money》Buying and Selling PPT下载

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《Raising Money》Buying and Selling PPT下载


When you want to hold a school activity, what can you do if you don't have much money?

How will you raise money? In our book, Brian's school's basketball team is going to play in another city, how will they raise money?

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Raising MoneyPPT,第二部分内容:New words

1. pay (paid, paid) v.付款

2. bake v.&n. 烘,烤

3. dollar n. 美元

4. sixteen num. 十六

5. advertising n. 广告活动,广告业,做广告

6. poster n. 海报。

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Raising MoneyPPT,第三部分内容:Listen to the lesson and fill in the blanks.

1. Each player needs to pay______for the trip.

2. Jenny, Danny and Brian decide to work together to ________.

3. Brian wants to bake _________________ to sell.

4. Danny wants to _______ a new product to sell.

5. Jenny thinks they need some ________.

Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1. Why do they want to raise money?

Because they need to make money for their basketball team.

2. When will they have a bake sale?

At lunch hour.

3. How much will Brian's cookies cost?

One dollar for four cookies.

4. What is Danny going to sell?

He is going to invent a new product.

5. What does Jenny mean when she says.”Hmm...”?

She doesn't believe Danny.

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Raising MoneyPPT,第四部分内容:Language use

1. Each player needs to pay $150.

pay sb. 付款给某人 eg: I want to pay him.

pay for sth.为...付款

eg: How much did you pay for the car?

pay money for sth.为某物付钱

eg: I paid 50 yuan for this dress.

2. How can we make money?

make money 挣钱,获利。后可加介词for 意为“为...挣钱”

eg: We need to make money for life.

raise money 筹钱,集资

eg: They are organizing a talent show to raise money for charity(慈善).

3. I'm going to buy sixteen!

buy sth.购买某物 eg: I want to buy a pen.

buy sb. sth.为某人买某物 eg: She buys me a pen every year.

buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物 eg: My father will buy a new bikeor me.

buy sth. from sb./sp 从某人/某处购买某物

eg: They bought some books from the bookstore.

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Raising MoneyPPT,第五部分内容:Fill in the blanks

sell play dollar pay make money

1. There are usually eleven ______ on a football team.

2. Mr. Han chose a shirt, ______ for it and left the store.

3. That laptop coat you 2000______! That's too expensive!

4. As an employee, I try to ___________ for my company.

5. I often go to that bakery. I think it ______ the best cookies.

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Raising MoneyPPT,第六部分内容:Speaking

Work in pairs. Make a dialogue using phrases and sentence pattens.

How much will they cost?

One dollar for four cookies.


pay, dollar, sixteen, bake,

make money, raise money.

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Raising MoneyPPT,第七部分内容:Retell the story:

Brian's basketball team is going to play in ____city. The trip ____ lots of money. _____ player needs _____ _____ $150. They want to _____ some money for the team. But they don't have any ____ . They think they should work together to ______ some money. Jenny wants to have a _____ ______. She thinks they can sell snacks and other things ____ ____ ____. She will also make a ______. Brian will cook _____ ______. He thinks everybody likes cookies. Danny wants to buy _______cookies.

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Raising MoneyPPT,第八部分内容:Homework

1. Recite the lesson.

2. Remember language points of the lesson25.

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更新时间: 2024-06-27



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