"The First Floor in the World" PPT quality courseware download


"The First Floor in the World" PPT quality courseware download

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"The First Floor in the World" PPT quality courseware download

Part One: Introduction of New Course

Students, if we want to create a civilized class, but if someone causes trouble today and someone cheats on the exam tomorrow, can we still create a civilized class?


This illustrates the truth that when a group wants to achieve something, if someone is holding back everywhere, it will set the stage for the group's failure. Today, we will go into "Fujude" to experience this principle more deeply. Please open the text "The First Building in the World".

The world's first floor PPT, the second part of the content: Author's business card

He Jiping (1951-), Chinese playwright. Graduated from the Department of Drama Literature of the Central Academy of Drama. After graduation, he engaged in full-time drama creation and served as a screenwriter at the Beijing People's Art Theater. In 1988, He Jiping's "The First Floor in the World" became a sensation in Beijing after its performance. It was second only to "Tea House" in terms of performances and was hailed as a contemporary realism classic.

background link

"Fujude", a time-honored roast duck brand famous in the capital, was founded during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. It is said that in the early years of the Republic of China, the old shopkeeper Tang Deyuan retired to his inner room due to old age and illness. The store was managed by the second shopkeeper Wang Zixi with the help of the two young shopkeepers. Unfortunately, the two young masters had nothing to do with ducks. The eldest young master indulged in dramas and played tickets, while the second young master advocated martial arts, which made the store unable to make ends meet. Wang Zixi recommended his brother Lu Mengshi to the old shopkeeper several times to run the store.

Lu Mengshi, who is intelligent by nature, vowed to do something great to vent the injustice in the world. Faced with the overwhelming power of "Fujude", he racked his brains, and in a short period of time, these three old houses were built with two floors. The reason why Lu Mengshi was able to make a comeback for "Fu Ju De" was not only due to his own shrewdness and ability, but also to the help of Yu Chu, a brothel prostitute with whom he was in love, as well as the skilled chef Luo Datou and the Tang who was good at greeting the guests. The head is very expensive.

Time flies, ten years have passed by, and "Fujude" has become famous in Beijing. However, things went against everyone's wishes. When "Fujude" was at its peak, it was suppressed by the owner, the government and other internal and external forces, and eventually declined.

World No. 1 PPT, the third part: word check

Detective ( ) Cowardice ( )

Taboo ( ) Troublemaking ( )

tidy up ( ) miserable ( )

cover ( )

Also please be wise ( )

Carved beams and painted buildings ( )

The First Floor in the World PPT, Part 4: Overall Perception

1. Divide this article into layers and talk about the main idea of ​​each part.

The first part (from the beginning to "I have to rush to Meizhai to make shredded radish cake today"): It explains the prosperous scene of Fujude's opening as well as the life background of the shopkeeper and the social background at that time.

The second part (from "Tang Maochang brought Fuzi to the ground angrily" to "The shopkeeper is your ancestor? Kneel down"): Describes the stories of Tang Maochang and Wang Zixi, Luo Datou and Ke Wu, Luo Datou and Cheng Shun before Lu Mengshi came on stage. The contradictions and conflicts imply the complexity of the social background and the difficulties in Fujude's opening.

The third part (from "a neatly dressed boy ran up quickly" to "the jade chick helped Lu down"): After Lu Mengshi appeared on the stage, he experienced the stories of Lu Mengshi and the boy, Lu Mengshi and Luo Datou, Lu Mengshi and Tang Maosheng. Contradictions, these conflicts indicate that Fujude's opening has brought many unfavorable factors, and imply the process of Fujude's rise and decline.

The fourth part (from "Oh, I don't know where to hit, I'll hit you crosswise" to the end): Epilogue. Reveal the root cause of Fujude's decline from prosperity to prosperity.

2. The stage play emphasizes concentrated stage conflicts. In the excerpt, there are also many stage conflicts. Please summarize them one by one.

(1) On the opening day, Tang Maochang went to Fujude and demanded money, but Wang Zixi reluctantly responded.

(2) Kewu blackmailed Luo Datou, but Luo Datou refused. Although Kewu was a scoundrel, he was unhappy.

(3) Luo Datou discovered that the roasting pole had been used by his apprentice Cheng Shun, and asked him to kneel down and tame his apprentice.

(4) Ke Wu wanted to blackmail Lu Mengshi, but was forced out by him.

(5) Lu Mengshi severely punished the incompetent boys, but rewarded the successful ones generously.

(6) Luo Datou wanted to punish Cheng Shun, but Lu Mengshi blocked him, triggering Luo Datou's strike. Lu Mengshi dismissed him and re-employed Cheng Shun.

(7) Tang Maosheng went to the store to ask for money and people, and Lu Mengshi was forced to curse and cry without tears.

Among these many conflicts, which ones should be the most important ones?

In the social background at that time, the most important social contradiction should be the conflict between the exploiting class and the exploited class. As far as the excerpt is concerned, it is the exploiting class represented by the second young master of the Tang family and the exploiting classes such as Ke Wu. The conflict between the minions and the exploited class represented by Lu Mengshi.

