"The Future of the Universe" PPT courseware


"The Future of the Universe" PPT courseware

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"The Future of the Universe" PPT courseware

Part One: Classic morning reading


Gu Kuang

Du Yu's unjust death has accumulated for a long time, and he cries blood every year, which makes people sad.

If you teach that all hatred and soul can be transformed, no tree or mountain will have its own rules.

【Author background】

Gu Kuang, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The year of birth and death is unknown. His courtesy name was Bu Weng, his nickname was Huayang Zhenyi, and he was a native of Haiyan, Suzhou (now part of Zhejiang). In the second year of Zhide (757), he became a Jinshi. In the third year of Zhenyuan, he was recommended by Li Mi and entered the court as Zuo Lang. In the fifth year of Zhenyuan, Li Mi died, and he was demoted to Raozhou Sihu to join the army in March and April of that year. The reason for being demoted is said to be "arrogant and ruined the imperial line" (Li Zhao's "Supplement to the History of the Tang Dynasty"). He left Raozhou in about the tenth year of Zhenyuan and lived in seclusion in Maoshan in his later years.

Gu Kuang's seven-character song line "The Young Master's Journey" and "Three Poems on the Difficult Journey" expose the luxurious life of the noble children and satirize the foolish behavior of the feudal emperors in pursuit of immortality, which is of great practical significance. "Li Gongfeng plays the harp and harp song", "Liu Channu plays the pipa song" and "Li Huzhou Ruren plays the zither song", etc., through rich and vivid metaphors and the rendering of the environment and atmosphere, the description of music is quite good. These poems are rich in imagination, unique in artistic conception, and rich in color. They were the beginning of Li He's later singing career. Guan Xiu, a poet monk in the late Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem "Reading Gu Kuang's Songs" and highly praised his seven-character songs.

Gu Kuang's Qijue is fresh, natural and full of masterpieces. For example, "Su Zhaoying" satirizes Xuanzong's quest for immortality. "Poems on Leaves Flow from the Garden" and "Palace Ci" describe the sorrow of the palace maids who were imprisoned in the palace. "Zhuzhi Ci" is a study of Jiangnan folk songs.

Gu Kuang advocated that poetry should expose the shortcomings of the government and reflect the sufferings of the people's livelihood. This poem was written under the guidance of this idea. "Zigui" is used to satirize the unfairness of the world and reflect that there are too many wronged souls among the people.

[Perception of the theme]

The first two lines of this poem describe the sadness of the cuckoo crying for blood; the last two lines explain that if all the innocent souls were turned into Zigui, there would be no place for the innocent souls in the world to rest. The purpose of the whole poem is to show how many wronged souls there are in the world, and to euphemistically expose the injustice of the world and the social reality of widespread injustice, which is very critical.

【Art Appreciation】

The expression is implicit and the allegory is powerful.

The purpose of this poem is to point out that there are too many wronged souls in the world and criticize the dark reality of injustice. However, the author did not write it explicitly but used the image of "cuckoo crying for blood" to euphemistically express it through Zigui saying that there is no place to rest, which shows that the poet His unique ingenuity makes writing this way more thought-provoking and powerful than direct criticism.

The future of the universe PPT, part 2: learning objectives

1. Understand the writing background of this article and the characteristics of the speech; understand the meaning of important sentences in the article.

2. Understand the author's worldview; learn the author's writing method that combines scientific knowledge with narrative and reasoning.

3. Understand Hawking's rigorous pursuit of scientific knowledge, and cultivate students' concepts and good habits of studying hard for scientific exploration.

The future of the universe PPT, the third part: preview before class

(1) Understand people and the world, broaden your horizons

1. Get closer to the author

Stephen Hawking is the most outstanding physicist since Albert Einstein. Hawking was born in Oxford, England, in 1942. He studied at Oxford University and Cambridge University, studying mathematics, physics and cosmology. In 1963, Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This disease causes muscle atrophy, leading to paralysis; speaking becomes increasingly difficult until the ability to speak is completely lost;

Patients usually die from pneumonia or suffocation. However, the patient's thinking ability, including memory, is not affected. Doctors told Hawking he had no more than two years to live. After a brief period of disappointment and frustration, Hawking resumed his cosmological research. Hawking later achieved outstanding research results in the fields of relativity, the "Big Bang" and black holes. Hawking's 1988 cosmology book "A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes" is a landmark best-seller. It has been more than 30 years since Hawking was diagnosed with the disease, but he is still diligently studying the theory of the origin of the universe and is still working hard for a grand unified theory. Hawking is currently Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a position that Sir Isaac Newton once held.

