"Five Beans in a Pod" PPT Excellent Courseware

"Five Beans in a Pod" PPT Excellent Courseware
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"Five Beans in a Pod" PPT Excellent Courseware

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"Five Beans in a Pod" PPT Excellent Courseware

Part One: Passion introduction and review of old knowledge

Dictate words

pea,accord,cozy,scared,toy gun

patient, glass, poke out, happy, coiled, once

What story does the text tell? What was it written around?

It mainly writes about the experience of the mature ( ) split, and the five ( ) inside went their separate ways. The experience of the bean flying into the window ( ) is the most praiseworthy, because it brought happiness to a sick little girl. ( ).

Five peas in a pod PPT, part 2: intensive reading of the text for in-depth understanding

Ask students to read the text by themselves, then find out their favorite natural paragraphs, read it several times, and try to talk about their feelings.

There is a pod with five peas in it. The pods and peas are both green, so the peas think the whole world is green. The pods are growing, and so are the peas. The peas sat in a row according to their place in the family.

This sentence uses an anthropomorphic writing technique, treating the pod as a family, and the little pea as a small member of the family. It uses a very poetic imagination to make the story more humanized.

How is the status of peas arranged in the family?

In order of arrangement in the pod.

"Are we going to sit here forever?" one of them asked. "If we keep sitting like this, I'm afraid I'll become stiff. I feel like something is happening outside - I have a premonition!"

Why does Peas want to go out? Which word specifies the reason for wanting to get out?

Because I am afraid that if this continues, I will become stiff. "Afraid of getting stiff" specifies that the peas want to get out.

Discussion and exchange:

How do the five peas think differently when they are about to separate?

first bean

"Now I'm going to fly into the vast world! If you can catch me, please come!" The first pea said and flew away.

second bean

"I," said the second pea, "will fly directly into the sun. This is just like a pea, and it suits me very well."

Third and fourth beans

"We will live wherever we go," said the next two grains, "but we must keep moving forward."

fifth bean

"Just do what you want!" said the last one.

Five peas in a pod PPT, Part 3: Summary of reading strategies

Classmates, every link in our class is guided by questions. The ancients said: The most valuable thing in learning is doubt. If you have small doubts, you will make small progress. If you have big doubts, you will make big progress. If you have no doubts, you will make no progress. So it is most important to try to ask questions. Asking a question can show your level better than solving a problem.

Five beans in a pod PPT, Part 4: Extended reading

Read "The Most Meaningful Life" on page 50 of "Chinese Theme Learning"

1. Independently read the text, think about it, and try to ask questions.

2. Think about what is the most meaningful life?

What questions did you ask? How does it help understand the text?

Five Beans in a Pod PPT, Part 5: Class Summary

What do you understand?

(It is meaningful to bring help and happiness to others.)

What reading strategies did you learn?

(Learn to ask questions)

Five beans in a pod PPT, Part 6: Homework

After class, read two articles in "Chinese Theme Learning", think about it while reading, ask your own questions, and write them in the blank space in the form of comments.

Keywords: Free download of Chinese PPT courseware for the first volume of the fourth grade of the People's Education Press version, five beans in a pod PPT download, .PPT format;

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"Five Beans in a Pod" PPT quality courseware:

"Five Beans in a Pod" PPT high-quality courseware Part 1: Lesson 1 Everyone has their own ambitions. What is your ambition? How do you work to achieve your ambition? About the author Andersen (18051875): Danish fairy tale writer,...

"Five Beans in a Pod" PPT courseware download:

Download the PPT courseware of "Five Beans in a Pod" Part One: Introduction of the new lesson. It has pointed ends, a round belly, a good temper, and a treasure inside. (Hit a plant) Information Kit Pea: an annual or biennial herb with pinnately compound leaves and oval leaflets..

"Five Beans in a Pod" PPT teaching courseware:

"Five Beans in a Pod" PPT teaching courseware Part One: Learning Objectives 1. Recognize 8 new words such as pod and pea, be able to write 12 words such as pea and press, and be able to write 28 words such as pea and thought. 2. Read the text and understand its content. Think hard and ask questions..


更新时间: 2024-09-16

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"Five Beans in a Pod" PPT Excellent Courseware