"On the Passage of the Qin Dynasty" PPT courseware


"On the Passage of the Qin Dynasty" PPT courseware

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"On the Passage of the Qin Dynasty" PPT courseware

Part One Content: New Course Reading Assistance

"On Passing the Qin" is a political treatise written by Jia Yi, a famous politician in the Western Han Dynasty, who proposed to Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty the idea of ​​governing the country with "benevolence and righteousness" by discussing the rise and fall of the Qin Dynasty. The era of Emperor Wen of the Western Han Dynasty was the so-called "peaceful and prosperous age" of the Han Dynasty. However, Jia Yi used his keen insight to see the lurking crisis in the Western Han Dynasty. At that time, the contradiction between domestic feudal separatism and centralized power, the contradiction between the ruling class and the working people, and the contradiction between ethnic groups were increasingly intensified. In order to reconcile various contradictions and ensure the long-term stability of the Western Han Dynasty, Jia Yi put forward many political proposals to the Han Dynasty to reform the current shortcomings in famous political treatises such as "Chen Zheng Shi Shu", "Lun Ji Chu Shu" and "Guo Qin Lun". It was hoped that the regime of the Western Han Dynasty would "observe the past, examine the contemporary world, take part in human affairs, observe the reasons for rise and fall, and examine the appropriateness of power." This article uses an admonishing tone and analyzes the political successes and failures of the Qin Dynasty from the perspective of summarizing historical experience and lessons, with the intention of providing reference for Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty.

"On Guo Qin" is divided into three parts: the first, middle and second chapters. This article is the first part, focusing on describing the rise and fall of the Qin Dynasty, exposing the tyranny of Qin Shihuang, and finally pointing out that "the failure of benevolence and righteousness and the difference in offensive and defensive momentum" was the reason for the rapid demise of the Qin Dynasty.

★Jia Yi (200 BC-168 BC) was a native of Luoyang in the Western Han Dynasty. A political commentator and writer in the Western Han Dynasty, he was one of the earliest writers of Han Fu. He was known for his outstanding literary talent at a young age. When he was in his 20s, he was called a doctor by Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty and was soon promoted to Taizhong doctor. Later, he was relegated to Changsha Wang Taifu because he made many political reform suggestions and offended the powerful. Four years later, he was recalled and became the Taifu of Liang Huai, the favored son of Emperor Wen. He was only 33 years old when he died. Later generations compiled "Jia Changsha Collection" and another ten volumes of "New Book".

★"Lun" is an ancient essay style. "Selected Works of Zhaoming" contains: "There are two types of treatises. One is historical treatise, which is discussed by loyal officials at the end of the biography to judge the good and evil of the person." For example, "Tai Shigong said..." after "Historical Records". "The second is political commentary, where scholars and officials discuss ancient and modern figures or comment on classics and history, correcting their fallacies." Such as "The Theory of Six Kingdoms" and "The Theory of Guo Qin", etc.

PPT on Passing the Qin Dynasty, Part 2: Independent Sorting

1. Zhuziyin

2. Know the truth

Cooperate and establish diplomatic relations ("conform" communicates with "vertical")

Hoe thorns ("�" is the same as "�")

Winning food and bringing scenery ("jing", the ancient word "shadow")

3. Disambiguation

4. Differentiate and use

5. Divide into ancient and modern times

6. Clear sentence pattern

Collect the troops from all over the world and gather them in Xianyang (sentence omitted)

It is not as long as the hook and halberd (the preposition structure is postpositioned)

Not to resist the armies of the Nine Kingdoms (postpositioned prepositional structure)

The one who laughs for the world (passive sentence)

I thought Guilin and Xiangjun (sentence omitted)

7. Famous sentences

(1) The good generals guard the key points with their powerful crossbows, and the trustworthy ministers and elite soldiers prepare the troops. (Jia Yi's "On Passing the Qin Dynasty") (2016·Tianjin College Entrance Examination)

(2) Acting as the Supreme and controlling the Liuhe, beating and beating to whip the world, and shaking the world. (Jia Yi's "On Passing the Qin Dynasty") (2013·Hubei College Entrance Examination)

(3) He ordered Meng Tian to build the Great Wall to the north and guard the fence, but the Huns were more than 700 miles away. The Hu people did not dare to go south to herd horses, and the soldiers did not dare to bend their bows and complain. (Jia Yi's "On Passing the Qin Dynasty") (2013·Hunan College Entrance Examination)

(4) Lead the exhausted soldiers and turn hundreds of people to attack Qin. (Jia Yi's "On Passing the Qin Dynasty") (2013·Sichuan College Entrance Examination)

