"Me and the Temple of Earth (Excerpt)" PPT courseware


"Me and the Temple of Earth (Excerpt)" PPT courseware

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"Me and the Temple of Earth (Excerpt)" PPT courseware

The first part of the content: [Reading Aid Expo]

1. Charming Writer

A disabled but strong-willed writer——Shi Tiesheng

Shi Tiesheng (1951-2010), a native of Beijing. Famous novelist and essayist. He once served as vice chairman of Beijing Writers Association, vice chairman of China Disabled Writers Association, and holds the title of first-class writer.

Passed away in the early morning of December 31, 2010 at the age of 59.

Achievements: He fought tenaciously against illness for many years and created a large number of excellent and well-known literary works on his sick bed. Among them, "My Distant Qingping Bay" and "Grandma's Star" won the National Outstanding Short Story Award in 1983 and 1984 respectively. His essay "Me and the Temple of Earth" inspired countless people. In 2002, he won the Annual Outstanding Achievement Award at the Chinese Literature Media Awards.

Works: short and medium story collections "My Distant Qingping Bay", "Sunday", "Stage Effect", "Life is Like a String", etc., and the novel "Retreat Notes" etc.

2. Background review

Steps of struggling out of pain

Shi Tiesheng had his legs disabled at "the most arrogant age", and for a period of time, he almost suffered a mental breakdown. It was in this unusual state of mind that Shi Tiesheng came to the Temple of Earth. The vicissitudes of history shown in the ruins made him fully feel the eternity of time, the ruthlessness of the passage of time, the vastness of the universe and the gravity of history, which set off the insignificance of individuals and the impermanence and contingency of personal encounters. It makes all pain lose its weight, and on the other hand, it allows an unfortunate person to gain relief and gain the conversion of his soul.

Here, Shi Tiesheng understood the true meaning of life, fully understood the meaning of life, and completed the most difficult ideological leap.

Me and the Temple of Earth PPT, the second part of the content: [Extended link]

1. Everyone’s style

Shi Tiesheng releases his name

The author once explained his name like this: "The place where I have poured my heart and soul cannot be discarded. I often feel that this is a sign of my name. I let history live as if it were iron-clad, so that I can keep looking at it instead of constantly looking at these words. , but to use these stumbling footprints to keep looking at the soul that has been writing, and to see the possibility and whereabouts of this soul. "This can also be regarded as the best comment on his works.

2. Knowledge expansion

The Temple of Earth described by Shi Tiesheng

The Temple of Earth is located outside the Anding Gate of Beijing. It was the place where emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties worshiped the "Emperor Earth God". It is also the Temple of Earth with the longest continuous worship time in Chinese history. From 1531 to 1911 AD, fifteen emperors from the Ming and Qing dynasties continued to worship here for 381 years.

The altar of earth is divided into an inner altar and an outer altar, with sacrifices as the center, surrounded by the royal palace, the Zhai palace, the sacred treasury, the divine horse hall, the slaughtering pavilion, the bell tower, etc. It is small in area, 37.4 hectares, and covers only about 1/8 of the Temple of Heaven. The Fangze Altar where the ceremony is held is square in plan. The upper floor is 1.28 meters high and the sides are 20.5 meters long. The lower floor is 1.25 meters high and the sides are 35 meters long. At first glance, it seems to give people a small and simple feeling. However, just under this seemingly nothing surface, there are hidden a series of architectural art techniques such as symbolism, contrast, perspective effect, optical illusion, exaggerated scale, highlighting of light and shadow, etc., which also imply the ingenuity of ancient architects.

Me and the Temple of Earth PPT, the third part: [First Reading Task]

1. If you want to write a subtitle for each of these two parts of the text, how should you write it?

Reference tip: The first part is about me and the Temple of Earth; the second part is about me and my mother.

2. What problem is the author thinking about in the Temple of Earth? What is the result?

Reference tips: (1) He is thinking about why people are born, whether they should die immediately and how to live. (2) Human birth is a fact given to humans by God and is not under human control. Moreover, as long as one is born, one will surely die, so there is no need to worry. From then on, he got rid of the idea of ​​suicide and walked out of the shadow of death.

3. What did mother do for "me"? What are the characteristics of her care for "me"? What did the son understand in his mother?

