"Xiaoyaoyou" PPT


"Xiaoyaoyou" PPT

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"Xiaoyaoyou" PPT

Part One: Classic morning reading

【Author background】

Zuyong, courtesy name Hesheng, was a famous landscape and pastoral poet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. He was born in Luoyang, the ancient capital in the Central Plains, in the second year of Shengli in Wuzhou (699). He became a Jinshi in the twelfth year of Kaiyuan (724) of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty. Later, under the recommendation of Zhang Shuo, a famous prime minister and famous poet, he served as Wailang, a member of the Ministry of War, in charge of horse administration. Later, because he felt that his official career was hopeless, he lived in seclusion on the banks of Ru River, mingling among fishermen and woodcutter, living a life of seclusion that was aloof from the world. At that time, he had a close friendship with Wang Wei. Although he lived in seclusion, he was still concerned about the safety of the country. Around the fifth year of Tianbao reign of Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty (746), he passed away sadly at the age of 47 with his frustrated feelings of unfulfilled ambition.

There are not many of Zu Yong's poems in existence. On the one hand, the content of the poem reflects the leisurely atmosphere of his pastoral life; on the other hand, his patriotic enthusiasm for caring about the country and the people prompted him to write about his willingness to abandon his pen and join the army and make contributions to the country. .

"Watching the Remaining Snow in the South" is a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation by Zu Yong, and it is also an examination poem. At that time, the young poet, full of ambitions to serve the country through meritorious service, came from Luoyang, the eastern capital, to Chang'an, the imperial capital, to take part in the imperial examination. The poet had long heard that Zhongnan Mountain in the south of Chang'an City stretched across the Guanzhong with its unique style and stretched for more than a thousand miles. It also happened that Zhongnan Mountain had just snowed, so after reading, he happily went up the north slope and enjoyed the final view after the snow. The beautiful scenery of Nanshan. In this way, a masterpiece that will be passed down through the ages is being brewed. When he saw the question "Looking at the remaining snow in the south" in the scientific examination, the poet used a sincere patriotic heart to write a strange and solemn poem that was concerned about the country and the people.

[Perception of the theme]

According to Volume 20 of "Chronicles of Tang Poetry", this is the poet's examination poem in Chang'an. The poem is about looking at the snow in the distance. After suddenly feeling the snow falling, the evening cold suddenly increased. Although the scenery was beautiful, many poor people suffered from the cold. The meaning of chanting things and expressing feelings is implicit in words, and the care for people's livelihood and suffering is naturally revealed.

【Art Appreciation】

1. The theme is profound and the concept is clever.

"In the past, human essays mainly focused on meaning." "The Yin mountains in Zhongnan are beautiful, and the snow is floating in the clouds. The forest shows the sky, and the city becomes colder at dusk." The poet stood on the tower of Chang'an, looking at the remaining snow in Zhongnan, and thought of " It doesn’t snow but turns into snow.” I thought about the many poor people in Chang’an who lacked food and clothing and wondered whether they could survive the cold and hunger. His concern for the people is implicit in it. The theme of this poem is revealed through the emotion expressed in the last sentence, which is very tactful.

The scene is integrated and full of pictorial beauty. In this poem, the poet naturally reveals a kind of thinking about the life of the country and the nation through the description of Zhongnan Mountain and its beautiful scenery after snow, which enriches the connotation of the poem.

2. The poet explores the deep meaning contained in the words he uses.

The word "floating" brings Zhongnan Mountain to life. In fact, the snow is static, but the clouds are moving. This allows people to watch the movement of the snow from the movement of the clouds, which is really wonderful.

Xiaoyaoyou PPT, Part 2: Learning Objectives

1. Understand Zhuangzi's thoughts and writing style; master the important content words, function words, and false characters in the text; and accurately translate the full text.

2. Understand the artistic conception of this article, the imagination is unique, and you can use a large number of fantasy, legends and real-life examples to illustrate your own points of view, and make the article full of romantic writing methods.

3. Understand Zhuangzi’s outlook on life in pursuit of absolute freedom, and guide students to establish a correct and positive outlook on life in conjunction with current reality.

