"The Mystery of Animal Games" PPT courseware


"The Mystery of Animal Games" PPT courseware

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"The Mystery of Animal Games" PPT courseware

Part One Content: New Course Reading Assistance

This article is a popular science article introducing animal games. For more than 30 years, scientists have carefully observed and conducted in-depth research on animal play behavior, discovered many interesting phenomena, and put forward their own opinions. Some scientists believe that animal games are rehearsals or exercises for their future lives, which help them become familiar with the various "skills" they must master in their future lives from an early age, as well as the various relationships they will form in their future animal societies. There are also some scientists who believe that game behavior is a manifestation of the nature of animals, just like predation, reproduction and other behaviors. In other words, animals have the nature of "self-entertainment". The more evolved and intelligent the animal is, the stronger its nature of "self-entertainment" is. Games are a concentrated expression of this "self-entertainment" nature. This kind of nature is also a kind of self-protection instinct of animals, because game activities can enable animals to adjust physiologically and psychologically in the tense competitive life.

The article lays out various conclusions of researchers, which can not only expand our horizons, increase our knowledge, and understand the endless end of scientific exploration, but also help us understand that the earth is not unique to humans, and animals are also the masters of the earth.

★Zhou Liming, a member of the International Behavior Analysis Association, served as deputy editor-in-chief of Children's Publishing House and popular science writer. His works include "The Mystery of Animal Games" and "Animals That Can "Talk"".

★Popular science articles generally introduce a certain thing or phenomenon in a popular form, explaining its form, characteristics, nature, meaning, causes, functions and effects, etc. The content of popular science articles is scientific, the expression is organized, the language is easy to understand, and it is lively.

The Mystery of Animal Games PPT, Part 2: Autonomous Grooming

1. Zhuziyin

2.Write Chinese characters

3. Interpret the meaning of words

Noisy: noisy, noisy.

Absorb: absorb. To draw water from bottom to top.

Adjustment: Make appropriate adjustments to more and less, busy and leisure, etc.

There are different opinions: the various opinions are numerous, mixed, and very inconsistent.

Proudly: same as "proudly". Describe a very proud look.

Elated: Describes high interest and enthusiastic mood.

4. Identify usage

(1) elusive, pondering

① An article in the "Washington Post" titled "Why China is becoming more and more elusive to the United States" is thought-provoking.

②Some people think about unnecessary things all day long, which is also a manifestation of mental illness.

Tip: These two words have similar meanings. "Zhutu" focuses on "guessing" and "predicting". It is mostly used to guess and grasp someone's temperament or intentions of words and deeds. Sometimes it is also used to guess and anticipate a certain situation. "Contemplation" means "repeatedly thinking and carefully considering". It is mostly used to consider what kind of countermeasures or methods to adopt for a specific problem. Sometimes it also refers to thinking and understanding of the meaning of words and sentences in an article, and it can also be used for people.

(2) Each has his own opinion, each has his own opinion

①Which of these hypotheses is more reasonable? Is animal play for "exercise", "self-entertainment", "learning", or "exercise"? Researchers have different opinions.

② Regarding this matter, both sides hold different opinions and have never been able to reach a unified opinion.

Tip: Although these two words both mean "different viewpoints", they have different emphases. "Everyone insists on his own opinion" means that everyone insists on his own opinion and the views are not unified. "Each one insists on his own opinion" means that each person insists on his own opinion and refuses to give in.

Animal Game Mystery PPT, Part 3: Comments on Segments

1. "The explanation given by zoologists may surprise us: these animals are playing" to "Animal play behavior is considered to be the most complex, elusive and controversial behavior in the study of animal behavior. ".

Comment: "Surprised" because animals actually have play behaviors similar to humans. "It is not an anthropomorphic 'game' in fairy tales, but a real game that has similar characteristics to the play behaviors of human children." Game behavior”. The author uses the phrase "not...but...is..." to emphasize the human-like game behavior of animals, which echoes the "most complex, elusive, and controversial behavior" below, and is the subject of The article narrates the problems and confusions existing in the research process and lays the groundwork. At the same time, this passage also plays a transitional role in structure: from the description of the phenomenon of animal play to the description of the characteristics of animal play and the exploration of the purpose of animal play.

2. In the past two decades, animal play behavior has aroused great interest among researchers and has become the most controversial field in behavioral research. The focus of the controversy is why animals play games.

Comment: These two sentences play a transitional role in structure, that is, from the description of the characteristics of animal games to the exploration of the causes of animal games. When reading and understanding an article, you must learn to grasp the key sentences, because the key sentences are a valuable key to understanding the structure of the article and becoming familiar with the content of the article.

3. Through self-enjoyed games, the intense natural competitive life of animals can be adjusted and compensated to some extent. They can easily maintain balance physiologically and psychologically, and thus obtain a certain degree of self-comfort and self-protection.