PPT on the first floor of the world, part five: intensive reading and careful study

What does the opening stage description explain, and what is its function?

They explained the furnishings in front of the newly painted Fujude door, the bustling scenes in the front hall and back kitchen, and the neatly dressed people on and off the property. All these indicate that the opening of Fujude should be a "good start".

Why did Lu Mengshi scold the boy and give Cheng Shunxi money?

Although Lu Mengshi was scolding the boys, he actually wanted them to be able to speak up and maintain their dignity even if their social status was low. And asking Chengshun to organize the wedding with dignity is also to maintain dignity and show the pride of the working people.

At the same time, this plot also shows that Lu Mengshi has a clear distinction between rewards and punishments.

By analyzing the conflicts in the excerpt, tell us about your understanding of the character Lu Mengshi.

(1) Through the dialogue between Wang Zixi and Chang Gui, we can understand Lu Mengshi’s background and his experience, and we can see that he is an ambitious person.

(2) Through the depiction of the prosperous scene of Fujude’s opening day, it can be seen that Lu Mengshi is an industrialist who is good at management.

(3) Through Lu Mengshi's severe punishment of the young man and generous rewards for success, it can be seen that he is a person with clear rewards and punishments and strong principles.

(4) Through Lu Mengshi’s dealings with the detective team and his two young bosses, it can be seen that he is another person who understands the world.

(5) Through the conflicts between Lu Mengshi and his subordinates, his dealings with the two young masters, and giving gifts to the detective team, it can be seen that he is a person living in the cracks of society, which will also foreshadow his fate in life.

The excerpt mentions "detective team" three times. How does this play a role in promoting the development of the plot?

The first time was a reference to giving gifts to the detective team, which then led to "They can't be messed with."

The second time was when the rogue Kwu told him that he was from the detective team.

The third time was when Lu Mengshi personally told him about the failure of his gift-giving.

These three times all revealed the ugly face of the detective team. It was also a portrayal of the darkness of the society at that time and the rampant gangsters. The government played a disgraceful role. In this environment, ordinary people lived in darkness and fear.

Character image

There are many characters in this article, but many of them have left a very distinct impression on us. This is due to the author's personalized portrayal of the characters. Please read the article carefully, select a few characters you like, and analyze their characters.

Lu Mengshi's image

① Before Lu Mengshi appeared, he was evaluated by Wang Zixi and others as "gritting his teeth and stomping on the ground to work", which showed that he was a pragmatic and hard-working person. ② Once Lu Mengshi appeared on the scene, he did not bother to deal with idlers like Ke Wu, and arranged things appropriately, which shows that he is a shrewd and capable person.

③Reprimanding the clerk, rewarding Chengshun, and making Chengshun look more respectable also shows the self-esteem of a worker. He not only cares about his own self-esteem, but also pays attention to the self-esteem of the clerks. ④The conversation with Luo Datou also showed that he is not a stubborn person and strives to change the outdated rules that should be changed.

⑤However, from his treatment of Luo Datou, his upright character can be seen. This seems to be contradictory when the second young master of the boss appears later. Lu Mengshi still has to laugh with this second young master of the boss. This is the tragedy of the simple working people in this era of class distinctions.

Luo Datou image

① Luo Datou is the roast duck master of Fujude. From the words "Don't forget how you invited me back in the first place", it can be seen that Luo Datou has superb skills and is one of the "backbones" of the store.

②But he is stubborn and unchangeable. For example, he emphasizes that he will not pass on others until he is seventy years old. He relies on his superb skills, is narrow-minded, and cannot tolerate others. He often wants to use the pole to leave. ③The temper is also very hot. However, his fiery temper is really consistent with his character. He values ​​his own value and reputation, and does not look down at the "master" like Kewu who eats and drinks and has a despicable character.

Summary: Luo Datou is a man who is proud of his talent, pedantic and stubborn, narrow-minded, intolerant of others, and has a hot temper. At the same time, he is upright, sincere, and tirelessly working with villains.

The First Floor in the World PPT, Part Six: Class Summary

Main point

This text is an excerpt from the script of the stage play "The First Floor in the World". The excerpt narrates the various conflicts that occurred on the opening day of the newly renovated Fujude, vividly depicting the reality that Lu Mengshi wants to start a career but is blocked everywhere, and accuses and criticizes the idle and prodigal habits and the dark and decadent social forces. .

Writing features

The conflicts on the stage are concentrated and sharp.

