"The Story of a Small Mountain Village" PPT courseware 2

"The Story of a Small Mountain Village" PPT courseware 2
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"The Story of a Small Mountain Village" PPT courseware 2

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"The Story of a Small Mountain Village" PPT courseware 2

Think about it: Where can you tell that a small mountain village is a beautiful place?

At the foot of the mountain, there once was a beautiful small mountain village. There are lush woods on the mountain and a crystal clear river beside the trees. Every day people can hear birds singing gracefully in the woods and see fish swimming freely in the river.

read read think think

What changes have taken place in the “beautiful little mountain village”?

What do the changes in the "beautiful little mountain village" over the years and the final result indicate?

word basket

once expanded tactfully included crystal clear

lush chimney reduced massive chopped down

nudity dawn roar

Read Read Write Write

Lin - forest, forest suddenly - green, lush

tree - naked, naked and frozen - building, a building

Duan - panting panting pear - plow wooden plow

Blow - chop, machete - firewood, firewood

understand words

If anyone wants to build a house or make a plow, they pick up an ax and go to the mountain, cut down the trees one by one, and transport them down.

Year after year, the number of trees on the hillside continues to decrease, and the bare land continues to expand...

The trees turned into houses and various pieces of furniture, and a large number of trees disappeared into the sky with the firewood smoke rising from the roofs.

(The two "becomes" very strongly reflect people's destruction of the forest; the sentence "and" profoundly expresses regret and condemnation for people's wrong behavior of burning trees as firewood.)

There was nothing left—everything that came from the axe, including those sharp axes.

What does it mean? What mood does the author express?

(This sentence shows that people have lost everything they have gained by destroying the natural environment, and even their own lives. It expresses the author’s sympathy and also highlights the ruthlessness of disasters. If humans do not cherish and love nature, nature will do harm to humans. Cruel punishment.)


No matter what, every household in the village is living a good life with their sharp axes.

No matter what, every household in the village is living a pretty good life with their sharp axes.

"The trees turned into houses and all kinds of furniture..."

What can you learn from two consecutive "becomes" in a sentence?

(People have damaged the forest very seriously.)

Talk about it

1. How do you feel after studying the text? What do you want to say to the villagers in the small village?

2. Are there any behaviors that damage the environment around you? Please talk about it and put forward some hopes for the partners around you.

Keywords: The story of a small mountain village teaching courseware, Chinese S version third grade Chinese courseware for the first volume, third grade Chinese slide courseware download, The story of a small mountain village PPT courseware download, .ppt format

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"The Story of a Small Mountain Village" PPT courseware:

"The Story of a Small Mountain Village" PPT courseware word basket once expanded tactful included crystal clear lush chimney reduced a lot chopped down exposed dawn roaring think about it: where can you tell that a small mountain village is a beautiful place? At the foot of the mountain, there used to be...


更新时间: 2024-09-11

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"The Story of a Small Mountain Village" PPT courseware 2