"Fishermen on the River" PPT download

"Fishermen on the River" PPT download
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"Fishermen on the River" PPT download

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"Fishermen on the River" PPT download

Part One Content: Text Introduction

Today we will follow Fan Zhongyan, a great poet of the Song Dynasty, to see the fishermen on the river. In this class, I will learn this poem with everyone.

"The Fisherman on the River" (Fan Zhongyan)

Fan Zhongyan (August 29, 989 - May 20, 1052), courtesy name Xiwen, Han nationality, was a famous thinker, politician, military strategist, and writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. He advocated the idea of ​​"worrying before the world's worries, and rejoicing after the world's happiness" and the integrity of people with lofty ideals, which had a profound impact on later generations.

PPT for fishermen on the river, part 2: Encourage communication

Classmates, first of all, please read this ancient poem freely, and learn to communicate using the methods you usually learn to learn ancient poems. When reading aloud, you must read the pronunciation of the words accurately, and then write down what you understand while reading, and mark the reading. What I don’t understand.

Self-reading requirements

(1) Read by yourself, locate the characters, and pronounce them correctly. Note: "无" is pronounced mò, and "波" is pronounced bō.

(2) Read freely and circle the words you don’t understand.

(3) Group reading, cooperative learning, and understanding of word meanings.

Students read aloud freely and communicate in groups.

Fisherman on the River PPT, the third part: analysis of poetry and prose

People coming and going on the river,

But love the beauty of sea bass.

① People who come and go.

②But: only.

③Mei: delicious.

You look at a leaf boat,

In and out of the storm.

Haunting: sometimes visible, sometimes invisible.

Storm: wind and waves.

Fishermen on the River PPT, Part 4: Writing Background

One day, Fan Zhongyan walked into a restaurant by the river for dinner and saw that the restaurant was full of guests coming from all over the world. They kept praising the tenderness and deliciousness of the seabass meat. So I found a seat by the window and sat down. Looking out the window, I saw rough waves on the river. A fishing boat was like a leaf, rising and falling with the wind and waves. It was swept up to the top of the waves for a while, and was knocked into the valley of the waves for a while. Thinking of the hard work of fishermen, I wrote the ancient poem "The Fisherman on the River".

After reading the above words, think about what the author heard in the restaurant? What did you see again?

I saw that the restaurant was full of customers coming from all over the world, and they kept praising the tenderness and deliciousness of the sea bass meat.

Fishermen on the River PPT, Part 5: Text Summary

This poem reflects the hardships of laborers, the hard-won fruits of labor, and the author's love for laborers by describing the scene of guests on the river happily tasting seabass and the scene of fishermen in the river braving the wind and waves to catch fish. pity.

after class homework

1. Write the ancient poem "The Fisherman on the River" silently.

2. Write verses based on poetic meaning.

(1) Look at those poor fishermen, who are driving their boats up and down in the strong wind and waves.

(2) People who come and go on the river only like the delicious taste of seabass.

3. Tell us what kind of thoughts and feelings the poet expresses in this poem?

Keywords: Free download of Chinese PPT courseware for the first volume of the third grade of Western Normal University, PPT download of the fisherman on the river, PPT download of two ancient poems, .PPT format;

For more information about the PPT courseware "Two Ancient Poems for Fishermen on the River", please click on the "Two Ancient Poems for Fishermen on the River ppt" tag.

"Two Ancient Poems" PPT free courseware download:

"Two Ancient Poems" PPT free courseware download Part 1: Self-reading requirements 1. Find the new words in this lesson. 2. Read ancient poems accurately and smoothly. 3. Preliminarily understand the main idea of ​​the poem. Self-reading test, Quatrains, White Egret, Xiling, Soochow, Du Lian, Yedu... ... ... ... ...

"Two Ancient Poems" PPT excellent courseware download:

"Two Ancient Poems" PPT excellent courseware download Part One: Self-reading text Requirements: 1. Read the text in the way you like, pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the characters, and read the poems thoroughly. 2. Understand the meaning of key words and the content of ancient poems. 3. Pay attention to the correct reading posture. ...

"Two Ancient Poems" PPT quality courseware download:

"Two Ancient Poems" PPT high-quality courseware download Part One: Mountain Walk Far up the Hanshan Mountain, the stone path is sloping, and there are people living in the white clouds. Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, the leaves are as red as the flowers in February due to frost. Du Mu: (803-853), a poet of the Tang Dynasty, with the courtesy name Muzhi. The main works include "Jiangnan Chun..."


更新时间: 2024-09-16

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"Fishermen on the River" PPT download