Exquisite Qingming Festival PPT template

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Exquisite Qingming Festival PPT template

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This is a set of ink style, exquisite Qingming Festival PPT templates. 24 photos in total;

The PPT template uses an ink painting style design, with fresh green as the main color. The home page of the PPT template places PPT background pictures such as a shepherd boy riding a buffalo in spring, peach blossoms, willow branches, swallows, and green mountains. Use the Qingming Festival artistic word in the middle as the PPT title text. The interface style is fresh and beautiful, matching the Qingming Festival PPT theme.

The content page of the PowerPoint template introduces the origin, customs and habits of Qingming Festival, as well as literary works related to Qingming Festival. Each slide has an associated ink illustration layout.

Qingming Festival PPT content introduction:

1. The origin and history of Qingming Festival

2. Regarding the customs and habits of Qingming Festival

3. Literary Records of Qingming Festival

1. The origin and history of Qingming Festival

Qingming Festival, one of the "Eight Festivals of the Year" in China, occurs at the turn of mid-spring and late spring, that is, the 108th day after the winter solstice. It is usually one of April 4-6. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. It is a traditional Chinese festival. Since 2008, Tomb-Sweeping Day has become a national statutory holiday like Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, and it has also become an important "small long holiday" in the year.

Qingming Festival is an important traditional folk festival in my country and one of the eight important festivals: Shangyuan, Qingming, Beginning of Summer, Dragon Boat Festival, Zhongyuan, Mid-Autumn Festival, Winter Solstice and New Year's Eve. It is usually on April 5th in the Gregorian calendar, but its festival period is very long. There are two versions: ten days before and eight days after, and ten days before and ten days after. These nearly twenty days are all Qingming Festival. The origin of the Qingming Festival is said to have begun with the ritual of "grave sacrifices" for emperors, generals and prime ministers in ancient times. Later, the people also imitated it. They worshiped their ancestors and swept their tombs on this day. It has been followed by generations and has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation.

According to legend, after Dayu controlled the floods, people used the words "Qingming" to celebrate that the floods had been eliminated and the world was at peace. At this time, spring is warm, flowers are blooming, everything is revived, and the sky is clear and the earth is bright. It is a good time for spring outings. Outing began as early as the Tang Dynasty and has become a habit inherited by generations. In addition to appreciating the natural scenery of lakes, mountains and spring scenery, outings also carry out various cultural and recreational activities to add interest to life.

The traditional Qingming Festival of the Chinese Han people began around the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2,500 years. The origin of the Qingming Festival is said to have begun with the ceremony of "grave sacrifices" for emperors, generals and prime ministers in ancient times. Later, people also imitated this day to worship their ancestors and sweep their tombs. It has been followed by generations and has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation. Qingming was originally just the name of a solar term. Its transformation into a festival to commemorate ancestors is related to the integration of Cold Food Festival. It is said that during the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Wen of Jin designated the day of his death as the Cold Food Festival in memory of the loyal minister Jie Zitui who died in a fire, and the following day was designated as the "Qingming Festival".

The name "Qingming Festival" also comes from the Qingming solar term in the 24 solar terms of the Chinese lunar calendar. The 105th day after the winter solstice is the Qingming Festival. The Qingming solar term has 15 days in total. As a solar term, Qingming takes place after the Spring Equinox. At this time, winter has gone, spring is full, the weather is clear, the fields are clear, and nature is full of vitality. "Qingming" is the most appropriate word to call this period.

Farmers' proverbs say, "Before and after Qingming, you plant melons and beans," and "Afforestation is better than Qingming." This is exactly what they say. The "Four People's Monthly Orders" written by Cui Xi of the Eastern Han Dynasty records: "On Qingming Festival, we order silkworm concubines and manage silkworm rooms..." It means that preparations for silkworm rearing began at this time. Among them, "Qingming Festival" is just a solar term, not a festival.

The Qingming solar term provides important conditions for the formation of Qingming Festival customs in terms of time and weather and physical characteristics. This solar term is regarded as one of the origins of the Qingming Festival.