2. Understand the background

The most influential theory of modern cosmology is Big Bang cosmology. Big Bang cosmology believes that the temperature of the early universe was extremely high (above 10 billion degrees) and the density of matter was extremely high. There, matter is compressed into a singularity where time and space are meaningless. About 20 billion years ago, an "explosion" occurred, the temperature gradually cooled, and various star systems were formed, which is the universe we can observe today.

The Big Bang theory was gradually formed. In the early 20th century, Einstein's theory of relativity changed the way scientists studied the universe. In 1927, Belgian astronomer Lemaître was the first to propose a dynamic universe model, which believed that the universe was formed from the continuous division and expansion of a "primitive atom". He speculated: If the mass of matter in the universe is less than a certain critical value, the universe will continue to expand and become an "open universe"; otherwise, it will collapse and become a "closed universe." In 1948, Gamov, an American physicist born in Russia, developed this theory and proposed the "Big Bang" theory.

The Big Bang theory is supported by the following astronomical observations. (1) The spectral lines of extragalactic galaxies are systematically red-shifted (covered in the text). In 1917, American astronomer Sir River discovered that the spectral lines of extragalactic galaxies systematically moved toward the red end, indicating that these distant objects were moving away from us. In 1929, American astronomer Hubble discovered that almost all galaxies have red shifts. The farther away a galaxy is, the greater its redshift. This linear relationship between redshift and distance is called Hubble's law. (2) According to the Big Bang theory, the temperature of the early universe was very high, so the efficiency of producing helium was also very high. (3) Determination of the age of various celestial bodies is less than 20 billion years. (4) The discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation (covered in the text).

The Future of the Universe PPT, Part 4: Entering the Classroom

Lesson 1 (Study the first to third parts of the text)

(1) Read the text intensively and conduct independent discussion

In the first part (paragraphs 1 to 6), the author first expresses the confidence of scientists in predicting the future of the universe, pointing out that such predictions are completely different from the ambiguous explanation techniques of wizards. When people think of prophecy, they can’t help but think of ancient witchcraft. The witch "made herself trance-like" just to add a bit of mystery, "and the real skill lies in the explanation." The same is true for modern religious prophecies, which constantly use new explanations to cover up the failure of prophecies. Perhaps scientific predictions are no more reliable than those of wizards or religious seers, but it is still possible to predict the future of the universe.

The second part (natural paragraphs 7-11) analyzes some ideas that prevent people from predicting the future of the universe. Of course, we still don’t know some physical laws under extreme conditions, but this does not affect our prediction of the future evolution of the universe, because the physical equations of these laws are unstable and will not have exact solutions - just like When we rotate the gambling board by hand, you can't feel the slight change in force, but the pointer stays in different places. In the same way, it is very difficult to predict weather conditions five days away because it is too complex to calculate; even if we know all the equations that govern the brain, we cannot predict human behavior because small changes will cause Very different results. Local motions in the universe may appear chaotic, but the universe is predictable on a large scale. The universe is expanding and other galaxies are moving away from us.

The third part (paragraphs 12-13) points out the scientific basis that confirms that we can predict the future of the universe. First, the temperatures of the microwave radiation background we have observed coming from all directions in outer space are extremely close, which shows that the expansion of the universe is smooth rather than chaotic; second, based on the position of the earth in the solar system and the position of the sun in the galaxy to which it belongs, By inferring that the background is the same for any other galaxy in any direction, it can be determined that the behavior of the universe is simple rather than chaotic at very large scales.

(2) Teachers give guidance and lead ideas

1. The title of the author's lecture is "The Future of the Universe", but he first tells many historical stories. What role does this play? Do you think this is "off topic" or is it relevant to the topic?

Just as ancient Chinese storytellers would tell another story first to get to the main topic, this speech starts with the ancient prophet and witch to arouse the audience's interest and play the role of introducing the topic. The author's courage to satirize those ancient prophets shows a kind of confidence on behalf of the scientific community, because scientific predictions are based on scientific research and can be explained using scientific principles. Therefore, "telling history" is to "contrast the present", not to "go off topic", but to be relevant to the topic.

2. What did Hawking predict about the future of the universe?

(1) The expansion and collapse of the universe are related to the average density of the universe. If the average density is less than a certain critical value, it will expand forever. If the average density were greater than a critical value, the universe would collapse and time itself would end.

(2) There should be some kind of invisible dark matter in spiral galaxies and galaxy clusters, and its gravity is enough to firmly hold fast-rotating galaxies and prevent these galaxies or galaxy clusters from flying apart.

