"Innovation Drives Development" Prosperity and Innovation PPT Courseware (Lesson 1 Innovation Changes Life)


"Innovation Drives Development" Prosperity and Innovation PPT Courseware (Lesson 1 Innovation Changes Life)

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"Innovation Drives Development" Prosperity and Innovation PPT Courseware (Lesson 1 Innovation Changes Life)

The first part: independent preview before class

Knowledge point 1: Experience innovation

1. Understand innovation from the perspective of personal life.

(1) There is innovation everywhere in life. The little innovations in life not only make our eyes brighter, but also change our usual view of life.

(2) Innovation is a way of life. It is not just a creation from scratch, but also an improvement and perfection of existing results; it is not limited to the field of science and technology, but also penetrates into all aspects of life; it is not just a sudden enlightenment, but also requires repeated efforts year after year. A year of accumulation; it is an individual creative behavior, but also a team and collective creative activity.

(3) Innovation brings surprises to us and gives us a sense of accomplishment. Innovation ignites passion and makes our lives full of vitality. Innovation changes our way of thinking and behavior, allowing us to face challenges bravely, stimulate our potential, and surpass ourselves.

2. What is the value of innovation?

(1) Knowledge innovation provides new ideas and methods, technological innovation promotes the development of productivity and increases social wealth, and institutional innovation promotes fairness and justice and promotes social progress.

(2) Innovation makes life better. With the rapid development of the times and the rapid advancement of science and technology, our lives will become more convenient, comfortable and colorful due to innovation.

Knowledge Point 2 Innovation Engine

3. What role does innovation play in the development of human society?

The improvement of steam engines, the application of electricity and the emergence of computers have pushed the wheel of the times from agricultural civilization to industrial civilization and information civilization. Innovation is an important force that drives human society forward.

4. The necessity of innovative development.

The development of the times calls for innovation. Currently, a new round of technological and industrial revolution is taking place around the world, and innovation has become the focus of the development strategies of major countries in the world. In the fierce international competition, only innovators advance, only innovators are strong, and only innovators win.

5. The necessity for my country to implement an innovation-driven development strategy.

(1) Innovation drive is the destiny of the country. Implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, promoting comprehensive innovation with scientific and technological innovation as the core, and making innovation the first driving force for development are the practical needs to adapt to and lead the new normal of my country's economic development.

(2) Innovation is the lifeblood of reform and opening up. my country's reform and opening up has entered a critical period of overcoming difficulties, and calls for more

The spirit of the times of reform and innovation.

(3) The state uses the hand of reform to activate the engine of innovation, release more innovation vitality, and allow the broad masses of the people to better share the results of reform and development through innovation.

Innovation-driven development PPT, part 2: Classroom basics meeting standards

Knowledge point 1: Experience innovation

1. Innovation refers to using existing thinking patterns to propose insights that are different from conventional or ordinary people's thinking, using existing knowledge and materials, in a specific environment, based on ideal needs or to meet social needs, and Improve or create new things, methods, elements, paths, environments, and the behavior of obtaining certain beneficial effects. This shows that innovation (A)

① It can bring us surprises ② It can give us a sense of accomplishment ③ It can make our lives full of vitality ④ It cannot change our way of thinking and behavior

A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④

2. (Original) "Institutional design", "institutional construction", "institutional arrangement", "institutional improvement", "institutional guarantee", "institutional connection"... "system" has never been the key word for comprehensively deepening reform as it is today; "system" "Innovation" has never been the key to reform as it is today. Because institutional innovation can (D)

A. Provide new ideas and methods

B. Promote the development of productivity

C. Increase social wealth

D. Promote fairness and justice and promote social progress

3. Tang Jitong, an eighth-grade student in Xiamen No. 1 Middle School, noticed that many traffic accidents occur at the moment when the driver opens the door and gets out of the car. Opening the door with a hand far away from the door can reduce blind spots and avoid accidents. To this end, he imagined moving the door latch back and reversing the direction of the latch. With the help of his instructor, Tang Jitong specially sourced old car doors as samples and transformed them. He also ingeniously installed sound and light equipment on the car door. Once the door is opened, it will automatically emit a "didi-didi" alarm sound and warning lights to alert passengers and cars coming from behind.

(1) What insights do you have after reading the above materials?

①Innovation is everywhere in life. ② Innovation can be the improvement and perfection of existing results. ③The innovations in life not only make our eyes brighter, but also change our usual views on life.

(2) Please tell us your innovation story.

Just review your life experience and tell your own innovation story.

