"Qu Yuan" PPT quality courseware


"Qu Yuan" PPT quality courseware

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"Qu Yuan" PPT quality courseware

Part One: Introduction of New Course

There is such a person, he is tall and tall, with a weather-beaten face condensed with all kinds of sorrow. He wears a belt around his waist, wears a Luli sword, wears a high crown of Qieyun, and wears a snow-white robe. Under the rustling autumn wind, I walked in the distance, as if chanting or reciting a sad song. He is Qu Yuan. Let us use our most passionate emotions to enter Qu Yuan's rich inner world and feel the baptism of thunder and lightning.


The whole play is divided into: "Ode to Orange", "Framed", "Conjuring the Soul", "Imprisoned" and "Ode to Thunder"

The text is excerpted from Act 5, Scene 2, which is the climax of the play.

Qu Yuan - his given name is Ping, his courtesy name is Yuan, and his name is Zhengze, his courtesy name is Lingjun. my country's first great patriotic poet was a native of Chu during the Warring States Period. He wrote my country's first political lyric poem "Li Sao" in the form of Chu Ci.

Because he saw through Qin's ambition to annex the six countries, he urged King Huai of Chu to join forces to fight against Qin. Later, he was framed by traitors and dismissed from office and exiled, but he still cared about the country. After the Chu State was conquered, he threw himself into the Miluo River and died.

Qu Yuan PPT, part 2: Author’s business card

Guo Moruo (1892-1978) was a writer, poet, historian, playwright, archaeologist, paleographer, and social activist. Representative works: poetry collection "Goddess"; historical dramas "Qu Yuan", "Flower of Tangdi", "Cai Wenji", "Wu Zetian", "Tiger Fu", "Gao Jianli" and "Nanguancao".

background link

"Qu Yuan" was written in January 1942. It was the stalemate stage of the Anti-Japanese War. Half of the country fell into the hands of the enemy. The Kuomintang government passively resisted Japan and actively anti-communism, and brazenly launched the "Southern Anhui Incident".

Faced with such political reality, Guo Moruo was filled with righteous indignation and created the historical drama "Qu Yuan" to criticize the dark rule of the Kuomintang reactionaries and show the sharp struggle between light and darkness, justice and evil, patriotism and betrayal in the real world. It plays the role of "borrowing the past to satirize the present and using the past for the present".

"Qu Yuan" was staged in Chongqing, the center of Kuomintang rule at that time, and had a huge impact. Especially the monologue in the "Ode to Thunder" scene has resonated with many patriots. Every performance was met with thunderous applause from the audience. The play was eventually banned by the Kuomintang authorities.

Qu Yuan PPT, the third part of the content: stylistic knowledge

Theater knowledge promotion

Drama is an art in which actors play roles and perform storylines in public on the stage. The literary part of drama, commonly known as script, is a major category of literature, alongside poetry, prose, and novels.

The basic element of drama is conflict. It reproduces the life struggles of society through specific stage images, stimulates strong emotional reactions from the audience, and achieves the purpose of edification and education.

1. Definition: Drama is an art in which actors play roles and perform storylines in public on the stage. The literary part of drama, commonly known as script, is a major category of literature, alongside poetry, prose, and novels.

2. Classification:

Divided according to the contradictory nature and expression techniques

Tragedy, comedy, drama, etc.

By subject matter and year of production

Historical drama, modern drama, traditional drama, fairy tale drama, etc.

According to structure size and capacity

One-act play, multiple-act play

According to language expression form

Drama, opera, dance drama, pantomime

Qu Yuan PPT, Part 4: Word Check

Correct pronunciation of word

National mourning ( ) Strange ( ) Disdain ( )

Filthy ( ) Shackles ( )

Ji ( ) head thin ( ) sin ( )

roar ( ) dizzy ( ) stand still ( )

abuse ( ) treat ���� ( )

gallop ( ) wander ( )

[National Memorial] People who sacrificed their lives for the country. The article refers to the gods these people turned into after death. Sadness, war dead.

【Cunning】Cunning, cunning. The article refers to a sneaky look.

[Recruitment] Recruitment.

【Stand】Stand for a long time.

【睝睝】Looking sideways, describing an arrogant look.

【Sharp】(weapons, words, etc.) sharp; sharp.

[Ji Shou] A kind of kneeling ceremony in ancient times. Kowtow to the ground.

