"Dragon and Lion Dance" Chinese folk traditional culture PPT template

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"Dragon and Lion Dance" Chinese folk traditional culture PPT template

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This is a set of "Dragon and Lion Dance" Chinese folk traditional culture PPT templates, with a total of 25 pictures;

The PPT template cover uses an elegant ink PPT background image. Use calligraphy to write the dragon and lion dance PPT title in the middle. Cartoon lion dance pattern decoration is placed on the right side. The interface style is very traditional Chinese residential style.

The content page of the PowerPoint template uses multiple PPT illustrations of dragon and lion dances, paired with dragon and lion dance content introduction text layout.

Dragon dance and lion dance Chinese folk traditional culture PPT content introduction:

dragon dance

There are many types of dragon dance performances by people from all over the country and from all ethnic groups, each with its own characteristics. Common ones include fire dragon, grass dragon, human dragon, cloth dragon, paper dragon, flower dragon, basket dragon, segment dragon, candle dragon, drunken dragon, bamboo leaf dragon, lotus dragon, bench dragon, pole dragon, rolling dragon, and seven dragons. There are nearly a hundred kinds of dragons, big-headed dragons, luminous dragons, firework dragons, etc. The number of sections of dragon lanterns is generally 7, 9 and 13.

The most common variety is cloth dragon, which is made of bamboo leaves with dragon beads, dragon head, dragon tail and several sections of dragon drum (dragon body). The dragon beads, dragon head and dragon tail are all pasted with cotton thread or gauze, painted with colors, and then the dragon head, dragon body and dragon tail are connected with cloth, and scales are painted on the cloth. Generally, the dragon has 9 sections. During the dance, one person lifts one section, and the person holding the dragon beads is in front. The beads lead the dragon to dance, up and down, rolling in an "S" shape.

There is a legend about the origin of the dragon dance: One day, the Dragon King suffered from unbearable pain in his back. He took all the medicine in the Dragon Palace, but it still had no effect. He had no choice but to turn into an old man and come to the human world to seek medical treatment. After feeling the pulse, the doctor felt strange and asked, "Are you not a human being?" The Dragon King couldn't hide it, so he had to tell the truth. So the doctor asked him to change back to his original shape and catch a centipede from the scales on his waist. After removing the poison and applying medicine, the Dragon King fully recovered.

In order to thank him for the treatment, the Dragon King said to the doctor: "As long as you dance like a dragon like me, you will have good weather and good harvests." After this incident came out, people believed that the dragon could stir up clouds and bring rain. Whenever there was a drought, they would dance the dragon to pray for rain. They also had the rules of dancing the green dragon in spring, the red dragon in summer, the white dragon in autumn, and the black dragon in winter.

Dragon dance integrates martial arts, dance, weaving, embroidery, painting, gongs and drums and other arts. It is expressed through the close cooperation of many people to imitate the various forms and movements of the flying dragon.

Under the guidance of the dragon ball, the dragon dancer holds the dragon equipment and, with the accompaniment of drum music, completes the dragon's dance, swim, wear, soar, turn, roll, play, composition and modeling through changes in human body movements and postures. Mode.

In the sound of gongs, drums and firecrackers, the dragon ball rotates, and the dragon head rotates. Each segment of the dragon body turns left and right, the spider pulls the web, the golden rooster pecks the rice, the two dragons divide the water, the two dragons grab the treasure, the two dragons play with the beads, and the beads are hidden in the grass. , the thrush jumps over the beam, the rhinoceros looks at the moon, the old dragon sheds its shell, the old dragon turns over, the snowflakes cover the roof, the cat washes its face, the golden gourd, the silver carp bites its tail and the two dragons rush to life, etc.

In rural areas of Zhejiang, villagers dance with homemade bench dragons to celebrate the Lantern Festival. The annual dragon dance activities usually start on the twelfth day of the first lunar month and end at the Lantern Festival, which is the climax of the dragon dance and the most lively.

