"Tornado" PPT courseware 2

"Tornado" PPT courseware 2
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冀教版四年级语文上册 pptx 6 MB

"Tornado" PPT courseware 2

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"Tornado" PPT courseware 2

What does the text teach about tornadoes?

Types and locations of tornadoes;

landspouts and seaspouts;

The speed of a tornado;

People’s wishes…

Land tornado (form and momentum):

Warm, windless thunderclouds pressed in from the sky, and the buzzing sound like the flapping wings of thousands of bees could be heard in the distance. Then, you will see a monster like an elephant trunk sticking out from under the heavy dark clouds. It was getting longer and longer, and the sound was getting louder and louder, ringing like a continuous explosion. The monster moved forward staggeringly, constantly destroying buildings, throwing cars around, and even piercing the flesh of humans and animals with small sticks and straw like nails.

What do you want to say?

I think tornadoes are scary.

I want to study it well.

I want to find a way to prevent tornadoes so that humans will no longer be hit by tornadoes.

I hope that students can start from now, start from themselves, and work hard to study these irresistible natural forces in the future and find ways to prevent them.

In nature, it is not only tornadoes that destroy us humans, there are also many powerful natural forces that threaten us, such as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, typhoons, earthquakes, especially earthquakes. On May 12, 2008, The earthquake in Wenchuan has really made us feel it. It can turn a city into ruins in an instant and cause many people to lose their precious lives in an instant. It is irresistible.

Little pen practice

Watch a video of a tornado, record the time and place of the tornado, and record relevant data. Carefully appreciate the enormity of the seaspout and understand the accuracy of the use of numbers.

Keywords: Tornado teaching courseware, Hebei Education Edition fourth grade Chinese PPT courseware download, fourth grade Chinese slide courseware download, Tornado PPT courseware download, .PPT format;

For more information about the "Tornado" PPT courseware, please click the "Tornado ppt" tag.

"Tornado" PPT courseware 3:

"Tornado" PPT Courseware 3 Teaching Objectives 1. Learn and master the new words in this lesson, and understand the meaning of individual words in context. 2. Perceive the text content as a whole, divide the text into paragraphs, and talk about the main content of each paragraph. 3. Study the first natural paragraph of the text. ..

"Tornado" PPT courseware:

"Tornado" PPT courseware How did you feel when you first met a tornado? Today we are going to experience this very distinctive style. First reading of the text: 1. Make the pronunciation of the words accurate and read the sentences smoothly. 2. Find the new words in the text. Read the lesson again...

Bragg's Tornado PPT download:

Bragg's Tornado PPT download; Keywords: Bragg's Tornado picture book story PPT, children's cartoon picture book story slide download, .PPT format;..


更新时间: 2024-09-16

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"Tornado" PPT courseware 2