"Ten Thoughts on Admonishing Taizong" PPT


"Ten Thoughts on Admonishing Taizong" PPT

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"Ten Thoughts on Admonishing Taizong" PPT

Part One: Literacy Goals

1. Understand the writing background of the article; accumulate and master the key content words, function words, special sentence patterns and other classical knowledge in the article.

2. Clarify the argumentation ideas of this article and learn the methods of positive and negative contrastive arguments and metaphorical arguments.

3. Understand the positive significance of "being prepared for danger in times of peace", "abstaining from extravagance and practicing frugality" and "ten reflections" at that time and the reference significance today.

Admonition to Taizong's Ten Thoughts PPT, the second part: Introduction to the author

Wei Zheng (580-643), courtesy name Xuancheng, was a native of Julu (now part of Hebei Province) and a politician in the Tang Dynasty. When he was young, he was lonely and poor and became a Taoist priest. At the end of the Sui Dynasty, he participated in the Wagang Uprising Army. Li Mi was defeated and surrendered to the Tang Dynasty. After Taizong ascended the throne, he was promoted to the official of admonishment, and he gave advice on more than 200 matters. In the third year of Zhenguan (629), he served as secretary-supervisor and presided over the collation of the secret palace's atlas. Later he was granted the title of Duke of Zheng. He once proposed that "listening to both sides will make you enlightened, and believing only to the side will make you dark." He repeatedly advised Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty to take the fall of the Sui Dynasty as a lesson. He believed that the king is like a boat and the people are like water. "Frugality", "thin tax and restraint, light rent and tax". He is the author of the introduction to Sui Shu, the general review of Liang Shu, Chen Shu and Qi Shu. He is the editor-in-chief of Qun Shu Zhi Yao, and his famous articles include "Admonition to Taizong Ten Thoughts" and "Ten Grads Cannot End". sparse".

Question explanation

This article is a memorial written by Wei Zheng to Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. Also known as "The Second Essay on Current Affairs".

"Admonition to Taizong" explains the purpose of writing; "Ten Thoughts" highly summarizes the main content of the article, that is, ten situations worth pondering; "Shu" is a literary style, which belongs to the memorial category in ancient literary styles, specifically referring to ministers A memorial stating opinions to the king. Sparse means to discuss in sections.

Literary knowledge


Shu, a kind of memorial. As a literary style, it is a remonstrative document used by ancient officials to make suggestions to the emperor so that his subordinates can express their feelings to the emperor. "Shu" was founded in the Han Dynasty, and later generations used "Zou Shu" as the general name for this type of Jinyan style. "Shu" has a wide range of uses. "Shu" can be used for admonishment, persuasion, begging, punishment, recommendation, resignation, etc. The more famous ones include Jia Yi's "On Accumulation and Storage", Zhuge Liang's "Jieting Self-Deprecation", Wei Zheng's "Ten Thoughts on Admonishing Taizong", etc. Sometimes letters of personal communication are also called "shu", such as Tao Yuanming's "Yu Ziyan and others".

writing background

This memorial was written by Wei Zheng to Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty in the eleventh year of Zhenguan (637).

At that time, after the post-war recuperation, the social economy had developed and people's lives had become richer. Coupled with successive victories in foreign wars, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty gradually forgot his roots in extravagance, overhauled temples and palaces, and traveled around. From March to July of this year, Wei Zheng "frequently wrote four chapters to report his gains and losses." This was the second of them.

Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty suddenly woke up after reading these memorials and felt very ashamed. He wrote "Reply to Wei Zheng's Edict", praising Wei Zheng and saying that he had changed his mind. After Wei Zheng's death, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty was deeply saddened. He wrote an inscription for him personally and said to his courtiers: "I use copper as a mirror to correct my clothes and hats; I use ancient times as a mirror to know the ups and downs; I use people as a mirror to know gains and losses... Now that Wei Zheng has passed away, one mirror has died!"

Admonishing Taizong's Ten Thoughts PPT, the third part: text exploration

1. How does the beginning of the article lead to the main topic?

The opening chapter does not directly mention the content of the "Ten Thoughts", but uses vivid metaphors to introduce the main topic from the front: "Those who think about the security of the country must accumulate virtue and justice." Three parallel sentences, two are metaphors and one is clear, easy to understand and beyond doubt.

2. Appreciate the following sentences and analyze their functions.

(1) "If the source is not deep, look to the far side of the stream; if the roots are not solid, look for the length of the tree; if the virtue is not deep, look for the principles of the country. Although I may be a fool, I know it is impossible, but how much worse is it than a wise man!" What effect does it have?