Chongqing Tongliang's "Fire Dragon" is crowned the first of the "dragon dances". This dance uses molten iron to beat golden flowers, supplemented by different materials of guiding fire, mouth fire, spine fire, belly fire, field fire, and ascending fire. Fire, etc., form a fanatical three-dimensional fire array, which is extremely lively and colorful. Every Lantern Festival, people have the money and strength to buy gunpowder, make fire dragons, and perform various fire performances such as smoke racks and Yumen. On the street, big dragons and fire dragons are jumping and flying, fish lanterns and lion lanterns are coming and going like shuttles, dragons and tigers are fighting, there are trees and flowers, and it is a peaceful scene. The whole city was brightly lit, and relatives, friends and guests cheered.

The longest fire dragon is more than 40 meters long. The performance is spectacular, thrilling and strange, and is particularly favored by the masses. First of all, it has unique flavor and changeable routines. Intertwined sparks, exploding firecrackers, fierce percussion, and rich local flavor fully arouse people's enthusiasm for watching. Secondly, it is close to the taste of folk life.

The dragon dancers are shirtless, fighting forward and full of masculinity, reflecting people's love for the fiery life. Furthermore, folklore believes that the fire dragon's sparks striking people can remove bad luck from the body, ward off diseases and avoid disasters in the coming year, and make everything go as they wish. The bigger the sparks, the louder the firecrackers.

After the dragon dance team came on stage, they saw the golden dragon chasing the pearl, flying and jumping, sometimes flying into the clouds, sometimes entering the sea and breaking through the waves. It was very exciting and the performance won warm applause from the audience.

Since ancient times, dragon dance activities have endured and been passed down from generation to generation. Dragon dance is no longer unique to a certain ethnic group, but belongs to all ethnic groups. "Dragon" has become a symbol of the entire Chinese nation. The creation and spread of dragon dance is part of the glorious history of the entire Chinese nation and is loved by our nation and people.

lion dance

Lion dances are often performed at festivals and festive events. The lion is an auspicious animal in the eyes of people of all ethnic groups in China, symbolizing good luck and good fortune. Therefore, in the lion dance activities, it entrusts the people's good wishes to eliminate disasters and seek good fortune. Lion dance has a long history. The existing lion dance is divided into two categories: southern lion and northern lion. The southern lion has more difficult martial arts skills and has a vigorous and fierce look; the northern lion is cute and cute, and mostly plays as a performance content; according to the lion's fake Depending on the different materials and methods of making, there are many kinds of lion dances in various places, and they are colorful.

The finished lion has a round and large head, a broad and raised forehead, bright black eyes, a forward and protruding nose, a large mouth that opens and closes appropriately, slightly trembling ears, and undulating facial features. In addition, the colorful balls tied with colorful silk on the top of the head make the lion even more majestic and naive.

A colorful work of art, with various expressions of joy, anger, sadness, joy, movement, stillness, surprise and doubt, becomes a living lion when it dances.

Before the lion dance begins, there is usually a set of martial arts performances, including boxing and knives, guns, sticks and other equipment. The one who teases the lion is a big-headed monk wearing a mask, holding a cattail leaf fan in one hand and a bunch of leaves in the other. There is also a masked monkey in some places. In addition to the lion jumping, tumbling and climbing up the Eight Immortals Table, the lion dance also requires the lion, the monk and the monkey to perform a set of routines rhythmically to the accompaniment of gongs and drums, such as worshiping the mountain, coming out of the mountain, joining the lion, washing the lion's feet, and washing the lion's body. , planting false greens, planting true greens, eating greens, digging wells, drinking water, sleeping lions, fanning lions, teasing lions, calming lions, returning to the mountain, etc.