(5) Those whose talents are not as good as those of the middle class cannot be compared to those who are as wise as Zhongni and Mo Zhai, or as rich as Tao Zhu and Yidun. (Jia Yi's "On Passing the Qin Dynasty") (2012·Chongqing College Entrance Examination)

(6) Then practice Huahua City, because the river is a pond, and occupy the city of hundreds of millions of meters, and think it is solid in the face of unexpected abyss. (Jia Yi's "On Passing the Qin Dynasty") (2012·Sichuan College Entrance Examination)

PPT on Passing the Qin Dynasty, Part Three: Comments on Segments

1. Qin Xiaogong held the territory of Weihan and supported the land of Yongzhou. The monarchs and ministers stood firm to see the Zhou Dynasty, with the intention of sweeping the world, encompassing the universe, encompassing the four seas, and annexing the eight wastelands.

Comments: At the beginning of the article, the simplicity is replaced by the complex, and an exaggerated approach is used, which not only enhances the momentum of the article, but also highlights Qin Xiaogong's ambition to annex the six countries and dominate the world, as well as the Qin Dynasty's covetous attitude towards the princes and other countries, and their aggressive attitude. momentum. In this sentence, "sweep", "baoju" and "include" all mean "annexation", and "yunei", "sihai" and "bahuang" all mean "world". The author repeatedly lays out the ambitions of the Qin monarchs, and writes about the illustrious achievements of the Qin monarchs after Qin Xiaogong, which is in sharp contrast to the subsequent description of Qin's instant fall after unifying the world.

2. The people of Qin closed the gates and delayed the enemy, and the divisions of the Nine Kingdoms patrolled and did not dare to advance. Qin did not have the money to pay for the death arrow, but the princes of the world were already trapped.

Comment: These two sentences describe the power of Qin very well. Faced with the "knocking at the gate" of "ten times the land and millions of people", the Qin people actually "switched and delayed the enemy". It can be seen that the Qin people did not take the "Nine Kingdoms" seriously at all, because they were sure of defeating the enemy. . "The cost of killing arrows and leaving arrowheads" is in sharp contrast to the "Nine Kingdoms Division", which has many talents in the world and has been preparing for war for many days. There were so many talented people, so many troops, and such great power, but the Qin people effortlessly made "all the princes in the world trapped". This shows that Qin was strong at that time and that Qin's original strategy of strengthening the country was correct. From here It is not difficult to see that Qin is fully confident of unifying the world.

3. So he abolished the ways of the previous kings, burned the words of hundreds of families, and used stupid Guizhou heads; he made the city famous and killed the heroes; he collected the soldiers of the world, gathered them in Xianyang, sold Feng Dy, and cast them into twelve golden figures to weaken the people of the world.

Comment: This sentence describes Qin Shihuang's harsh rule over the people in the country after he unified the world. The whole sentence consists of three clauses, stating the tyranny of Qin. The two sentences in the first clause are paired with each other and end with "With the stupid head of Guizhou"; the three-character structure in the second clause forms a duality; the third clause has a loose sentence structure, but uses "with the purpose of weakening the people of the world" The conclusion corresponds to the conclusion of the first clause, and the whole sentence is neat and varied. In this sentence, the author uses verbs such as "waste", "burn", "鳳", "kill", "collect", "gather", "sell" and "cast" to describe Qin Shihuang's skillful plundering, foolishness and weakening of the world, forgetting that he The two words "benevolence and righteousness" should be observed. The whole sentence shows Qin Shihuang's tyranny and injustice, paving the way for further discussion below.

4. From "Chen She's position" to "if benevolence and righteousness are not practiced, the offensive and defensive power will be different".

Comment: The comparison technique is mainly used here. There are two comparisons:

The first is to compare Chen She's people with the teachers of the Nine Kingdoms. The author believes that Chen She's personal qualities, military equipment, quantity and quality, and military tactics are not as good as those of the Nine Kingdoms, but the outcome is "success or failure, with opposite achievements". What is the reason for this? The author intentionally does not answer the question first, so that readers can Keep a sense of suspense in your chest.

The second is the comparison between Qin before and after the founding of the country. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was a mere place, but now it is "Liuhe is the home and Weihan is the palace." Moreover, "The world is not small and weak. The land of Yongzhou, Weihan is solid and self-contained." The objective favorable conditions have not changed. Why was it that when it was weak, it could "take advantage of convenience and dominate the world", but now it is What about "one man is in trouble and seven temples are destroyed, he dies at the hands of others, but the world laughs"? This adds another suspense in the readers' minds. The purpose of setting up suspense is also to cause readers to think and let readers find answers by themselves while reading.

PPT on Passing the Qin Dynasty, the fourth part: multi-dimensional exploration

1. Why does "On the Passage of Qin" describe the Nine Kingdoms as being numerous and powerful, but also portrays Chen She as humble and weak?