Me and the Temple of Earth PPT, the fourth part: [Language Construction]

1. Sound and shape recognition

1. Among the following words, the underlined word has an incorrect pronunciation: ()

A. Peep (kuī) pray (dǎo) suddenly (cù)

B. Show off (xuàn) collapse (pǐ) such as (pì)

C. Penetrate (shèn) Stubborn (jiàn�) Adhere to (kè)

D. Ironing (yù) Meaningful (juàn) Teaching (huǐ)

2. Among the following words, the one with no typos is ()

A. Vicissitudes of fate, wings, arranged in order

B. Calm, pure, admonished, envious

C. Clear, trance, shy, peaceful

D. Action, frankness, connotation, appearance

2. Word application (choose words to fill in the blanks or determine whether it is true or false)

1. The class bell rang, and the students were all _____ sitting in their seats waiting for the teacher to come to class. (Quiet·Tranquility)

2. On a snowy night, he came to a _____ village and found a hut sheltered from the wind. (Desolate·Desolate)

3. Only by being determined, persevering, and working hard can we create a valuable life. (Perseverance·Tenacity)

Me and the Temple of Earth PPT, the fifth part: [Aesthetic Appreciation]

Appreciation point 1: Understand the meaning of important sentences in the text

1. Try to analyze the connotation of the sentence "I often feel that there is a sense of fate in this: as if this ancient garden was waiting for me, and it has been waiting there for more than four hundred years after all the vicissitudes of life."

[Clear] (1) My home is very close to the Temple of Earth. (2) The "garden" is deserted, "I" is disabled, and I have the same fate as the Temple of Earth. (3) The tenacious vitality of the Temple of Earth gives "I" the courage to live anew and allows "I" to understand the meaning of life.

2. How to understand the connotation of the sentence at the end of the article, "For the first time in many years, I realized that not only are my ruts everywhere in this garden, but also my mother's footprints are everywhere where my ruts have been"?

[Clearly] This sentence shows that the author realizes that there are "mother's footprints" everywhere in the garden, and there is mother's concern and care everywhere, implying that the growth of "I" is inseparable from my mother's inspiration. The altar of earth gives "me" inspiration, and the mother makes "me" strong. Both of them give "me" strength. Mother and the altar of earth have become one and integrated, and they have already become one with "me".

Appreciation point 2: Appreciate the role of important paragraphs in the text

3. Try to appreciate the role of the description of the environment of the Temple of Earth in the first part of the article.

[Clear] (1) Describe the Temple of Earth as dilapidated, desolate, and ancient, but at the same time peaceful, energetic, and alive. (2) It provides a specific "emotional background" for the author's thinking. In such a quiet, silent and desolate background, it is easiest to start thinking about life. (3) The Temple of Earth prompted the author to think about "life" and "the world", giving the author a new life.

4. Try to analyze the second part of the article. After the mother passed away, the author repeatedly emphasized the role of the sentence "mother is no longer here"?

[Clear] Everything is as usual, "I" have traveled to every corner of the yard, but my mother has left "me"; nothing has changed, but my mother will never come to "me" again. At this time, "I" truly understood my mother's sincere, deep, and unobtrusive love, and expressed the author's regret and regret.

Me and the Temple of Earth PPT, Part Six: [Thinking Training]

1. Take the sentences describing the scenery in the fifth paragraph of the first part as an example to analyze the characteristics of the scenery in the Temple of Earth and talk about your feelings.

[Instructions] In this paragraph, the sentence "The bee is like a small mist standing steadily in the air", like a small mist, gives people a sense of beauty and hope. "The ant shook his head and stroked his tentacles, suddenly thought of something, turned around and walked away quickly." He did it only after he thought about it, and did it immediately after he thought about it. This inspired the author a lot, and he will do it in the future. "The ladybug got impatient and tired after crawling. After praying, it spread its wings and took off into the sky; there was a cicada on the trunk of the tree, as lonely as an empty house." Although the process of cicada molting is painful, It is memorable, but it does not linger on the past, but bravely flies to new heights. "The dew rolled on the blades of grass, gathered, bent the blades of grass, and crashed to the ground, throwing away thousands of golden lights." "The whole garden was filled with the sound of growing vegetation, which lasted for a moment. "Weak lives, even the dew that is not life, still live bravely and tenaciously. This makes the author feel the tenacity of the lives of the little creatures, and the rhythm of life is always and everywhere. The author sees the vitality of the Temple of Earth and arouses confidence in life.

2. In the first part, the author writes about the Temple of Earth and his thoughts here. So, what did the author think about? What are the results?

[Instructions] First, my body is disabled. Is my life over? Am I just going to die? Second, why was I born? Third, how should I live? Regarding the first two questions, In this quiet garden, the author "thought intently for hours" and "thought for several years", and finally figured it out, and was relieved about the problem of life and death. Next, the most important thing is how to survive and in what state. On this issue, the life in the garden gave him inspiration, from which he realized the true meaning of life. His positive and enterprising outlook on life defeated his negative and decadent thoughts, which prompted him to embark on the path of literary creation and firmly embark on a new journey. life path.

Me and the Temple of Earth PPT, Part Seven: [Optional Points]

1. Read paragraphs 1 and 5 of the first part of the text, and talk about the similarities between the author's encounters with the Temple of Earth.

2. What kind of emotion does the author express towards his mother in the article?

【Instructions】(1) Feel the suffering and greatness of mother. The author feels painfully that his mother is the mother who has lived the most miserable life. She lives in sorrow and worry day and night. Her maternal love is deep but not ostentatious, her sorrow is deep and not exposed. Mother is persevering and great. of.

