"The Man in the Box" PPT courseware


"The Man in the Box" PPT courseware

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"The Man in the Box" PPT courseware

Part One Content: New Course Reading Assistance

"The Man in the Box" is a famous short story by Chekhov, the master of Russian critical realism in the 19th century. This novel reflects the dark reality of Tsarist Russia at the end of the 19th century.

In 1881, Tsar Alexander II was assassinated, and his successor, Tsar Alexander III, strengthened his autocratic reign of terror. The tsarist government took all violent measures to suppress the surging revolution, arrested and exiled revolutionaries, sealed up progressive publications, and imprisoned people's thoughts and speeches. Police detectives are spread all over the country, informers are rampant, and various reactionary forces unite to fight against the trend of progress and try their best to maintain the decadent and declining tsarist rule.

Belikov in the novel is a literary example born in this abnormal social soil. From appearance and speech to living habits and ways of thinking, this image is all "contained". He is a product of Tsarist despotism, synonymous with those who fear new things, defend old things, oppose change, and hinder social development.

★Chekhov (1860-1904), Russian novelist, playwright, Russian critical realist writer and master of short story art in the late 19th century. His works expose the cruel oppression and exploitation of the people by the tsarist government, satirize the vulgar and decadent philistine habits, sympathize with the insulted and damaged "little people", and are obviously sentimental. Chekhov, French writer Maupassant and American writer O. Henry are known as "the three greatest short story masters in the world". His representative works include the novels "The Sixth Ward", "The Death of a Civil Servant" and the play "The Cherry Orchard".

★Cartoon description: A description method that captures a certain physical feature of a person or thing and uses exaggeration, metaphor, and other techniques to outline the image to express character traits. This method has three characteristics: first, it captures the appearance features that can express the character and outlines them in simple strokes; second, it uses exaggeration and metaphor; third, it has a sense of picture. This kind of description does not seek for the characters to be vivid and vivid, nor for both form and spirit, but only for distinctive features and "spirit" in the features. This kind of description does not seek to cover everything, but only highlights one point. Seize a certain "point", aim the camera at it, amplify, exaggerate, and "expose" it to achieve the purpose of highlighting the character's characteristics and impressing people.

The man in the sleeve PPT, the second part of the content: segment comments

1. In fact, the ancient language he was taught was just rain boots and umbrellas to him, allowing him to escape from real life.

Comments: ① This sentence appears to be about what Belikov taught, but in essence it expresses Belikov’s fear of life.

② At the beginning of the novel, it is written "My colleague Greek teacher Belikov", which further points out that the content Belikov teaches is ancient language, because there are no "revolution" and "ism" in ancient Greek. , will not endanger the tsar's decadent rule, implying that Belikov is unwilling and afraid to get in touch with real life.

③ He uses metaphors to say that the ancient languages ​​he teaches are "rain boots" and "umbrellas". To him, "rain boots" and "umbrellas" are a "containment" that is isolated from reality. He also treats ancient languages ​​as "rain boots" and "umbrellas". A "cover" to avoid reality.

2. Of course, it’s okay, it’s good, but don’t make any trouble.

Comments: ① This is Belikov's typical language. The personalized character language makes the characters vividly appear on the page.

②In this sentence, Belikov hesitated, timidly and cautiously. "Of course", "of course" and "but" vividly express Belikov's timid and cowardly character.

③These four clauses are actually contradictory: "OK" and "OK" indicate that the situation is only "ok"; "very good" is no longer the so-called "OK", so why should we worry about "OK"? What's going on?" It can be seen that "ok" and "very good" are extremely reluctant in Belikov's view.

④ "Don't cause any trouble" is not only Belikov's language, but also Belikov's psychology. In his view, "drama clubs", "reading rooms" and "teahouses" will all "make trouble". How ridiculous this is!

3. Let's be honest: it's a huge pleasure to bury someone like Belikov. When we returned from the cemetery, our faces were melancholy and modest; no one wanted to show any joy.