There is a story in "Journey to the West": Tang Monk and his disciples went to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures. They passed by a mountain villa and saw an epidemic of plague, with corpses everywhere, but there was no cure. In the evening, Guanyin Bodhisattva came and gave Tang Monk a handful of longevity grass and a cattail fan, and told him to go to a cave dozens of miles away to use the longevity grass to lure the sleeping thousand-year-old lion, and to use the cattail fan to calm the lion and make the lion circle the villa. Within a week, the disease was gone. Tang Seng and his disciples followed the plan, and it really worked. The monk in the lion dance is Sha Monk, and the monkey is Sun Wukong. Therefore, the lion has become a symbol of warding off evil spirits and good luck. Before performing, one must always visit the house and worship in order to drive away evil spirits and ensure safety.

Southern Lion

The southern lion is a lion shape with a southern style. It has a high and narrow forehead, large and movable eyes, a wide mouth with a pen, a broad back, a flat nose, full cheeks, and teeth that can be hidden or exposed. There are three main categories of southern lions: literary lions, martial lions and young lions. Wenshi uses Liu Bei and Guan Gong as facial makeup, while Wushi uses Zhang Fei as facial makeup.

The literary lion is shown to be docile and kind, while the martial lion is brave and strong. The young lion, also known as the young lion, is naive and cute, and usually performs with the literary and martial lions. The Southern Lion is extremely exaggerated and romantic in shape, mighty and majestic, beautiful and lively, with both form and spirit. In the performance venue, following the rhythm of gongs and drums, the lions "wake up from a deep sleep", "scratch their heads and wag their tails", "look up and look down",

From "detecting direction" to "exiting the hole", "seeing green", "breaking green", "carnival", "tumbling", etc., the movements are various and lifelike. At this time, the lion is very humane, sometimes majestic and glaring at evil; sometimes it is courteous, honest, kind, and cute. In the modeling routine, each team concentrated on the lion's rising momentum, normality, rising up, doubtful advance, scratching, welcoming guests, giving gifts, jumping up, examining, sleeping soundly, coming out of the cave, showing off, crossing mountains, going up stairs, etc. All are similar.

The origin of the lion dance is said to be that in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, a monster appeared in Foshan, Guangdong. Every year when it was about to end, it would appear in the suburbs of Foshan, destroying crops and killing people and animals everywhere.

The farmers couldn't bear the pain, so they tied bamboo grates into several lion models, painted them with various mottled colors, and arranged them in advance. When the monster appeared, gongs and drums sounded in unison, and the lions danced towards the monster. As we set off, the monster was so frightened that it turned around and ran away.

Later, local villagers believed that lions had the power to exorcise evil spirits and suppress demons, and were a good omen. Therefore, every Spring Festival, gongs and drums are played, and lion dances are performed from house to house to pay New Year greetings to eliminate acupuncture points and harm and predict good luck.

The lion leader wears a big-headed Buddha mask, a long robe, and a colorful belt around his waist. He holds a sunflower fan and teases the lion, and uses it to dance various graceful moves with funny and humorous movements. In the "Lion Picking Green" performance, the team members cooperated tacitly and imitated the movements of a real lion, such as looking, standing, walking, running, jumping, sleeping, and shaking its fur, in a lifelike manner.

Lion dance can also keep fit. The spirit of lion dance is the spirit of the Chinese nation's forward development. The size of the lion class varies, but there must be at least 8 people, 2 people pretending to be lions, 1 person playing the big-headed monk, 1 person playing the monkey, and 4 people playing the gongs and drums. The lion dance activity not only adds to the festive atmosphere, but also enriches the cultural life of the local people. Lions in different regions are different, including green lions, golden lions, yellow lions, red lions, broad-mouthed lions, tall-footed lions, etc. The green lion is the king of kings. They are all southern lions. They have only one lion head and the body of the lion is a canvas. There are two types: single and double.

In some areas, in addition to the Spring Festival, lion dances are also often performed on festive days and company openings to add to the fun.

In general folk lion dance, two people cooperate to pretend to be a big lion (called Taishi in some areas), one person pretends to be a small lion (called Young Lion in some areas), and the other person pretends to be a warrior, holding a hydrangea as a guide, and starts first. Punch and kick to induce the lion to dance.