2. Regarding the customs and habits of Qingming Festival

During the Qingming Festival in Chinese history, it has long been a custom to eat cold food, ban fire, and pay homage to ancestors. After the Tang Dynasty, the Cold Food Festival gradually declined, so sweeping tombs and worshiping ancestors during the Qingming Festival became an ongoing festival tradition. Bai Juyi, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in his poem "Cold Food and Wild Views": "The crows and magpies are noisy in the darkened trees. Who will cry during the cold food during the Qingming Festival? The wind blows paper money flying in the wilderness, and the ancient tombs are full of spring grass. The pear blossoms reflect the poplar trees, which are all partings of life and death. Place. There are heavy springs in the dark desert that cannot be heard, and people go back with the rustle and rain." Gao Juqing, a poet of the Song Dynasty, also described it in a poem "Qingming": "There are many tombs on the mountains in the north and south, and the Qingming sweeps are all scattered. Paper ashes fly into white. Butterflies, dyed red cuckoos with tears and blood. The fox sleeps on the grave at sunset, and the children return home at night in front of the laughing lamp. There is wine in life, and one must be drunk, but a drop never reaches Jiuquan." Even in today's society, people still visit graves around the Qingming Festival The custom of sweeping tombs to worship ancestors: eradicate weeds, place offerings, burn incense and pray in front of the graves, burn paper money and gold ingots, or simply offer a bouquet of flowers to express the memory of the ancestors

During the Qingming Festival, spring returns to the earth. People take advantage of the convenience. After sweeping the tombs, the whole family, young and old, have fun in the mountains and countryside. When they return home, they pick off a few willow branches with newly bloomed leaves and wear them on their heads, enjoying themselves. . Some people also go out to nature during the Qingming Festival to appreciate and appreciate the vibrant spring scenery. They go on outings in the countryside to express their depression after the harsh winter. This kind of outing is also called spring outing. In ancient times, it was called exploring spring and seeking spring. Its meaning is to step on the green grass, play in the countryside and enjoy the spring scenery. Before and after the Qingming Festival is a good time for outing, so it has become an important part of the Qingming Festival customs. In ancient times, women were not allowed to travel casually on weekdays. Tomb-sweeping during the Qingming Festival was a rare opportunity for an outing. Therefore, women had more fun than men during the Qingming Festival. There is a folk saying that "a woman's Qingming Festival is a man's year."

Around Qingming Festival, when the spring sun shines and the spring rain falls, the saplings planted have a high survival rate and grow quickly. Therefore, China has had the habit of planting trees during Qingming Festival since ancient times. Some people also call Qingming Festival "Arbor Day". The custom of planting trees has been passed down to this day. The custom of planting trees during the Qingming Festival originated from the custom of wearing willows and inserting willows during the Qingming Festival. There are three legends about wearing willows and planting willows during the Qingming Festival. The oldest legend is that it was to commemorate Shennong, the ancestor who taught people how to farm. Later, it developed the meaning of praying for longevity. A later legend is related to Jie Zitui. It is said that when Duke Wen of Jin led his ministers to climb a mountain to pay homage to Jie Zitui, they found that the old willow tree that Jie Zitui had leaned on before his death came back to life, so he gave the old willow tree the name "Qingming Willow". A later legend is that Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty gave willow rings to ministers as a blessing to drive away epidemics.

"Legging hook" is an ancient name, but it is actually the modern tug-of-war sport. It is said that during the Spring and Autumn Period, in order to attack the State of Wu, the State of Chu used hook-drawing exercises to strengthen the people's physique. It is mainly made of a hemp rope, divided into many small ropes at both ends. During the competition, a big flag is used as the boundary. With an order, both sides pull the rope hard, drums and music sound, and both sides cheer and shout, which is very lively.

The swing was first called "Qianqiu". According to legend, the swing was introduced by Duke Huan of Qi from the Shanrong people in the north during the Spring and Autumn Period. After the Han Dynasty, it became a folk game during the Qingming Festival and other festivals such as the Dragon Boat Festival and the Cold Food Festival. The swing was originally made with a rope and was swayed by grabbing the rope with the hands. Later, it developed into a wooden frame with two ropes hanging on it and a horizontal board tied underneath.