Comment: This is the basis used by scientists to explain the reasons for animal games. The author uses humanistic language to describe the living conditions of the animal world. This is the unity of scientific spirit and humanistic color. Science itself is a part of human culture, and only by using a humanistic perspective to examine the unknown world and conduct scientific inquiry can humans move forward on the right path. A series of words and phrases full of humanistic colors are used here, such as "enjoy yourself", "physically and psychologically", "self-soothing and self-protection", etc., so that we can feel the harmony and beauty of nature while acquiring scientific knowledge. , inspiring our romantic feelings of imagining and exploring the universe and natural phenomena.

Animal Game Mystery PPT, Part 4: Multidimensional Exploration

1. The title of the article is "The Mystery of Animal Games." Where is the "mystery" of animal games? Why did scientists not come up with a definite conclusion after proposing four hypotheses about animal games?

Tip: The “mystery” of animal play is why the animals play. There are three reasons why this article does not provide a final conclusion: First, animal play behavior is very complex. Different animals may play for different reasons. Humans do not know much about animals yet. Various hypotheses proposed now are reasonable. Sex also has its limitations, and it must be studied in depth to solve the mystery of animal games; secondly, science pays attention to truth-seeking, even if the author is inclined to a certain hypothesis, it must be proved by experiments and cannot jump to conclusions; thirdly, tolerance Sex is an important connotation of the scientific spirit. The author lists various hypotheses with the original intention of allowing various viewpoints to freely collide and integrate in a relaxed and inclusive academic atmosphere, so that in the end, the false can be distinguished and the truth can be obtained.

2. As a popular science article introducing animal games, what are the humanistic connotations of this article?

Tip: Human beings who lived arrogantly on the earth once believed that only humans were intelligent life forms, and other animals were just simple life forms subject to conditioned reflexes and physiological reactions. They believed that only humans could think and have thoughts. A variety of behaviors beyond physiological responses. Now zoologists have noticed that animals have the nature to play. Although there is no definite answer yet, it is necessary to admit that animals are playing, to admit that animals have certain intellectual potential, creativity and diverse communication methods, and to admit that animals are also intelligent life forms. It is an improvement in understanding in itself. The impact of this progress is huge and far-reaching, and is of great significance in many fields such as bioethics and ecological environment. As a result, humans will redefine animals, reexamine their relationships with animals, and then reunderstand themselves.

3. What are the characteristics of the language in this article? Please give examples to illustrate.

Tip: The language of popular science articles pays great attention to accuracy, comprehensiveness, vividness, and image, and avoids ambiguity and bias. For example, "During fighting games, animals fight intimately. It seems like the fight is fierce, but in fact it is very measured. They cooperate tacitly and will never cause harm." The word "fighting" accurately expresses the "intensity" of animal fighting games and the animals. Characteristics of behavior. "Game behavior enables animals to become familiar with various 'skills' that they will master in future life from an early age, such as chasing, hiding, fighting, etc., and become familiar with various relationships that will be formed in the future animal society." After animals reach adulthood, they generally need to He broke away from his parents and found his own partners, so he used "form" instead of "form" to make the language accurate. Another example is "Through self-enjoyed games, the intense natural competitive life of animals can be adjusted and compensated to some extent. They can easily maintain a balance physically and psychologically, thus getting a certain degree of self-comfort and self-protection", "Adjustment and compensation" It shows that the nature of animal games is that the two are complementary to each other, and neither aspect alone is incomplete.

The Mystery of Animal Games PPT, Part 5: Aesthetic Appreciation

The "Three Beauties" of "The Mystery of Animal Games"

(1) The beauty of science

Scientificity is the life of popular science expository writing. Scientific beauty, as an objectively existing beauty, attracts readers with its unique charm in popular science explanatory texts. "The Mystery of Animal Games" can make us feel the magic of natural life "coexisting in the same room" with humans through the study of animal games. The langurs dancing, playing, and playing "tightrope walking" on the branches, the ravens skiing down one by one like children on the slide, the dews flying proudly in the sea, "the sails are raised" Right whales all display a kind of scientific beauty. The mystery contained in the huge contrast between the biological world's law of saving energy as much as possible and animals consuming a lot of energy to play games is a kind of scientific beauty, and the human spirit of exploring the unknown world is also a kind of scientific beauty.

(2) The beauty of the method

This explanatory essay comprehensively uses a variety of explanation methods such as examples, analogies, categories, definitions, and comparisons. In explaining the scientists' four hypotheses about the purpose of animal play, each one uses examples to illustrate; when explaining the three types of animal play, the method of classifying is used; when explaining the four hypotheses, there are They use a definitional explanation method. For example, when introducing "Learning Theory", they say "They believe that games are a very practical learning behavior", which is close to a complete definition. When explaining the game of langurs, it is said that they "play the tricks of 'tightrope walking' and 'handstand' on the branches." This is a metaphor. The use of these explanation methods allows us to have a clearer understanding of the characteristics of the explanation object, which adds a lot of "beauty" to the article.