Knowledge Point 2 Innovation Engine

4. In recent years, whether it is new concepts such as "Maker", "Internet +" or "Innovation 2.0", or terms such as "Glorious Labor, Great Creation", "Mass Entrepreneurship, and Mass Innovation", they have been widely used in various media and leaders. It has become a high-frequency word in people's speech. This is because (D)

①Innovation is becoming the center of all work of the party and the country; ②Innovation is the soul of national progress; ③Innovation-driven is the destiny of the country; ④The development of the times calls for innovation

A.①②③ B.①②④

C.①③④ D.②③④

[Analysis] These high-frequency words listed in the question illustrate that innovation plays an important role in the development of the country and society. ②③④ are correct. Economic construction is the center of all the work of the party and the country, ① wrong.

5. Comic description below (B)

A. Innovation has become the focus of the development strategies of major countries in the world

B. Innovation is the first driving force for my country’s economic development

C. Looking back on the history of human civilization, innovation has always run through it.

D. Reform and innovation drive China toward common prosperity

6. my country's reform and opening up has entered a critical period of overcoming difficulties, calling for the spirit of the times of _______. (C)

A. Continuously strive for self-improvement B. Advance with the times

C. Reform and innovation D. Diligence in exploration

Innovation-driven development PPT, the third part: after-school consolidation and improvement

1. Which of the following is not an innovation (A)

A. Someone proposed to develop and invent a perpetual motion machine that can rotate forever without providing power or energy.

B. Oersted discovered that electricity can be converted into magnetism. Faraday was inspired by this and converted magnetism into electricity, laying the foundation for the invention of the generator.

C. In order to achieve the peaceful reunification of the motherland, Deng Xiaoping proposed the great concept of "one country, two systems" and achieved great success

D. Edison believed that sound could make an iron needle vibrate, and in turn the vibration of the iron needle should be reduced to sound. As a result, he invented the phonograph

[Analysis] This question is a reverse choice question. Three items B, C, and D are innovations and do not conform to the meaning of the question. Innovation is both a process and a result. Item A only proposes the idea of ​​developing and inventing a perpetual motion machine. It has neither process nor result, and it is impossible to create a perpetual motion machine. Therefore, it is not an innovation and is in line with the meaning of the question.

2. Which of the following opinions about the comic "Crow Drinks Water" is wrong (B)

A. Innovation permeates every aspect of life

B. Innovation means overthrowing the previous way and starting over.

C. Every little bit of innovation in life changes our usual view of life.

D. The crow who drinks water through a straw pays attention to exploration and innovation, which is worth learning and promoting.

3. From autonomous driving to smart homes, from "robots playing Go" to personalized shopping recommendations, to accurate translation machines... the tremendous progress in artificial intelligence shows (D)

A. Artificial intelligence will eventually replace human intelligence

B. Artificial intelligence has the same thinking as humans

C. Innovation is the political foundation of our country

D. Innovation is an important force that promotes the development of human society.

4. (Adapted) In recent years, my country’s investment in scientific and technological research and development has been continuously increasing, and emerging industries are booming. High-speed rail, Internet, manned spaceflight, e-commerce, deep-sea exploration, quantum communications, etc. are leading the world trend. Tiangong, Jiaolong, Blue Whale, Sky Eye , Wukong, Mozi, C919 large aircraft and other major innovations have emerged one after another. This shows that (D)

①Innovation is the only driving force for a country to prosper; ②The quality and efficiency of my country's economic growth continue to improve; ③China implements an innovation-driven development strategy; ④Innovation is the soul of the progress of the Chinese nation

A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④

[Analysis] Innovation is the inexhaustible source of a country's prosperity, not the only driving force. ① Incorrect; ② It is not reflected in the question, so it is excluded. ③④The statement is correct and consistent with the meaning of the question.

5. (Original) "We must carry forward the spirit of reform and innovation, promote further emancipation of the mind, further deepening of reforms, and more solid work, so as to gather powerful forces to comprehensively deepen reforms and achieve new breakthroughs at a new starting point." General Secretary Xi Jinping's words are resounding. Carry forward the spirit of reform and innovation because (C)

①Reform improves the quality of development through continuous innovation; ②Reform and innovation are the most distinctive features of contemporary China; ③Innovation penetrates into all aspects of social life through reform; ④Reform and innovation promote China to become prosperous and strong

A.①②③ B.①②④

C.①③④ D.②③④

[Analysis] Reform and opening up is the most distinctive feature of contemporary China, ② error. ①③④The statement is correct and consistent with the meaning of the question.