Along with the fast, slow, light and heavy drum beats, the lion sometimes looks up, sometimes looks back, sometimes looks down, sometimes looks back and crouch, sometimes shakes its head and tail, in various poses and full of fun. In imitating actions, it includes licking its fur, wiping its feet, scratching its head, and washing. Ears, worship, tumbling and other movements; in terms of skills, there are climbing up the stairs, crossing the overpass and crossing three mountains, coming out of the hole, going down the mountain, rolling the ball, spitting the ball and picking greens, etc.

northern lion

The appearance of the northern lion is very similar to that of a real lion. The whole body is covered with lion skin. The lion dancer (usually two people dance together to dance a big lion) only shows his feet and no one is seen.

Northern lion dances are divided into female and male, as well as literary lions, martial lions, adult lions and cub lions. The "Northern Lion" lion head is usually a wood carving. The dancer's lower body needs to wear the same golden trousers and floral boots as the lion's quilt. When dancing, the whole body is covered with lion skin, only the feet are exposed; the movements usually include falling, rolling and jumping. , scratching itches, etc., as well as performing tricks such as rolling a hydrangea ball, jumping over springboards, and climbing up stairs. The North Lion's "arrangement" (i.e., laying out green) and "breaking formation" (i.e., picking green) are very thrilling, showing the characteristics of surprise, difficulty and danger.

During the performance, each northern lion performance team mainly showed the kindness and dexterity of the lion. The lion rolled and jumped, linked head to tail, and the footwork was neat and integrated. Along with the rhythm of Beijing cymbals, Beijing gongs, Beijing drums and other music, the lions performed according to the music. Dance to the sound, causing the dancer to flip and roll with the ball, showing the majestic posture of the warrior, slowly holding the ball to cause the lion to dance, and the lion head dancer not only follows the various movements of the ball warrior to perform various dances, but also performs various dances with the lion tail dancer There is a tacit understanding, and the lion tail dancer follows the movement of the lion's head. When the head moves, the tail also moves, and when the head is steady, the tail is also steady. They jump and roll, following closely, and the head and tail dance postures are coordinated and integrated into one.

Hebei is the birthplace of the Northern Lion.

During the Xushui lion dance performance, two people cooperated in front and back. The former held props with both hands and put them on his head to act as the lion's head. The latter leaned over and grabbed the waist of the former with both hands and put on a lion skin cover decorated with cow hair to act as the lion's body. One person works together to dress up as a big lion, which is called Taishi; another person wears a lion head mask and wears a lion skin to play the role of a small lion, which is called Young Lion; the person who holds a hydrangea to tease the lion is called a lion guide. The Lion Dancer plays an important role in the entire lion dance activity. He must not only have heroic spirit, but also have good martial arts skills and can perform "front somersault over the lion", "backflip over the high table", "flip under the clouds and plum blossoms" "Pile" and other actions.

The tacit cooperation between the lion guide and the lion forms an important feature of northern lion dance. The basic characteristics of Xushui lion dance are exaggerated appearance, large round head, lively eyes, and a wide mouth that opens and closes appropriately. It is both majestic and naive, and it can imitate the way a real lion looks, stands, walks, runs, jumps, and dances during the performance. The movements such as rolling, sleeping, and hair shaking are lifelike, and can also display "playing on the bench", "plum blossom pile", "jumping pile", "jumping on separate piles", "living shape", "independent single pile jumping", Highly difficult skills such as "front somersault level 2 landing" and "back somersault landing".

The lion dance in Xushui County imitates the shape of stone lions from past dynasties, and is carefully crafted using exaggerated artistic techniques in terms of color, shape, decoration, etc. The quaint and round lion's head, the broad and raised forehead, the bright black eyes, the forward and protruding nose, the large mouth that opens and closes appropriately, the ears that tremble slightly, the facial features are undulating, and the top of the head is tied with colorful silk The colorful balls make the lion even more majestic and naive. The ring of bells around the neck jingles as the lion shakes its head, which is really endearing.

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Update Time: 2024-09-01

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