In the stage play, the contradictions and conflicts in the design of "The First Floor in the World" are very concentrated. For example: on the opening day, Tang Maochang went to Fujude to forcefully ask for money, and Wang Zixi reluctantly responded; Ke Wu blackmailed Luo Datou, but Luo Datou refused. Although Ke Wu is a scoundrel, he is in trouble; Luo Datou discovers that the roasting pole has been used by his apprentice Cheng Shun, and makes him kneel down to tame his disciple; Ke Wu wants to blackmail Lu Mengshi, but is forcibly kicked out; Lu Mengshi severely punishes the incompetent boy , but rewarded Cheng Shun generously; Luo Datou wanted to punish Cheng Shun, but Lu Mengshi stopped him, triggering Luo Datou's strike. Lu Mengshi dismissed him and re-employed Cheng Shun; Tang Maosheng went to the store to ask for money and people, and Lu Mengshi was forced to curse Speechless, wanting to cry but no tears.

PPT on the first floor of the world, part 7: in-class testing

basic training

1. Write the corresponding words according to pinyin.

(1) This is the period of Fujude's dpn� shèn� ( ). The building of diāo liáng huà dòng ( ) is magnificent, and the old plaque with gold letters on a black background in front of the door is glowing.

(2) Fujude has become famous in the capital.

(3) The Fujude guys gathered around Wang Zixi and hung the two pieces of copper huǎng zi () from his old age squarely in front of the door.

(4) If Meng Shi didn’t work so hard, I would feel depressed.

(5) Alas, I was so busy the first year that I forgot to give gifts to the zhēn jī ( ) team.

(6) Wang Zixi: [qiè nuò ( )] Yes, I...

(7) The opening ceremony is jì huì ( ) today. Poor boys are not allowed in and Changtou is asked to go out.

(8) He worked so hard to bring the Fujude shí duo ( ) that was about to be shut down to fame in the capital, and it would be an injustice to lose this reputation.

(9) This kid is deliberately dǎo dàn ( ), don’t forget, you still deserve a beating from our second master, I will vent my anger for the second master first!

(10) I won’t bake today, you can lìng qǐng gāo míng ( )!

(11) His face turned from green to pale, and he suddenly laughed loudly. The laughter qī cǎn ( ) was filled with high spirits, which made people tremble when listening to it.

(12) Luo Datou mà mà liē liē ( ) next.

PPT on the first floor in the world, part 8: Upgrading

1. Among the following sentences, one of the following sentences has no grammatical errors: ( )

A. Relevant departments have promptly criticized, educated and dealt with the very few incidents of disrespecting sanitation workers' labor, making unreasonable troubles, and even beating and insulting sanitation workers.

B. Our hometown is beautiful and fertile. The land here is fertile and is especially suitable for growing fruit trees, potatoes and oats. In addition, it is also suitable for planting pear trees and apricot trees.

C. All factory employees discussed and listened to the factory director’s report on “introducing professional talents and improving operation and management”.

D. Yesterday, many representatives talked to him enthusiastically in the lounge and encouraged him to face the difficulties at hand.

2. Based on the following message, summarize its main message in one sentence. (Requirement: use "European Union" as the statement object, no more than 20 words)

In order to protect the sluggish steel manufacturing industry in the United States and maintain the employment rate of steel industry workers, U.S. President Bush announced that he will impose tariffs of up to 30% on most imported steel. New measures to tax imported steel will be implemented on March 20. Take effect. The European Commission is concerned that steel products from Eastern Europe and Asia, which have been shut out of the U.S. market, will be dumped into the European market. In response, the EU accused the United States of violating relevant World Trade Organization laws by unilaterally raising taxes. On March 16, the leaders of the 15 EU countries expressed their full support for the European Commission’s decision to resist the United States’ decision to increase taxes on imported steel. They also declared that “the European Council supports the European Commission’s consultation activities under the World Trade Organization Agreement and formulates EU common defense measures.” .

The 15 EU countries have joined forces to resist the US increase in tariffs on imported steel.

PPT on the first floor of the world, part 9: Homework assignments

Read the whole play of "The First Floor in the World", choose one of Chang Gui, Lu Mengshi, and Xiu Dingxin, refer to examples, and write a character analysis. About 300 words.

Keywords: Free download of PPT courseware for the second volume of ninth-grade Chinese language published by the Ministry of Education, PPT download on the first floor of the world, in .PPT format;

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"The First Floor in the World" PPT quality courseware:

"The First Floor in the World" PPT quality courseware Part 1: Teaching objectives: 1. Perceive the text as a whole and grasp the dramatic conflicts. 2. Taste the character’s lines and understand the character’s image. 3. Connect with the writing background and understand the themes of the times reflected in the script. 4. Experience the Republic of China...

"The First Floor in the World" PPT free courseware download:

The first part of the free PPT courseware download of "The First Floor in the World": Introducing the new class. Students, if we want to create a civilized class, but today someone is littering, tomorrow someone is causing trouble, and the day after tomorrow someone is fighting and causing trouble, then we still Can build civilization...

"The First Floor in the World" PPT free download:

"The First Floor in the World" PPT free download three-dimensional objectives 1. Knowledge and skill objectives: read the text emotionally, sort out the main plot, and grasp the dramatic conflicts in the text. 2. Process and method goals: analyze the character image, understand the character's heart, and deeply understand the theme. 3..

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Update Time: 2024-09-04

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"The First Floor in the World" PPT quality courseware download