6. (Weihai High School Entrance Examination) "Face-swiping" ticket check-in, mobile self-service ordering, online government affairs processing... In recent years, artificial intelligence and "Internet +" have developed rapidly. This(A)

① It shows that new technologies are increasingly penetrating into all areas of life; ② It is more conducive to the rapid development of social economy; ③ It helps to improve social management and people's livelihood services; ④ Shows the style of a great country with strong scientific and technological power in my country.

A.①②③ B.①③④

C.②③ D.①②③④

[Analysis] The rapid development of artificial intelligence and "Internet +" shows that technology is increasingly penetrating into all areas of life, which is conducive to the rapid development of social economy and the improvement of social management and people's livelihood services. ①②③ is correct. Our country is not yet a technological power, ④wrong.

7. Dong Mingzhu, deputy to the National People's Congress, chairman and president of Gree Electric Co., Ltd., said that if China's manufacturing wants to go global, the core issue that must be solved is innovation capabilities. The following understanding is correct (C)

A. Innovation is needed in all areas of human life and can be innovated.

B. Our lives have become more convenient, comfortable and colorful due to innovation

C. In the fierce international competition, only innovators advance, only innovators are strong, and only innovators win.

D. The state uses the hand of reform to activate the innovation engine, allowing the broad masses of the people to better share the results of reform and development through innovation.

8. Situation: During the innovation activities carried out by the school, Wu Ming saw the small bonsai made by his classmates using mineral water bottles and said contemptuously: "Is this also called innovation?"

(1) Wu Ming’s statement (judgment): It is wrong.

(2) Reasons: ① There is innovation everywhere in life. ②Innovation is not limited to the field of science and technology.

9. Innovation is a stone, sparking a spark; innovation is a fire, igniting a lamp of hope; innovation is a lamp, lighting the way forward; innovation is a road, guiding us forward. Focusing on "innovation", the ninth grade (1) class of a certain school is carrying out exploratory learning activities. Please participate and complete the following tasks.

Although Xiao Ming's home is equipped with tap water, the tap water pipes are prone to freezing and cracking in winter. Xiao Ming and several classmates imagined: If they could make a valve to remove the water stored in the water pipe when not in use, and turn the water pipe into an empty pipe without water, wouldn't there be no freezing problem? So they started drawing and designing the valve body. , valve core, valve cover, spring pad and other parts, after repeated modifications, a tap water antifreeze valve with the functions of water passage, water cutoff and water return was born. Their little invention won the first prize in the 3rd National Youth Invention Award.

(1) Based on the process of Xiao Ming and his classmates inventing the antifreeze valve for tap water, talk about your understanding of innovation.

①Innovation is everywhere in life. ② Innovation can be the improvement and perfection of existing results. ③Innovation permeates every aspect of life. ④Innovation is an individual’s creative behavior, as well as a team and collective creative activity. ⑤ Innovation changes our way of thinking and behavior, allowing us to face challenges bravely, stimulate our potential, and surpass ourselves. ⑥Innovation is needed in all areas of life and can be innovated. ⑦Innovation makes life better, etc.

On January 12, 2019, the Guangxi launch ceremony of the astronomy science popularization activity themed “Under the Same Sky” was held at the Guangxi Science and Technology Museum. Some scientific and technological inventions and creations from ancient times have "traveled" to modern times: the most advanced astronomical device that was more than 300 years ahead of the world, the earliest existing wooden pavilion-style building in China, instruments that can perform the motion of celestial bodies...

(2) What inspirations have you gotten from these ancient Chinese technological inventions?

Innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress, an inexhaustible source of a country’s prosperity, and the most distinctive national endowment of the Chinese nation.

CCTV.com, January 9, 2019: The direction of my country’s science and technology development is innovation, innovation, and innovation again. From "technological innovation and institutional innovation must work together, and the two wheels turn together" to "innovation-driven is essentially talent-driven", General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the importance of "technological innovation", "system innovation" and "talent innovation".

(3) Why does General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly emphasize “innovation”?

① Currently, a new round of technological and industrial revolution is taking place around the world, and innovation has become the focus of the development strategies of major countries in the world. In the fierce international competition, only innovators advance, only innovators are strong, and only innovators win. ②Innovation drive is the destiny of the country. Implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, promoting comprehensive innovation with scientific and technological innovation as the core, and making innovation the first driving force for development are the practical needs to adapt to and lead the new normal of my country's economic development.

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For more information about the PPT courseware "Innovation-Driven Development, Prosperity and Innovation, Innovation and Change of Life", please click the Innovation-Driven Development, PPT Prosperity and Innovation, Innovation and Change of Life PPT tag.

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Update Time: 2024-07-05

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