Using a negative metaphor to highlight the importance of "morality" to the monarch. In contrast to the above, it adds emphasis. The rhetorical question almost has a "provocative" tone, which not only makes the text more interesting, but also emphasizes the pertinence of this statement to attract the attention of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

(2) All heads of state, who inherit the fate of heaven and scenery, all speak with worry and concern. Their virtues will decline when their achievements are successful. Those who have a good beginning will be successful, and those who can overcome the end will overwhelm the few. Is it easier to get it than to keep it?

These sentences point out the general rule that emperors in the past dynasties can start a business but cannot keep it. Comparing "those who start well with success" with "those who conquer the end will destroy the few" hint at the importance of being prepared for danger in times of peace. The rhetorical question of "How could..." closely follows the historical facts mentioned above and leads to the question of "easy acquisition". "The analysis of "the difficulty of defending" makes the discussion more in-depth.

(3) In the past, we had more than enough, but now we have less than enough. Why? If you are in trouble, you will be wholeheartedly waiting for your subordinates. Once you have achieved your ambition, you will indulge yourself and be arrogant; if you are sincere, Hu and Yue will become one, and if you are arrogant, your flesh and blood will be your road.

These sentences use comparative argumentation. The monarch's attitude and results were compared under the two situations of "Yin You" and "De Zhi". Different attitudes before and after resulted in two different results, and the advantages and disadvantages can be seen in the comparison.

Admonishing Taizong's Ten Thoughts PPT, the fourth part: theme summary

In this article, Wei Zheng closely focused on "those who think about the security of the country must accumulate virtue and justice", and made a very incisive discussion of this important idea of ​​​​stabilizing the country and governing the country under the historical conditions at that time. Its purpose was to remind Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty that in order to maintain long-term peace and stability in the country, the king must work hard to accumulate virtue and righteousness. It specifically put forward ten suggestions such as being prepared for danger in times of peace, abstaining from extravagance and practicing frugality. Emphasizing that "listening to both will lead to enlightenment, partial belief will lead to darkness", which played a major role in Tang Taizong's creation of the "Government of Zhenguan" that has been praised throughout the ages.

PPT admonishing Taizong's ten thoughts, part five: in-depth exploration

1. How many aspects does “Ten Thoughts” cover? What point do they illustrate together? What does the author think are the benefits of "thinking ten times"?

① It talks about four aspects: In terms of life, one should be content with what is needed and have fun in a moderate way; in terms of self-cultivation, one should be humble and self-motivated, cautious in starting and respectful in the end; in terms of employing people, one should be open-minded and accepting, and be upright and reject evil; In law enforcement, rewards and punishments should be clear and there should be no favoritism.

②Viewpoint: To sum up, the "Ten Thoughts" are what the author said in the first paragraph: "accumulate virtue and justice", "be prepared for danger in times of peace" and "abstain from extravagance and practice frugality".

③Benefits: The author believes that if the monarch can "think ten times" and develop good moral character, a political situation in which civil and military forces can be used together and rule from the top will emerge. At that time, there will be no need to "work hard to think and perform duties on behalf of others." In other words, if the king is good at "using his thoughts", he can "not think". If the king does not have to do anything himself, the world can be governed well.

2. What are the characteristics of the wording of this article? Try a brief analysis.

Use words such as "Xia Yu", "Ming Zhe" and "Chen Wen" (rather than "I think") to express humility.

Wei Zheng had a clear mind when admonishing. Although he knew that Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty understood the principle that "faithful words are harsh to the ears but are helpful to the deeds", in the strict hierarchical feudal era, he did not get carried away because of Tang Taizong's appreciation of him, and still insisted on his usual cautious style of words and deeds.

The language in the article is sincere and modest, tactful and accessible, sensible and reasonable, and full of artistic charm.

3. This article uses metaphorical arguments and positive and negative comparison arguments to reason, which is vivid and thorough. Try to make a detailed analysis based on the content of the text.

The article uses a large number of vivid metaphors to illustrate the idea of ​​governing the country and bringing peace to the people, which is very persuasive.