The swing play was already popular in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. "Records of the Years of Jingchu" records: "In spring, long ropes were hung on high trees, and ladies and gentlemen in colorful clothes sat on them and pushed them. It was called swinging." Swinging was already a very common game in the Tang Dynasty, and became a Qingming Festival activity. important content of festival customs. Because swings can be seen everywhere during the Qingming Festival, the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties designated Qingming Festival as the Swing Festival, and swings were also installed in the palace for the queens, concubines and maids to play.

Flying kites is one of the most popular activities during Qingming Festival. The ancients believed that if someone was sick, they could write or draw their condition on a tied kite, tie the kite with a string and fly it in the air. When it flew high in the sky, the string would be cut, and the disease and disaster would fly away with the kite. Later, kites gradually developed into a popular outing entertainment activity.

For the ancients, kite flying was not only a recreational activity, but also a witchcraft act: they believed that flying kites could let go of their own foul smell. Therefore, when many people fly kites during the Qingming Festival, they write down all the disasters they know on paper kites. When the kite flies high, they cut the strings and let the kites float away in the wind, symbolizing that their diseases and bad smells will be blown away by the kite. It was taken.

Qingming Festival is the time when willows sprout and turn green. Folks have the custom of breaking willows, wearing willows and inserting willows. When people go out for an outing, they break off a few willow sticks. They can hold them in their hands and play with them, or they can make them into hats and wear them on their heads. They can also take them home and insert them on the lintels and eaves of the house. There are proverbs such as "If you don't wear willows during the Qingming Festival, a beautiful woman will have a bright head" and "If you don't wear a willow during the Qingming Festival, you will turn into a yellow dog after death", which shows that folding willows during the Qingming Festival was a very common custom in the old days. It is said that willow branches have the function of warding off evil spirits, so wearing willows is not only a fashionable decoration, but also has the effect of praying for blessings and warding off evil spirits. Planting willows during the Qingming Festival may also be related to the custom of begging for new fires with willow branches during the Cold Food Festival in the past. Today, it seems that breaking off willow branches at will is a kind of damage to the trees and should not be promoted. The custom of planting willow trees during the Qingming Festival is said to commemorate Shennong, who invented various agricultural production tools and "tasted hundreds of herbs"; another theory is that the willow tree that Jie Zitui held when he died later came back to life, and Duke Wen of Jin named it Qingming Willow. , and fold willow into a circle and wear it on the head. This custom was later introduced to the people. Although they have different origins of allusions, these customs are still inseparable from people's joy at the return of spring to the earth.

Due to the relationship between Cold Food Festival and Qingming Festival, some places still retain the habit of eating cold food during Qingming Festival. In Shandong, Jimo eats eggs and cold pastries, while Laiyang, Zhaoyuan, and Changdao eat eggs and cold sorghum rice. It is said that if you don’t do this, you will be hit by hail. Tai'an eats cold pancakes rolled with raw bitter herbs and is said to have bright eyes after eating them. Jinzhong area still retains the custom of banning fire on the day before Qingming Festival.

3. Literary Records of Qingming Festival

Before the rain hits the Qingming Festival, the spring rain will be frequent

It rained on Qingming Festival for three months on and off

It's rare to be sunny during Qingming Festival, and it's rare to be cloudy during Grain Rain

Before the rain hits Qingming Festival, the low land is good for farming

Qingming rain stars, one sorghum plant weighs one liter

Qingming should be sunny, Grain Rain should be rainy

During the Qingming Festival, there will be no rain and yellow plum blossoms. During the Qingming Festival, there will be rain and yellow plum blossoms.

The wheat is afraid of Qingming frost, and the grain is afraid of drought in autumn.

There is frost during the Qingming Festival and less rain during the plum season.

The fog is thick during the Qingming Festival, but the sky is sunny one day

Dust rises during the Qingming Festival, and people are buried in the loess

Qingming thunders and plum blossoms appear

Qingming is cold, good year

The northwest wind blows during the Qingming Festival, and there were many droughts and yellow winds that year.

The north wind is cold for ten days during the Qingming Festival, and the spring frost is over before our eyes

The soil will be scraped during the Qingming Festival, and it will take forty-five days to scrape.

Keywords: Ink peach blossom, willow tree, shepherd boy PPT background picture, free download of exquisite Qingming Festival PPT template, .PPTX format;

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Update Time: 2024-06-28

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