Xiaoyaoyou PPT, the third part: preview before class

(1) Understand people and the world, broaden your horizons

1. Get closer to the author

Zhuang Zhou (about 369 BC - 286 BC) was a native of the Song Dynasty during the Warring States Period, roughly at the same time as Meng Ke but later. He inherited and developed Laozi's thoughts and became an important representative of the Taoist school. Together with Laozi, he was called "Laozi and Zhuangzi". Zhuang Zhou's thought belongs to the system of subjective idealism.

He one-sidedly exaggerates the relativity of all things, denies the differences between objective things, denies objective truth, and moves towards relativism in epistemology. Starting from this epistemology, Zhuangzi's attitude towards life is to conform to nature in everything, "be at peace with the times and be at peace with everything", "know that there is nothing you can do about it and be content with it as if it were your fate". Politically, he advocated rule by inaction, opposed all social systems, and abandoned all cultural knowledge. His main work is "Zhuangzi".

There are 33 chapters of "Zhuangzi" in existence today. The book exudes a strong atmosphere of romanticism and pessimistic and world-weary nihilistic thoughts. Zhuangzi's articles are imaginative, clever in conception, good at using allegories and metaphors, and the writing style is unbridled. Mr. Lu Xun praised him and said: "His prose is as vast as the ocean and full of manners. No other scholar in the late Zhou Dynasty can do it first." His prose has a profound influence on later generations.

2. Understand the background

Zhuangzi was talented, intelligent and diligent, and "he learned everything he knew" ("Historical Records: Biography of Laozi and Han Fei"). He was not born with a desire to transcend the world. "Now he is also confused by the world. Although I have prayed for it, I can't get it." ( "Zhuangzi·Heaven and Earth"). On the one hand, he disdained the corrupt society in which "those who steal hooks will be punished, and those who steal the country will become princes" ("Zi"); on the other hand, "princes and princes cannot use them" ("Historical Records: Biography of Laozi and Han Fei") The real situation prevented him from displaying his ambitions. Since the world is so filthy and "cannot talk to Zhuang", his soul pursuing freedom has no choice but to soar in the world of fantasy and seek relief in the realm of absolute freedom. It was under this circumstance that he wrote "Xiaoyaoyou", the song of his depressed soul's pursuit.

3. Enrich your horizons

Taoist thought

Taoism is one of the most important schools of thought among the hundreds of scholars in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in China. Taoist thought originated from Laozi in the late Spring and Autumn Period, but the use of "Tao" to summarize the school founded by Laozi began in the early Han Dynasty. Broadly speaking, it is a school in the ancient Chinese social ideological and cultural system that takes "Tao" as the core concept and emphasizes that the way of nature is natural and inactive, and that humanity conforms to the way of heaven. Generally speaking, the "Tao" mentioned by Laozi has three meanings: ① "Tao" is a mixture of things that precedes heaven and earth; ② "Tao" is the universal law that exists in all things; ③ "Tao" is formless and formless . Among the various schools of thought in the pre-Qin period, although Taoism did not have as many disciples as Confucianism and Mohism, and its status was not as high as Confucianism, but with the development of history, Taoism, with its unique understanding of the universe, society and life, has shown eternal philosophical thought. Value and vitality.

Xiaoyaoyou PPT, Part 4: Entering the Classroom

Lesson 1 (Study the first part of the text)

(1) Read the text intensively and conduct independent discussion

The first part (the first natural paragraph) explains that all things in the world, from the big roc that flies thousands of miles high to the small ones like the little pigeons and the academic doves, all have their own needs and are not free.

The first layer (beginning with "He who breathes in six months") depicts the image of Kunpeng. Kunpeng's body is huge, its changes are miraculous and unpredictable, and it is magnificent when flying.

This level is full of magnificence and magic from the very beginning, and uses exaggeration to describe the size of Kunpeng. It has a strange imagination, a broad artistic conception, and is full of romanticism. This kind of whimsical statement creates a head start. Note that this is not to praise Kunpeng, but to prepare for the argument.