For example, at the beginning of the article, when talking about the fundamental principle of "accumulating virtue and justice" in governing a country, a metaphorical argument was made from two aspects, namely, "Those who seek the growth of trees must consolidate their roots" and "those who wish to flow far away must strengthen their roots." "Dreeze its source", using phenomena in nature to metaphor the principles of governing the country, which is easy to understand and vivid. Similarly, Wei Zheng used the metaphor that water can carry or capsize a boat to describe the importance of people's power. People still take this as a warning. Pros and cons contrast arguments are mainly concentrated in the first and second paragraphs. Through comparison, the reasoning of the explanation is highlighted and the persuasiveness is enhanced. For example, "If you seek the growth of a tree, you must strengthen its roots." On the other hand, "If the roots are not solid, you must seek the growth of the tree." "You know it is impossible." Therefore, the relationship between "roots" and "growth" is naturally accepted by people. .

4. As a piece of advice from courtiers to the emperor in the feudal era, does this article still have practical significance in today’s society? Please contact reality and share your views.

① The point of view put forward in the article "Be prepared for danger in times of peace, refrain from extravagance and practice frugality" still has great practical significance in today's society. Although my country's social economy has made great progress since the reform and opening up, factors of domestic and international instability still exist, and the trend of luxury and waste still exists. Therefore, we must still be prepared for danger in times of peace, keep a clear mind at all times, and maintain a style of hard work, diligence, and frugality.

② "It is advisable to be cautious when the boat is overturned" tells us that the party and the government must adhere to the people-oriented concept of governing the country, always keep the welfare of the people at heart, and always take the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as the starting point and the starting point of all work. The goal is to truly represent and safeguard the fundamental interests of the broad masses of the people. Only in this way can long-term peace and stability of the country be achieved.

Admonition to Taizong's Ten Thoughts PPT, Part Six: Sorting out knowledge of classical Chinese

1. Important pronunciation.

① Dredge () its springs ② Rest without borders ()

③ Avoid extravagance () and use frugality ④ Block () the source

⑤ Yin () worry ⑥ The boat capsized ()

⑦ Lazy () lazy ⑧ Congested () obscured

⑨ depose () evil ⑩ absurd () reward

2. General meaning.

①Invigorate with power and anger ( )

② Then think of no indiscriminate punishment due to anger ( )

3. Different meanings in ancient and modern times.

① The fundamentals must be consolidated

②Every head of state

③ Once you have achieved your ambition, indulge yourself and be proud of it

④ If you are proud of things, your flesh and blood will be your path.

⑤ Use smart eyes and ears

Admonition to Taizong's Ten Thoughts PPT, Part Seven: Homework

1. Explain the highlighted words in the following sentences.

(1) If you want to flow far, you must dredge its source. Dredging: _____________

(2) The most important thing for a person to do is to: _____________

(3) Every head of state inherits the fate of heaven and scenery. Scenery: _____________

(4) Those who can defeat the ultimate defeat the weak. Gram: _____________

(5) If your husband is worried about Yin, he will treat you wholeheartedly. Yin: _____________

(6) Zesi Qian rushes to herd her husband: _____________

(7) Le Panyou will think about the three drives to achieve success. Panyou: ______________

(8) Jane can do whatever she can Jane: ____________

2. Please indicate the types of conjugations of punctuated words in the following sentences and explain them.

(1) The fundamentals must be consolidated (   ) ____________________

(2) Those who want to flow far away ( ) __________________

(3) Thinking of the rivers and seas (    ) ____________________

(4) Want to slander evil (   ) ____________________

(5) Then think about rectifying your body to get rid of evil ( ) ______________________

(6) Hongzi’s Nine Virtues ( ) __________________

(7) Choose the good and follow it ( ) __________________

(8) Lepanyou ( ) ______________________

3. Among the following sentences, the one with the same ancient and modern meanings and usage of color-added words is ()

A. The foundation must be consolidated. B. All heads of state must inherit the destiny of the sky.

C. Once you have achieved your ambition, you will indulge in pride. D. If you are proud of things, your flesh and blood will be your path.

4. Regarding the explanation of the sentence structure characteristics of the following sentences, the incorrect one is ()

A. The largest in the area (attributive postpositional sentence)

B. Although Dong Zhi punished him severely (adverbial postposition sentence)

C. This is also a person who cuts down the roots in order to grow trees and blocks the sources in order to grow trees (judgment sentence)

D. If you are worried about obstruction, you should be humble and accept the next step (omitted sentence)

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"Admonishing Taizong's Ten Thoughts" PPT courseware:

Learning objectives of the PPT courseware "Admonishing Taizong's Ten Thoughts" 1. Learn the author's art of admonishment through repeated enlightenment and follow-up instruction; 2. Understand the positive meaning of Ten Thoughts; 3. Master the meaning and usage of some content words and function words in the text, and further accumulate knowledge of classical Chinese . 4. Read the text carefully..

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Update Time: 2024-06-30

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