Tip: "On the Passage of Qin" gives an extremely exaggerated description of the forces of the nine countries besides Qin - Han, Wei, Yan, Chu, Qi, Zhao, Song, Wei, and Zhongshan. The author describes the "power" of the Nine Kingdoms to set off the power of Qin. The purpose of writing about the Nine Kingdoms is to write about the Qin Kingdom. The Nine Kingdoms were so numerous and powerful, but they were easily and completely defeated by Qin, which further showed the power of Qin. The author writes very much about Chen She's humbleness and insignificance, and the purpose is also to set off. The author compares Chen She with the princes of the Nine Kingdoms in four aspects. He believes that Chen She's status is inferior to the princes, his weapons are inferior to the princes, his army is inferior to the princes, and his strategy is inferior to the princes. But the result was that Qin State not only failed to defeat Chen She, but was destroyed by Chen She in one fell swoop. It can be seen that Qin State has "different offensive and defensive momentum." The author's contrasting writing style helps to make people think: Why did the Qin State, which had been strong for "more than a hundred years" and once conquered all the princes in the world, be defeated so quickly by the humble and weak Chen She? The author's "crossing Qin" The deep meaning is already hidden in it.

2. The genre of "Guo Qin Lun" is argumentative, but why is there more narrative than argument? What are the benefits of writing like this?

Tip: Because the focus of this article is on Qin's "passing". To discuss Qin's "excesses", we must have a large number of historical facts and use them as the basis for discussion and the basis of reasoning. Therefore, the first, second, third and fourth paragraphs of this article are basically narratives, narrating the historical facts of Qin’s gradual rise and power, and writing that the six countries joined forces to attack Qin but were annexed by Qin, showing the vigorous development trend of Qin during its rise; and then It is extremely written that the rebel army led by Chen She was small and powerful but quickly overthrew the Qin Dynasty, highlighting the speed of Qin's demise. Through this narrative and comparing historical facts with each other, we can conclude that although Qin had a history of prosperity for hundreds of years, it was benevolent and righteous to defeat six countries, swallow up princes, unify China, and be powerful all over the world, but died at the hands of Chen She whose soldiers were exhausted. The result of inaction. While exploring the reasons for Qin's demise, his purpose of passing the Qin Dynasty to satirize the Han Dynasty is already implicit.

PPT on Passing the Qin Dynasty, Part 5: Aesthetic Appreciation

The collection of articles is majestic

"On the Passage of the Qin Dynasty" has the language of poetry - concise, fresh, vivid and vivid. It uses rhetorical techniques such as antithesis and parallelism as well as the common elaboration and parallelism in poetry, making the article majestic and soul-stirring.

At the beginning of the article, four or six sentences in parallel prose are used to describe Qin Xiaogong's capital, ambitions, policies, and achievements. The four levels of meaning only use 81 words. When writing "capital", use a couplet "According to the solid foundation of Weihan, support the land of Yongzhou"; when writing ambition, use "pee" and "sweep", "include", "include" and "annex"; when writing "achievements", use " The people of Qin gave up their hands and took possession of the area outside the Xihe River." The two words "giving up their hands" vividly outline the free and confident posture of Qin at the beginning of its rise.

When writing about the six countries who were deeply afraid of the rise of Qin and "allied themselves to seek to weaken Qin", the author did not hesitate to use a lot of pens, elaborate parallels, and do his best to make things public. He even did not hesitate to use exaggerated techniques to praise the talents of the six countries. There are many heroes and heroes, and the names of the four gentlemen of the Warring States Period, the princes of the Nine Kingdoms, and more than 20 civil servants and generals are listed in detail, and the power of the six kingdoms of Shandong is used to highlight the prosperity of the Qin State. The author uses figurative language to show all-powerful historical heroes and magnificent battle scenes in front of readers, which not only enhances the appeal of the language, but also highlights the main purpose of the article.

PPT on Passing the Qin Dynasty, Part Six: Beautiful Readings

Looking at Jia Yi from afar

Peng Xiaoling

I have long looked up at the building where the soul is placed in Taifu Jia Temple. The green tiles on the eaves and the heavy door looked at me silently with surprised eyes. There are mottled marks on the door knockers and walls, and the edges and corners of the stone steps and floor tiles seem to have been smoothed away. From this, I think that time is always magical. It can not only build the spirit and sharpen the soul, but it can also make everything dull, old, or even destroyed.

Jia Yi came from the distant Chang'an to Changsha, which was then the land of the Southern Barbarians. Did the roar of the Xiang River ever shake his soul and cheer him up? In early winter, the cold rain slowly passed through Changsha, the provincial capital. On the ancient Taiping Street, I kept looking at the ancient buildings on both sides, as if I was slowly traveling through the depths of time. When I walked into the Jia Taifu Temple, time seemed to have been silent and everything was quiet. Standing in the empty courtyard and in the biting cold wind, I seemed to hear Jia Yi’s sigh deep in history.