Then borrowing words from "Qixie" to exaggerate the size of Peng, "strike", "thrust", "three thousand miles" and "nine thousand miles", exaggerating and bizarre, making the article seem overwhelming and wanton. At this point, the pen turns to point out that Kunpeng seems to be free and free, but in fact it has not yet reached the state of freedom. It still "waits for something", and "sea transportation" and "strong wind" are what it needs to wait for. "Waiting for something" is not freedom.

The focus of this level of description is Dapeng: this magical big bird is not only big, but also soars into the sky, and rides the sea breeze to travel thousands of miles, from the North Sea to Tianchi in the South China Sea. It gathered full strength, fluttered its feathers, and flew into the sky. Its wings were like large cloud shadows covering the sky and the earth. The author used the words of the so-called "Qixie" to prove that his description was credible.

The second layer ("Wild Horse Ye" to "Today's General Tunan") writes that the bird flying south has something to wait for, and contrasts it with "Wild Horse" and "Dust" to show that everything has something to wait for. The Peng bird will hit the water for three thousand miles during the sea voyage, soar up to ninety thousand miles, and then fly south by the June gale. The Peng bird will wait for the June gale during the sea voyage. The steaming mist in the mountains and the dust in the air are waiting to be "blown with breath". In order to emphasize that the Peng bird is "waiting for something", the author uses two metaphors: a big boat floating in deep water, and a cup of mustard grass carrying water, which illustrates that the Peng bird must rely on strong winds and a vast sky to fly 90,000 miles high. Planning to go south.

(2) Teachers give guidance and lead ideas

1. What is the connection between the image of Kunpeng and the majestic momentum of his flight described at the beginning of the article and the discussion of "Xiaoyaoyou"?

Kunpeng's body is extremely huge, and its changes are miraculous and unpredictable. When it flies, its wings cover the sky and the sun, it stirs up water splashes up to 3,000 miles, and it flies straight up to an altitude of 90,000 miles. "He who rests in June is the one who rests in June." Kunpeng must rely on the strong winds in June to spread his wings and fly high. In order to illustrate that everything in the world must rely on external forces to move, examples such as mist swimming in the mountains and dust flying in the air were given. The natural world is as large as Kunpeng and as small as floating dust. Their activities all rely on something, thus answering the question that "Xiaoyao" must have something to rely on.

The second lesson (read the second and third parts of the text and summarize the full text)

(1) Read the text intensively and conduct independent discussion

The second part (the second natural paragraph) is the expansion and deepening of the above point of view. The author cites examples of the opposition between the big year and the small year, further developing the point of view that things should be waited for. Whether the things listed are short-lived or long-lived, they are all limited by time and space. The author then used the Q&A between Shang Tang and Xia Ji to talk about Kunpeng again to enhance the persuasiveness of his point of view.

The first level (beginning to "Isn't it sad") summarizes the above and explains the principle of "small knowledge is not as good as big knowledge, small years are not as good as big years". "Less than" contains two meanings: unattainable and incomprehensible. The author cites the following examples: "Chao bacteria don't know Hui Shuo, and worms don't know Spring and Autumn"; Ming Ling "takes five hundred years as spring, and five hundred years as autumn"; Dachun "takes eight thousand years as spring, and eight thousand years as autumn"; Peng Zu Taking the world-famous longevity as an example, it shows that small knowledge cannot understand great knowledge, and those with short lifespan cannot understand those with long lifespan. The difference between "little knowledge" and "big knowledge", "little year" and "big year" actually emphasizes the difference in people's understanding. In Zhuangzi's view, it is very sad that all things have their own needs and yet have to artificially transform small things into large ones.

When we look at these metaphors, some are very simple, some are very magical, and some are very exaggerated. This is a kind of comparison. We only need to make a big metaphor, but this big metaphor also includes such small metaphors. It can be said to be a series of metaphors. It is like a garden within a garden, which can make people enjoy walking and dizzying. , enhance artistic taste.