(2) Deplore the early death of my mother. The mother only lived forty-nine years and could no longer see her son's future. The author's pursuit of literary achievement was also a motivation for his mother, but the mother did not see the day when her son published his work, did not see the day when his son's work won awards, and failed to share her son's happiness. The author's mourning for his mother is truly haunting and heartbreaking.

3. Why does the author write about mother in the second part?

[Instructions] To put it very briefly, writing about mother is actually about "I" (Shi Tiesheng)'s "understanding" of his mother, and about Shi Tiesheng's "understanding" of his mother's attitude towards life and destiny. At first, Shi Tiesheng did not understand his mother. Gradually, as his thinking deepened, as his spiritual pursuit deepened, as his spiritual experience expanded, and as he grew older, Shi Tiesheng finally understood and understood his mother. My mother ended her life completely in agony. It seems that fate determines the way roles are assigned and assumed. Some people seem to be born to endure suffering and silently endure the weight of fate in the midst of suffering. In other words, the mother's "way of living" answers the questions of how one should live, how to face fate, and how to face suffering. It is one of the answers to the "way of living".

Me and the Temple of Earth PPT, Part 8: [Practice of Comprehensive Literacy]

1. Shi Tiesheng was accompanied by his mother every step of his spiritual journey, and maternal love echoed in the Temple of Earth. Shi Tiesheng's mother is great, but there are so many great mothers: Meng's mother moved her home three times in order to choose the best environment for her children to grow up, and cultivated a sub-sage in the history of Chinese thought and culture; Ouyang Xiu lost his father when he was four years old, and his mother used reeds to He drew calligraphy on the sand and taught him to read, creating a generation of literary giants; Yue Fei's mother tattooed calligraphy on Yue Fei's back, teaching him a generation of famous generals and heroes for the ages...

History has only left us a limited number of names. In fact, every mother is an epic. My mother is, and so is your mother. Have you understood the epic that belongs to you? Please be quiet. Think about it quietly, and then talk about your understanding and knowledge of your mother, and how you repay your mother's love.

Reference example: The story of family love can never be finished. It can be seen that it is not that there is no love in the world, but that there is just a lack of a heart that understands love. Mother's love is like a song that sings: How much does mother's love weigh? The answer is in the cooking oil, in the cooked rice, and in the wrinkles on mother's face. Mother has paid so much for us, so let us repay our mother with gratitude and repay the love that can never be repaid. Let us love our mothers as they love us, and pay for them as they pay for us, even if it is just to help our mother wash the chopsticks, wash the dishes, and beat her back and rub her shoulders. Only when we know how to be grateful can life show sincerity; only when we know how to repay can life bloom with beauty. Go home and count the white hair on mom’s temples and the wrinkles on mom’s forehead, use our hearts to interpret our mother’s love, and use our sincerity to repay our mother!

2. Shi Tiesheng gained insights into the meaning of life by observing the vibrant creatures in the Earth Temple: “When a person is born, it is no longer a question that can be debated, but is just a fact handed over to him by God; God is When this fact is given to us, its result has been guaranteed, so death is something that does not need to be rushed. Death is a festival that will inevitably come. "Please also write a paragraph, through a certain scene or scene. Something to express one's feelings about the meaning of life. Requirements: ① Use at least two rhetorical techniques, ② About 250 words.

[Guidance by Famous Teachers] Shi Tiesheng expresses his perception of the meaning of life through a more detailed description of the characteristics of the Temple of Earth. To answer this question, first of all, we should make a more detailed description of the characteristics of "a certain scene or a certain action" in this paragraph. Then express your feelings about the meaning of life through depiction. Pay special attention to the fact that the text paragraph must meet the requirements.

Keywords: PPT courseware for compulsory high school Chinese course 1 of the People's Education Press can be downloaded for free, Me and the Temple of Earth PPT download, .PPT format;

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"Me and the Temple of Earth (Excerpt)" PPT download:

"Me and the Temple of Earth (Excerpt)" PPT download Part 1: Competence goals 1. Grasp the context and clues of the article, and learn the expression method that combines description, lyricism and discussion. 2. Appreciate the relevant sentences used to describe details and scenery in the article, and learn to use scenery to express...

"Me and the Temple of Earth (Excerpt)" PPT:

"Me and the Temple of Earth (Excerpt)" PPT Part One Content: Independent Study Before Class 1. Understanding the Author Shi Tiesheng, a literary tough guy in a wheelchair Shi Tiesheng (1951-2010), was born in Beijing and graduated from the Junior High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University in 1967. When I was 18 years old, I went to Yan'an to join the team and was admitted to the hospital because of leg problems.

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Update Time: 2024-06-25

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"Me and the Temple of Earth (Excerpt)" PPT courseware