Qu Yuan PPT, Part 5: Overall Perception

Article structure

Part One: Jin Shang and Zheng Zhanyin conspired to poison Qu Yuan.

Part Two: Qu Yuan’s inner monologue.

Part Three: The Death of Chanjuan.

Read the text for the first time and perceive the content

In this excerpt from the text, what is the main content of the conversation between Jin Shang and Zheng Zhanyin? What is the relationship between the conversation between the two and Qu Yuan’s monologue below?

The main content is that Jin Shang gave instructions to Zheng Zhanyin and conspired to assassinate Qu Yuan.

The dialogue between the two can better demonstrate Qu Yuan's desire for light and curse of darkness.

In the "Qu Yuan's inner monologue" part of the article, what two aspects of ideological content are expressed? How is it reflected in the structural level of the text?

Clarity: The text expresses two aspects of Qu Yuan's ideological content: praising wind, thunder and lightning, and angrily criticizing gods.

The first level: The poet calls out and praises the great natural forces of wind, thunder and lightning, expressing his anger against darkness and his praise and yearning for light.

The second level: criticize gods, ghosts and idols to criticize the ignorant and corrupt people in power.

Qu Yuan PPT, Part Six: Intensive Reading and Study

Text comprehension

Why did Zheng Zhanyin hesitate to poison Qu Yuan? How should we understand it?

[Communication Tips]: Zheng Zhanyin is the embodiment of evil. He is despicable, cunning and cowardly. He was an accomplice of the treacherous ministers in the court. He had no sense of justice and began to have doubts about poisoning Qu Yuan. It was not that he sympathized with Qu Yuan, but that he was afraid of "causing trouble" and was reluctant to part with his Donghuang Taiyi Temple. Once Jin Shang said that if he did not follow Nan Hou's wishes, she could kill him and execute him, Nan Hou's father, he made up his mind to poison Qu Yuan.

How did Zheng Zhanyin persuade Qu Yuan to drink poisonous wine?

[Communication Tips] First of all, he tried his best to flatter him, pretending to be a hypocritical face that sympathized with Qu Yuan's experience, and used the excuse that Qu Yuan was thirsty while reciting a long poem to lure Qu Yuan to drink poisonous wine, and even pretended to curse his daughter Zheng. He was timid when he did bad things, and felt guilty when he sent poisoned wine. He asked Qu Yuan, "Do you suspect that the wine is poisonous?" All of these are for one purpose, to make Qu Yuan drink poisonous wine and complete the mission entrusted to him by Zheng Xiu, Queen of the South.

What rhetorical techniques does the author use in the "Ode to Thunder" section?

[Communication Tips] The part of "Ode to Thunder and Lightning" uses the rhetorical technique of personification and appeal throughout the text. For example, "Wind, roar, roar," is both personification, repetition, and calling. The emotion is stronger, and it effectively expresses the eager expectation for the wind and the hatred of the dark forces; "You wind, you thunder" , you electricity, you are all poetry, all music, and all dance." "Electricity, you are the sharpest sword in the universe~" Using metaphorical personification techniques, it shows Qu Yuan's understanding of wind, thunder, and electricity, which are symbols of human beings. Eager expectations for the transformative power of justice and light in the world. Secondly, the rhetorical techniques of parallelism and exaggeration are used to let Qu Yuan use the wings of storm, thunder and lightning to unfold wonderful fantasies and fly to a bright place, making Qu Yuan more energetic and dazzling. This is also the concrete embodiment of the author's romantic passion.

Qu Yuan PPT, Part 7: Class Summary

Main point

This article mainly narrates the conspiracy of Jin Shang and Zheng Zhanyin to poison Qu Yuan, as well as Qu Yuan's inner monologue in the hall, creating an image of a patriot who hates darkness, yearns for light, cares about the country and the people, and is unyielding. The author uses Qu Yuan's lyrical monologue after being framed to express his strong resentment against the dark world and his passionate pursuit of a bright future.

Writing features

❶Use a variety of rhetorical techniques to fully express emotions and enhance the momentum of your sentences.

The author uses personification, appeals, metaphors and other rhetorical techniques to present Qu Yuan's inner monologue, showing Qu Yuan's character of being unyielding and yearning for light. Such as "Wind, you roar!" "You wind, you thunder, you lightning, everything you roar and shine in this darkness, you are all poetry, all music, all dancing." Electricity, you are the sharpest sword in the universe!" These sentences express Qu Yuan's eager desire to use the natural power of wind, thunder, and lightning to destroy all darkness. Phrases such as "You Dongjun, what kind of Dongjun are you" rebuked the evil god with great anger, directly and powerfully expressing the emotions of love and hate. In addition, the author also uses rhetorical techniques such as repetition and parallelism to give Qu Yuan's inner monologue the formal beauty of poetry, which makes it catchy, sonorous and powerful.