The second level ("Tang Zhiwen Ji" to the end of the paragraph) quotes a passage from "Tang Zhiwen Ji" to supplement the previous text and point out the "little and big debate". The paragraph "Tang Zhi Wen Ji" seems to overlap with the content of the first paragraph "There are fishes in the North Ming Dynasty", but this is not the case. Experts have a good explanation for these two passages: "The previous words are almost strange, and they come from "Qixie". I am afraid that people will suspect that they are not classics, so I quote Tangji's question and answer to prove it. The details of the previous and the following are different enough to make it clear. ” It can be seen that this paragraph is not a repetition of paragraph 1. In terms of argumentation, it corresponds to the content at the beginning of the chapter, and summarizes the various phenomena mentioned above, calling it the "little and big debate".

(2) Teachers give guidance and lead ideas

1. How to understand the image of Dapeng created by the author?

The author denies Dapeng in principle, believing that it relies on sea transportation to spread its wings and fly high, and is not truly free. However, the author sternly refutes the ridicule of Xiao and Xuejiu, emphasizes that there is a "small and big debate", and depicts the majestic image of Dapeng three times with great emphasis and color, and his love for it is vivid on the page. Why is this? ? Perhaps the author is hiding his own unspeakable bitterness in the image of Dapeng, who has unparalleled talent and yearns for freedom but cannot.

What kind of suffering? We might as well make this comparative imagination: a big roc soars into the sky in the vast northern darkness, a heart struggles out of deep depression, the wings of fantasy spread out, and it flies angrily to "the land of nothing." "; The expected Dapeng failed, but what about the soul? Can a hungry soul find solace in the vast, filthy and dark wilderness? The answer is obviously no. The image of the majestic Dapeng embodies the author's ideal of flying and the sadness of being unable to fly away.

2. What examples does the author give to illustrate the principle that "small knowledge is not as good as great knowledge, and small years are not as good as big years"?

"The morning bacteria don't know Hui Shuo, and the worms don't know Spring and Autumn. This is the small year. There are people in the south of Chu who regard five hundred years as spring and five hundred years as autumn. In ancient times, there were big chuns who regard eight thousand years as spring. Eight thousand years old is autumn, and this is a great year. But Peng Zu has heard about it for a long time now, and everyone is so sad!"

In the colorful and ever-changing world, there are animals, plants, clouds, and humans. The shape of their species, the time they occupy, and the space they occupy, the bigger ones are bigger and the smaller ones are smaller, they are never the same. This is true in nature, and so is society. What the author has written above are all objects, and they are not free, that is, they are not carefree.

3. How should we grasp the theme of "Xiaoyaoyou"?

To analyze the main idea of ​​this article, we must start from the language of the article itself and grasp the main idea throughout the entire article through the analysis of concepts. "Xiaoyaoyou" has two most important concepts, namely "waiting for something" and "waiting for nothing". The so-called "waiting for something" means being dependent on something, which means that the realization of certain wishes and requirements of people is subject to certain subjective and objective conditions; the so-called "waiting for nothing" means having no dependence on people's thoughts. , behavior is not restricted by any conditions.

Xiaoyaoyou PPT, Part 5: Summary Center

"Xiaoyaoyou" mainly discusses Zhuangzi's ideal view of life of absolute freedom. Through Kun and Peng waiting for the wind to fly, Xiao and Xuejiu, fools praise their stupidity, and criticize short-sightedness and small ambitions. It illustrates that although all things in the world are strong and weak, big and small, and have different wisdom, stupidity, and longevity, they are all controlled by external forces and affected by internal forces. want. Only those who are completely free from these restrictions, gods and saints, can travel between heaven and earth and achieve absolute spiritual freedom.

appreciating art

1. Good at using fables to reason.

"Xiaoyaoyou" uses a large number of fables to entrust the thought of "nothing to wait" into vivid images. For example, some of the characters Kun, Peng, Xiao, Xuejiu and Kui in this article are based on myths and stories, and some are fabricated, but they are all incorporated into his fables, entrusting his thoughts and making people unknowingly enter the artistic conception created by him. , and become infected. "Writing more than 100,000 words, most of them are fables." Works that use such a large number of fables to convey their thoughts are rare even in the entire history of Chinese literature. The fables in "Zhuangzi" are very unique. Most of them are "empty words and no facts" (Sima Qian's words), and are fictionalized by Zhuangzi himself.