Comments: ① Belikov opposes all new things and stifles freedom and progress. He was the defender of the Tsarist autocratic system. His death symbolized the inevitable demise of all reactionary forces and allowed people to see the coming dawn after getting rid of the dull atmosphere. Therefore, people felt that burying Belikov was a very happy thing.

②Belikov himself is also a victim of the old system. Moreover, after one Belikov dies, there are still many "Belikovs". "Belikov" is not an individual phenomenon, but a social reality. general reflection. Because this is a dead and decadent society. As long as the reactionary and decadent Tsarist autocratic system exists, that kind of gloomy and depressing atmosphere and people with reactionary and vulgar characters will exist, so "no one is willing to show happy emotions."

The man in the sleeve PPT, the third part: multi-dimensional exploration

1. What are the images of the Varenka siblings in the novel? What role does the author play in shaping these two characters?

Tip: Varenka and Kovalenko appear as opposite images to Belikov. They represent progressive forces with democratic and free thoughts, normal human emotions, and the courage to fight against conservative diehards. The conflict between Kovalenko and Belikov not only clearly demonstrates the incompatible personalities of the two characters and the struggle between the old and new ideas they represent, but also vividly exposes the hypocrisy and decadence of Belikov's thoughts. and reactionary, showing the author's stance of criticizing the ugly old things and supporting the positive and progressive forces in life. On the one hand, Varenka's laughter is the normal people's ridicule of Belikov for going beyond the norm and making a fool of himself; on the other hand, it also symbolizes the victory of the struggle between the progressive forces pursuing a free life and the reactionary forces that suffocate life.

2. Belikov, a famous typical image in the history of world literature, still exists vividly in people's impressions. So what practical significance does this image have for us? What enlightenment can his "contraps" bring to us?

Tip: Stubbornness and conservatism are not only a "trap" used by Belikov to oppose new things and progress, they may also become a "trap" used by us living in a new society to oppose new things and progress. People are easily satisfied. They are satisfied with the small achievements they have made and the relatively comfortable life at the moment, so they no longer work hard and are no longer aggressive. "Satisfaction" becomes a "conceit." Not only do they suffer from it, but they also prevent the progress of others and become a stumbling block to the progress of society. In fact, in modern society, "pride" is a "set", "vanity" is also a "set", "jealousy" is a "set", and "selfishness" is also a "set". Only by eradicating our own bad habits and getting rid of the evil thoughts in our hearts can we get rid of the shackles of "traps" and stride forward.

Man in a Sleeve PPT, Part 4: Aesthetic Appreciation

humorous satire

The author of this article uses implicit and humorous satire from beginning to end to create the character of Belikov and show his character. The use of this satirical technique generally has the following situations:

1. Through the mouth of the story narrator, use exaggerated techniques and comic style to outline the image, forming a strong satirical effect. For example, Belikov "even on the sunniest day, he wears rain boots, carries an umbrella, and always wears a warm cotton coat." The description of Belikov's portrait and living habits here not only makes people feel ridiculous, but also makes people feel disgusted.

2. Express the character's absurd thoughts through serious gestures and language, thereby showing irony. It was a normal thing for the Varenkas and brother to ride bicycles, and it was not worth making a fuss about. But Belikov was so confused that he even said: "If the teacher rides a bicycle, what good things can he expect from the students?" ?All they can do is turn upside down and walk with their heads!" This in itself is a bitter mockery of the stupid and absurd Belikov.

3. Use light and joking language to describe characters to show irony. For example, regarding Belikov's marriage, the author wrote: "However, this man in the trap almost got married." An "almost" is full of satire and sarcasm.

4. Express the satirical effect by describing the characters' contradictory language and anxious mood. When Belikov's marriage "almost" succeeded, a cartoon made him panic. Immediately, he went to Kovalenko and confessed that he had "nothing to do with this matter" and claimed that his "behavior has always been worthy of being a gentleman in all aspects." He is obviously not a "gentleman" because he is related, but he still takes it seriously and pretends to cover it up. This all shows his ridiculous and hateful side.