❷Use symbolic and exaggerated artistic techniques to make emotional expression both implicit and romantic.

First of all, the author uses symbolic techniques to give special meaning to the things in this article. For example, the "invisible sword" symbolizes firm belief, the "little island without people" symbolizes a pure land where the soul is placed, and "wind", "thunder" and "electricity" symbolize the transformative power of pursuing justice and light in the world. These symbolic words express the author's unspeakable emotions implicitly, deeply and concisely.

Secondly, the author uses exaggerated artistic techniques and makes bold artistic fictions, allowing Qu Yuan to use the wings of wind, thunder and lightning to unfold wonderful fantasies and fly to a bright place; he also hopes to use their power to destroy all darkness. This makes Qu Yuan's image appear more energetic and dazzling, expressing the author's romantic passion.

Qu Yuan PPT, part 8: in-class testing

1. Which of the following underlined characters has completely correct phonetic pronunciation: ()

A. National mourning (shāng) filth (suì) galloping (chěng)

B. Blow the sheng (shēng) shake the oar (lǔ) treacherous (jú)

C. shackles (liào) waves (lán) standing still (chǔ)

D. Explode (bèng) Shang Yu (yú) Abuse (nüè)

2. Point out the rhetorical devices used in the following sentences.

(1) Wind! Roar! Roar! Roar as hard as you can! ()

(2) Electricity! You are the sharpest sword in the universe! ()

(3) You, you earthen puppet, you heartless, soulless person, I will burn you, burn, burn everything about you. ()

(4)You, you Dongjun, what kind of Dongjun are you? ()

Qu Yuan PPT, Part 9: Improvement

1. Which of the following words has no typos ( )

A. Xingju wanders and stares in the dark

B. Roaring the universe admiring the waves

C. Dirty, sharp, mighty, diarrhea

D.Longmen Chanjuan sonorous muddy and muddled

2. Modify the exercises.

Tempting delicacies

I heard that an artificial intelligence restaurant has opened in the city center, and there is Qiuqiu, the best robot chef in the city. On Sunday, Xuanxuan and I went to taste the delicious food with great anticipation.

When we came to the restaurant, the scene here really opened our eyes. The welcome robot skillfully greets customers warmly in Mandarin and dialects; the ordering robot recommends dishes in a unique dance way; and the food delivery robot shuttles freely between tables. There are many people in the restaurant, but the order is orderly. People enjoy the robot concert while waiting for their meals.

____________. We were fortunate enough to taste Qiuqiu's specialty dishes, and they certainly lived up to their reputation. We went home satisfied.

(1) Please write a transitional sentence in the blank space in the text.

(2) The content of this exercise is inappropriately detailed. Please provide suggestions for modification.

Qu Yuan PPT, Part 10: Homework assignments

1. Invite students to read aloud as characters based on the analyzed characters.

2. Read Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs" outside class.


I swam along the Nine Rivers with my daughter, and the water stirred in the wind. Riding on a water chariot with a lotus cover, riding on two dragons and riding a dragon.

Climbing Kunlun and looking around, my heart is soaring and majestic.

The sun is approaching dusk and I forget to return home, but I am still in my arms. The fish scale house is in the dragon hall, and the purple shell is in the pearl palace.

Why does the spirit live in the water?

I ride on a white turtle and chase salmon. I swim with my daughter in the river's mouth, and the currents are flowing down the river.

I am traveling eastwards to meet each other, and I am sending my beauty to Nanpu.

The rolling waves come to greet you, and the scales of the fish come to greet you.

Keywords: Free download of the PPT courseware for the second volume of the ninth-grade Chinese version of the People's Education Press, Qu Yuan PPT download, .PPT format;

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"Qu Yuan" PPT free courseware Part 1: Teaching objectives: 1. Understand the stylistic knowledge about the script. 2. Perceive the text as a whole, grasp the dramatic conflicts, and understand the symbolic meaning of natural images such as wind. 3. Taste the characters’ lines and understand the characters’ images. 4.Contact...

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Update Time: 2024-09-07

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