(3) The beauty of organization

Popular science expository texts clearly convey the content to be explained to readers in a reasonable order, concise and plain language, making profound knowledge clear and easy to understand. The structure of the article "The Mystery of Animal Games" follows the order of "phenomenon - characteristics - reasons", from appearance to reason, from easy to difficult, and is arranged layer by layer in depth, making the article appear well-organized, clear and orderly , in line with people’s cognitive rules.

The Mystery of Animal Games PPT, Part Six: Beautiful Reading

Mirror of Ant Kingdom

Xiao Min

We encounter ants every day, in the woods, in the grass, on the windowsills or cupboards of our homes. However, they are strangers to us, just as we are strangers to the crowds of people like crucian carp that we pass by every day. We have no tolerance, not even for the society in which we live, let alone ants.

But what a horrifying society it was!

They have a very strict hierarchy and division of labor system, which is determined by the queen when she lays eggs based on the needs of her tribe. An extremely fixed class status that cannot be overridden, and a rather rigid division of labor that lasts throughout life. Those worker ants who work all their lives, those soldier ants who died in battle, those queen ants who were given a new round of reproduction and were specially bred, those male ants who were sent to the night sky for the wedding ceremony... just like a huge movie Thousands of gears and screws on the machine, they obey the division of labor like slaves, and are dedicated to the same will of the tribe in an orderly manner. Individuals are replaceable, just as mass-produced gears and screws can be replaced at any time. Even the queen, the heart of the big machine, can be replaced by a new queen. But the operating system of the machine cannot be replaced, and the life of the tribe continues because of this system that will never change.

They invade, kill ants from other tribes, and plunder neighboring countries. Not only do they expand their sphere of influence, but they also capture the young ants and ant eggs of the defeated countries and domesticate them into slaves. They will never try to resist or escape throughout their lives. , like wearing invisible shackles.

The Mystery of Animal Games PPT, Part Seven: Material Accumulation

Animals and humans are both the pride of Mother Earth. Although they do not understand the language and have different "customs" from humans, they are indeed lovely beings. They have joy, anger, sorrow, and birth, old age, sickness, and death. Like us humans, they are always worried about their safety and lives, but we humans often ignore their rights and lives. The article "The Mystery of Animal Games" can help us learn to care for life, be kind to life, and explore the truth.

●On this earth, humans and all animals and plants in nature are the "children" of Mother Earth. From this perspective, we and these lovely animals are "siblings from the same mother". In the article "The Mystery of Animal Games", we can find out how lively and interesting they are: monkeys "walk a tightrope", ravens "sit on the slide", whales learn to "sail", wild elephants can imitate humans to play football, and chimpanzees can chew chews The leaves absorb water from the tree holes to quench their thirst, etc. They all live with their own wisdom on this land where "all kinds of frosts compete for freedom". We should not disturb them because of human selfishness, let alone kill them for our own "needs."

●The animal rights protection movement in the modern sense originated from the Enlightenment Movement in the West in the 17th century. "Do animals have rights?" This issue that was once hotly debated in modern Western philosophical circles has no longer become a problem in today's West, but has begun to rise to the public consensus: animals, like humans, are residents of the earth, and they have their own rights. . In 2002, Germany even revised its constitution, and the people across the country unanimously voted to include provisions for the protection of animals in the constitution, and added the words "and animals" to the item "the state respects and protects human dignity." Explicitly acknowledge the dignity of animals.

●Famous quotes about exploration

1. Break everything, seek everything, dare to act and dare to destroy, this is the truth and life. ——Hugo

2. Human life is like a vast ocean, with countless miracles preserved in its depths. ——Belinsky

3. We always have to plunge into the unknown abyss and explore novelties in it, whether it is hell or heaven. ——Baudelaire

4. I don’t have any special talents, but I just like to study problems thoroughly. ——Einstein

5. People who grope in the dark often find things they were not originally looking for. ——John Ray

6. Hope is the star hidden behind the mountains, and exploration is the persistent traveler on the road of life. ——Tycho Bra

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"The Mystery of Animal Games" PPT courseware download:

"The Mystery of Animal Games" PPT courseware download Part 1 content: Inspection and preview tail fin ( ) holding ( ) connecting to � ( ) sheep playing ( ) making noise ( ) making messy noises; noisy. gnawing at the text and chewing the word ( ) means excessively considering the words and sentences. Learn ( ) and learn ( experience..

"The Mystery of Animal Games" PPT teaching courseware:

"The Mystery of Animal Games" PPT teaching courseware The first part of the content: Literary knowledge Popular science explanatory text: An article that introduces exploration and research in a certain aspect of the scientific field. The language is accurate and comprehensive. While promoting popular science knowledge, we also focus on stimulating people's interest in scientific knowledge,...

"The Mystery of Animal Games" PPT download:

"The Mystery of Animal Games" PPT Download Part One Content: Learning Objectives 1. Master the pronunciation, glyphs, and meanings of key words, understand the relevant knowledge of animal games, and be able to search for relevant information to learn more about the mysteries of nature. 2. Clarify the structure of the article, cultivate information screening, and summarize...

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Update Time: 2024-10-20

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"The Mystery of Animal Games" PPT courseware