2. Rich in imagination, often using metaphors, and good at exaggeration. For example, at the beginning of the article, Kun's magical transformation and Peng's space travel are very strange. When writing about Peng's southward migration, there are one "blow", one "thrust", "three thousand miles", "ninety thousand miles", and "swinging" straight up. What a magnificent artistic conception. Rich imagination and exaggeration are widely used in philosophical prose, which greatly enhances the artistry of the article and makes it full of romanticism. The article appears majestic, broad in artistic conception, and highly contagious.

3. Combining narration and discussion, metaphors and historical stories are used to illustrate philosophy, and each section is narrated and discussed section by section, either touching people with specific images, or directly presenting opinions. The discussion method is flexible and changeable, which enhances persuasiveness.

Xiaoyaoyou PPT, Part Six: [Masterpiece Expo]

Appreciation of characters in "Celebrity Biography"

Beethoven (1770-1827): German composer, recognized as one of the greatest composers of all time. Born into a musical family in Bonn, his grandfather was the conductor of the court choir and orchestra, and his father was a singer in the choir. After the death of his grandfather, due to his father's alcoholism, the family became increasingly poor. He was forced to leave school at the age of 11, and took on the burden of supporting the family at the age of 18. He showed his talent for playing the piano at an early age, and in 1780 he studied with the palace organist Neve. In 1783 he was appointed as a player of the Bonn Opera Company. In 1787, he went to Vienna to study with Mozart. Due to the death of his mother, he only studied for two months. But Beethoven's improvisations had left a very deep impression on Mozart, and he asserted that this young man would soon become famous all over the world. In 1792, he went to Vienna to learn composition from Haydn.

His composition career can be divided into three stages: in 1795, Beethoven made his first public performance as a pianist in Vienna, playing his Second Concerto (Opus 19) and Mozart's works; in 1800, he held a large-scale concert, He performed his own piano septet and Symphony No. 1, as well as works by Haydn and Mozart, and became famous at home and abroad. This is the first stage of equal emphasis on performance and composition. Although he had suffered from ear disease before 1800, it was not serious at first and he still composed and performed music. In 1802, the condition worsened, treatment failed, and by 1819, all hearing was lost. From then on he devoted most of his energy to composing music. The Fifth Symphony of Destiny is a work in the second stage. As he himself said: "I want to strangle the throat of destiny..." After he wrote his will when he was about to commit suicide because of his deafness, he finally realized: "What if I have nothing?" It is unimaginable to leave the world without creation..." He defeated fate and left a large number of immortal works to the world.

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"Xiaoyaoyou" PPT teaching courseware:

"Xiaoyaoyou" PPT teaching courseware Part 1: Teaching objectives: 1. Read the full text in conjunction with text annotations and reference books to increase the accumulation of classical Chinese and train the ability to clarify ideas and grasp the purpose of the text. 2. Get a preliminary understanding of Zhuangzi’s philosophical thoughts and his visual reasoning style.

"Xiaoyaoyou" PPT download:

"Xiaoyaoyou" PPT Download Part One: About the Author Zhuangzi: Mingzhou, a native of the Song Dynasty during the Warring States Period. A famous philosopher and writer in the pre-Qin Dynasty. He inherited and developed Laozi's thoughts and became an important representative of the Taoist school, known as Laozi and Zhuangzhuang in the world. Zhuangzi lived in society...

"Xiaoyaoyou" PPT courseware:

"Xiaoyaoyou" PPT courseware The first part of the content: Target positioning 1. Understand the relevant common sense of Zhuang Zhou and "Zhuangzi"; master the key content words, function words and special classical Chinese sentence patterns in the text. 2. Be able to read the full text fluently; be able to accurately translate the original text; and analyze the writing characteristics of the article. 3..

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"Xiaoyaoyou" PPT