5. In some places, an implicit contrast is used to enhance the satirical effect. For example, it is written that during the day, he made everyone in the city live in fear, but at night he was lying under the quilt, but he was so scared that he could not sleep. This sharply satirizes Belikov's seemingly powerful but actually weak nature.

The Man in the Sleeve PPT, Part 5: Beautiful Reading

Speech at Belikov's memorial service

Gao Zunping

Dear ladies and gentlemen:

First of all, thank you for braving the early summer heat to come here. Today, we solemnly gather here to deeply mourn the distinguished Comrade Belikov.

At 8:08 on June 2, 1898 in the Russian calendar, Comrade Belikov was plotted by the other party while spreading the truth and influencing his colleagues. Unfortunately, he died heroically at the age of 42.

Comrade Belikov lived in a great era. In this era, bourgeois democratic ideas were rampant, and certain extremist ideas were flying everywhere like flies in a dung heap. The tsarist system faced unprecedented severe challenges. This is an era that calls for heroes and has already given birth to heroes. Comrade Belikov is a great hero of our time.

A Chinese sage once said: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world." Although Comrade Belikov is just an ordinary middle school teacher with an ordinary job, he can sense the nerves of the times, grasp the pulse of the times, and consciously stand on the side of the Tsar. position, in order to maintain the sacred status of Tsar Nicholas II and to maintain the existing and extremely superior tsarist system, he made his own indelible and outstanding contributions. He can be called the citizen's teacher, the backbone of society, the nemesis of evil, and the defender of justice. Here, on behalf of the Wuyouxili Municipal Government and all citizens, I would like to pay the highest respect to the heroes and their families! (Applause)

Comrade Belikov is a moral model for all citizens. He studies and understands the law, knows the law and abides by the law, and is a nationally renowned voluntary law popularization activist. He is familiar with all legal provisions by heart, and warmly welcomes, actively supports, consciously abides by, and enthusiastically preaches all bans and regulations issued by the government. All his actions follow the rules, are in the mean, and are perfect. He also invented all kinds of covers to wrap himself up and became a leader of new fashion, an active advocate and demonstrator of new life. He is a fashion star and spiritual idol worshiped by people in the city and even the country.

Man in a Sleeve PPT, Part Six: Material Accumulation

The man in the sleeve in Chekhov's works - Bylikov, hides his face in a turned-up collar, wears sunglasses, a woolen sweater, cotton in his ears, and rain boots on sunny days ...He weaved a tight "trap" for himself, and eventually he was "trapped" alive. It's really ridiculous, hateful and pathetic. As a result, Belikov became synonymous with conservatism and an object of ridicule.

If we take "conservatism and innovation" and "liberating one's own thoughts" as the central purpose, we can reserve the following composition materials.

●Have the courage to make breakthroughs, and you can create the extraordinary in the ordinary.

It is not easy for an ordinary person to make bold breakthroughs and make extraordinary efforts in ordinary life. However, Mingyue did it that year. A master of history writing who is not a professional, uses "Things of the Ming Dynasty" to clearly, profoundly, richly and perfectly restore the history of the Ming Dynasty for more than 300 years in front of everyone. The Bright Moon of the Year, with its vivid, sharp, humorous and witty words, makes the goodness of human nature radiate the most dazzling light through the haze of history. He boldly broke through the rigidity of classic history books and wrote works that many people talked about. Because of this, he successfully entered the "Rich List of Chinese Writers" in just one year and created a brilliant career.

Mingyue once said that year: I am actually a very ordinary person, I just want to be a courageous person. The meaning of life can only be highlighted through constant breakthroughs and challenges.

Keywords: Free download of PPT courseware for the five compulsory high school Chinese courses of the People's Education Press, PPT download of "Man in a Sleeve", .PPT format;

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Update Time: 2024-06-27

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