Of course, Jia Yi's talent still amazes the world after thousands of years. When he was in his twenties, he was appointed as a doctor (an official position), making him the youngest doctor in the dynasty. Emperor Wen admired him very much and promoted him to Taizhong doctor within a year. The young and vigorous Jia Yi committed a taboo in the officialdom, and his tragic fate was inevitable. Traveling through the tunnel of time, I seemed to see the demoted Jia Yi walking on the road to Changsha with a heavy heart.

But Jia Yi still didn't understand. How could something that was clearly a matter of loyalty and service to the monarch turn into such a passive situation? Jia Yi slowly went south with melancholy. When he came to the edge of the Xiangjiang River, Qu Yuan drowned himself in the river. comes to mind involuntarily. 100 years ago, the loyal Qu Yuan was framed and exiled to this place. Now he himself has been framed and demoted to Changsha. The situation is very similar. However, Jia Yi was not depressed at this time. He was still full of confidence and believed that his ambition would one day be put into effect in the world.

PPT on Passing the Qin Dynasty, Part Seven: Material Accumulation

Through the long efforts of seven generations of monarchs, Qin finally unified the world, but died in the second generation. Jia Yi believes: "If benevolence and righteousness are not applied, the offensive and defensive forces will be different." We can also have our own views: Is it difficult to start a business and difficult to maintain success? The lessons of Qin's death may seem cliché, but they still have reference significance today. The ideas and relevant materials in this article can be applied to related topics such as benevolence and righteousness and underappreciation of talents.

●There are many things worth pondering in the article "On the Passage of Qin": Whose power did the Qin State, one of the "Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period", destroy the six countries and unify the world? The powerful Qin State, which owned the entire world, died in the second generation. What is the reason for this? In the article, Jia Yi recounted the process of Qin's unification of the world, analyzed the reasons for Qin's demise, and said: "If benevolence and righteousness are not implemented, the offensive and defensive forces will be different." This is the lesson of Qin, and it should also be the official lesson for generations. Quotations that those in power should remember. Whoever implements benevolent government will win the hearts of the people and win the world; conversely, whoever loses the hearts of the people will lose the world. No matter how you have strong ships and swords, millions of soldiers, and the natural chasm of the Yangtze River.

●Jia Yi is knowledgeable and ambitious. His articles are sharp and sharp, criticizing current ills and flowing freely, which have a great influence on the prose creation of later generations. Lu Xun once said that the articles written by Jia Yi and Chao Cuo "are both great works of the Western Han Dynasty, and they benefited future generations with far-reaching benefits." Jia Yi also had the same experience as the ancient Chinese intellectuals. Although he had the talent of "managing millions of articles and soldiers", he was jealous and slandered by the powerful and old officials, and was unable to realize his ambitions, leaving the world with regrets for generations. He once put forward a set of political reform proposals in response to current ills, which reflected the foresight, enterprising spirit and resolute attitude of the emerging landlord class politicians in reforming reality. However, the ministers and princes in the court were not tolerant of him and slandered him in front of Emperor Wen for "being obsessed with power and causing chaos in everything", so Emperor Wen had to demote him to the title of Prince Tutor of Changsha.

Keywords: Free download of PPT courseware for the three compulsory high school Chinese courses from the People's Education Press, PPT download of Guo Qin Lun, .PPT format;

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"On the Passage of Qin" PPT teaching courseware:

The first part of the PPT teaching courseware of "On the Passage of Qin": Writing background During the Warring States Period, various countries reformed Wei State Li Kui's reform Chu State Wu Qi's reform Korea Shen Buhui's reform Qin's Shang Yang's reform (the most thorough and effective) Qin's diplomacy won a great victory Fan Ju Zhang Yi makes friends from far away and attacks close by..

"On the Passage of Qin" PPT download:

The first part of the PPT download of "On the Passage of the Qin Dynasty": Situation Introduction Jia Yi's articles, especially political essays, have always been highly praised in history. Mr. Lu Xun once praised them as the great essays of the Western Han Dynasty. "On" is a model of political commentary. From "Historical Records",...

"On the Passage of Qin" PPT:

"On the Passage of Qin" PPT Part One: About the author: Jia Yi was an outstanding political commentator and writer in the Western Han Dynasty, and one of the earliest writers of Han Fu. He was very knowledgeable and had a reputation for talent when he was young. He was called a doctor when he was only twenty years old. Later, he was jealous of the powerful because he proposed political reform.

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Update Time: 2024-09-08

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"On the Passage of the Qin Dynasty" PPT courseware