(3) If the universe continues to expand, in 5 billion years, the sun will exhaust its nuclear fuel and become a white dwarf star. In about 10 billion years, stars with solar mass will become white dwarfs or neutron stars, and stars with greater mass will become black holes.

(4) The speed of particles in a black hole may exceed the speed of light and escape from the black hole. As long as there is enough time, a huge black hole can also "evaporate".

(5) There should be enough dark matter outside galaxies or galaxy clusters, which can bring the density to a critical value, which may eventually cause the universe to collapse. But this time must be 15 billion years later.

The Future of the Universe PPT, Part 5: Summary Center

This speech starts from the prophecies of ancient wizards, to the prophecies of modern religions, and then transitions to his own predictions about the future of the universe. The author uses astrophysics theory to make two predictions about the future of the universe: one is to continue to expand; the other is to shrink or even collapse into a point. Whether it expands or contracts depends on the average density of the universe.

appreciating art

1. Live guidance.

This scientific paper is a speech and has the characteristics of a speech. Although predicting the future of the universe is a serious scientific topic, it can easily become boring if we focus on the matter. The speech needs to arouse the interest of the audience. The speaker starts with ancient witchcraft and modern religious prophecies, which not only increases the interest but also deepens the theme of the speech - in contrast with witchcraft, it shows the science realistic spirit.

2. Rigorous reasoning.

As a scientific speech, its ultimate goal is to be convincing. The rigorous reasoning of this article enhances its persuasiveness. Although the universe is complex, it is describable on a large scale. The density of the universe is key to its fate, but determining this is difficult. The speaker talked about the issues thoroughly and clearly, from visible matter to dark matter, from mature theories to scientific hypotheses. The failure to make a clear prediction also illustrates the speaker's rigorous scientific attitude.

3. Humorous language.

Speech is face-to-face communication, which is one-way. If you do not pay attention to the language art of speech, you will not achieve the best expression effect. The humorous language of this speech creates a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, making the issues discussed more accessible to the audience. For example, there is a paragraph in the article that says: "I have an advantage over other doomsday prophets. Even if the universe is about to collapse, I can confidently predict that it will not stop expanding for at least 10 billion years. I don't expect that I will survive by then. Proved wrong in the world." It expresses humor by revealing his "selfish" psychology, and at the same time conveys an important message: the universe "will not stop expanding for at least 10 billion years."

PPT on the future of the universe, part six: [Masterpiece Expo]

Appreciation of characters in "A Dream of Red Mansions"

Jia Baoyu: The protagonist in the book was born in a large feudal aristocratic family and was the second son of Jia Zheng in Rongguo Mansion. Because he is the phantom of the stone that mends the sky at Qinggeng Peak, and he descended to earth as the attendant of Shenying of Chixia Palace, he was born with a jade in his mouth. He was pampered by his grandmother and others since he was a child, and lived a life surrounded by jade, fine clothes and food. Although he was in a "family of bells and dishes, a family of poems and books" and was regarded as the hope of inheriting and revitalizing the ancestral industry, he hated the decadence and ugliness within the aristocratic family and the vulgar hypocrisy of the surrounding environment, and was unwilling to pursue an official career and economic career. The path of life, trying to get rid of the shackles of feudal traditional moral thoughts. Especially after his love with his cousin Lin Daiyu, which was based on common thoughts and spiritual compatibility, was frustrated, he showed a strong rebellious character, which also led to a series of conflicts with feudal defenders. Due to the limitations of class and era, his resistance was not complete, and even nihilistic and passive. Therefore, after Lin Daiyu's death, he became a monk.

Lin Daiyu: One of the main characters in the book, she was born in a "gentle and noble" family. She is talented, intelligent, and pretty. It was originally the Crimson Pearl Immortal Grass beside the Sansheng Stone on the bank of the Ling River. It came down to earth to repay the favor of Shen Ying for watering it. After his parents died, he lived in the dirty and snobbish grandmother's house in Rongguofu for a long time. Her lonely and helpless situation made her originally weak, depressed and sentimental become more sensitive, suspicious and cautious. She sincerely despised the power and wealth and the snobbery and hypocrisy of the feudal aristocratic family, so she was not tolerated by the feudal forces. Although she developed a sincere love with Jia Baoyu's childhood sweetheart, who also had a rebellious spirit, she was still rejected. On the night when Baoyu was deceived into marrying Xue Baochai, she was extremely grief-stricken and died of vomiting blood.

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Update Time: 2024-07-23

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