"Prisoner Song" PPT courseware 4

"Prisoner Song" PPT courseware 4
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"Prisoner Song" PPT courseware 4

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更新时间: 2024-09-07

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"Prisoner Song" PPT courseware 4 students, our happy life today is bought by countless revolutionary martyrs with their blood and lives. For the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people and the realization of the great ideal of communism, they fought bravely and even sacrificed their precious lives. The "Prisoner Song" we are going to learn today tells such a story. They wrote it down in the enemy's prison, facing torture and torture. Let us study this poem with reverence. ... ... ...Learning objectives 1. To learn Comrade Ye Ting's firm revolutionary stance and great dedication, to cultivate students' deep feelings for the party and revolution and communist ideals. 2. Understand the meaning or function of some words in the poem, and then read the whole poem, so that students can experience the characteristics of poetry refinement and image, and cultivate the ability to read poetry. 3. Be able to read texts with emotion, recite texts, and cultivate reading ability. Who was Commander Ye Ting imprisoned, when was he imprisoned, where was he imprisoned, and how many years was he imprisoned for? Under what circumstances was the poem "Prisoner Song" written, when was it written, and where was it written? ... ... Approaching the author "Prisoner Song" is a poem that Comrade Ye Ting wrote with pencil on the cell wall when he was imprisoned in the Geleshan Zhazidong Concentration Camp in Chongqing. Ye Ting is from Huiyang, Guangdong. During the first Civil Revolutionary War, he served as the head of the Independent Regiment of the National Revolutionary Army. In 1927, he took part in the Nanchang Uprising and the Guangzhou Uprising. During the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the commander of the New Fourth Army. He was illegally arrested by the Kuomintang during the Southern Anhui Incident in 1941. On March 4, 1946, he was freed under the firm request of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Flying back to Yan'an from Chongqing on April 8, the plane crashed and died on the way. ... ... ... What does "prisoner" in the subject mean? What does prison song mean? Judging from the characters, people are tightly surrounded by four high walls, like a bird in a cage, deprived of freedom. "Prisoner" means to put a person in a prison. "Prisoner songs" in this article refer to the poems written by revolutionaries in enemy prisons. Reading the first stanza, what kind of thoughts and feelings does the author want to express? It expresses the author's thoughts and feelings of anger towards the enemy, disgust and hatred towards traitors. This stanza exposes the temptation of the Kuomintang reactionaries to the revolutionaries. At that time, there were only two paths before the revolutionaries in prison: being unyielding meant losing freedom and even life; acting as a traitor and betraying the revolution would lead to freedom. Which path did the author choose? The second verse tells us. Keywords: Prison Song courseware download, West Normal University version fifth grade Chinese PPT courseware download, fifth grade Chinese slide courseware download, prison song PPT courseware download, .PPT format; more about "Prison Song" PPT courseware, please click Prison song ppt tags. "Prisoner's Song" PPT courseware 6: "Prisoner's Song" PPT courseware 6 Text introduction The author of this poem is Ye Ting, the general of the Northern Expedition and the commander of the New Fourth Army. "Prisoner Song" is a poem written by Comrade Ye Ting on the wall of the cell with pencil when he was imprisoned in the Geleshan Zhazidong Concentration Camp in Chongqing. Surrounding like.. "Prisoner's Song", "Sacrifice Poem", "My "Confession" Book" PPT courseware: "Prisoner's Song", "Sacrifice Poem", "My Confession Book" PPT courseware Ye Ting (1896-1946), formerly known as Xun, Zi Xiyi, a native of Huiyang, Guangdong, is one of the founders of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Mao Zedong once said to his face that he was the first commander-in-chief of the Communist Party and the commander of the people's army.. "Prisoner's Song" Flash animation courseware: "Prisoner's Song" Flash animation courseware Prisoner Song Ye Ting locked the door for people to enter and exit, and the door for dogs to crawl out The hole was wide open, and a voice cried out: Climb out and set you free! I yearn for freedom, but I know deeply how a human body can crawl out of a dog's hole! ..