"Qinyuanchun·Changsha" PPT high-quality courseware download


"Qinyuanchun·Changsha" PPT high-quality courseware download

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"Qinyuanchun·Changsha" PPT high-quality courseware download

Part One: Read some cultural knowledge

(1) word

Ci is a different style of poetry, which originated in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and became popular in the Song Dynasty. It is also called Shiyu, long and short sentences, Yuefu, tune Ci, etc. The characteristics of Ci are that the words have a definite tone, the tone has a definite sentence, the sentence has a definite character, and the words have a definite tone. According to the number of words, words can be divided into Xiaoling (within 58 words), Zhongtone (59 to 90 words), and Long tone (more than 90 words); according to the number of paragraphs, they can be divided into monotone, double tone, triple tone, and quadruple tone. wait. "Qinyuanchun" belongs to the long tune; it is divided into upper and lower parts, which is a double tune.

(2) Word cards

The word plate was originally the name of a specific song and music tune, and later became the title of a specific word style format, that is, the word plate of a word limits the form of the word (number of sentences, level, rhyme, etc.). The word title immediately connected to the word card is the content of the poem, that is to say, the word card indicates the form, and the word title indicates the content. In "Qinyuanchun·Changsha", "Qinyuanchun" is the word card, "Changsha" is the title of the word, and the revealing word is a poem describing the scenery and expressing feelings, and the place is Changsha.

Pre-class background

1. The great poet who led the generation—Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong (1893-1976), whose courtesy name was Runzhi and whose pen name was Ziren. A native of Xiangtan, Hunan. The great leader of the Chinese people, a Marxist, a great proletarian revolutionist, strategist, militarist, thinker and theorist, the main founder and leader of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the People's Republic of China, a poet, and a calligrapher. Considered one of the most important figures in modern world history, Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

Changsha was a very important stop in Mao Zedong's life. From 1911 to 1923, he spent 13 years of his youth here. He studied and taught here successively, founded the Xinmin Society, edited the "Xiangjiang Review", established the first communist group in Hunan, and gained a beautiful love. In April 1923, he left Changsha and went to Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places to engage in revolutionary work. In the spring of 1925, he returned to his hometown of Shaoshan to guide the peasant movement. In the autumn of the same year, he traveled from Shaoshan to Guangzhou, passing through Changsha and visiting Juzizhou and Yuelu Mountain. He recalled the "prosperous years" of those years, which is why he wrote this work.

(1) Hundreds of boats competing against each other: Hundreds of boats racing against each other on the water. It means that many people are moving forward bravely.

(2) In the prime of life: The person’s style and talent are in full bloom.

(3) Zhengrong (zhēn� rón�) years: describes extraordinary years.

(4) Guiding the country: commenting on national events.

(5) Hui rebuke Fang Qiu (qiú): refers to young people who are enthusiastic and energetic.

Qinyuanchun Changsha PPT, Part 2: Learning Task 1 Reading and Appreciation

In the cold autumn of Independence, the Xiangjiang River goes north and ends at Orange Island. Look at the mountains covered with red, the forests all dyed; the rivers full of green, with hundreds of boats vying to flow. Eagles strike in the sky, fish fly in the shallow bottom, and all kinds of things compete for freedom in the frosty sky. Feeling sad about the vast land, I ask who controls the vast land?

Ups and downs?

Bring a hundred couples to travel. Reminiscing about the past, the turbulent years are thick. Just a classmate is a young man, full of youth and brilliance; a scholar is full of spirit, and he scolds Fang Qiu. Pointing to the country, inspiring words, excrement and dirt were thousands of households in those days. Have you ever remembered that when you hit the water in the middle of the stream, the waves stopped the flying boat?

Read the words correctly

Please find the two most important collar characters in the whole word and see how to pronounce them.

The so-called "leading word" is the word that is located at the front of the sentence and is used to lead the sentence. It refers to using one word or two or three words at the beginning of a sentence to lead the following and understand the meaning of the word. It can lead to the sentence itself, or it can lead to two, three or even more sentences below. Generally, when reciting, you should pause briefly after receiving the words, thus creating a sense of music that combines frustration and fluency.

"Look" and "just right".

This word makes good use of the "leading character" (a word that can lead to one or two sentences or even three or four sentences). "kan" in the upper part leads to the next seven sentences, and "qia" in the lower part leads to the next seven sentences.

When reading the collar words, please pay attention to:

①Every word that is received must be shot separately, and there must be a slight pause afterward;

②Read the content quickly and vigorously, and read it in one go. The content after the word "kan" should be read in one breath, and a kind of momentum should be read out, a magnificent momentum, free momentum, and vigorous momentum; the content after the word "qia" should be read in one breath, and a kind of continuous momentum should be read out. Scenes from that year come flooding back, a period of exciting youth.

(1) Grasp the words and sentences, grasp the ideas

This word is based on the author's activities. Please find the verb that shows clues to the whole word.

Stand, look, feel sad, ask, remember.

What role does "bringing a hundred couples together to travel together. Reminiscing about the glorious past" play in the structure of the whole word?

Undertake the transition.

The author of the first piece of this poem, Zi Hanqiu, revisited his old place and saw the scenery. Naturally, he thought of the scenes of traveling hand in hand with his classmates before, so he transitioned to his past life and "schoolmates". The transition here is very natural. The connection is also very clever.

"Have you ever remembered that when you hit the water in the middle of the current, the waves stopped the boat?" What is the general meaning of these three sentences? What is the internal connection between this question and the hypothetical question at the end of the previous film?

(1) Approximate meaning: Do you remember? When we were swimming in the river, the waves almost stopped the fast-moving boats.

(2) Internal connection: This question is a clever answer to the question of "who is responsible for the ups and downs" in the previous film. It shows that the destiny of the country and the nation, and even everything in the world, should be determined by a group of us who dare to "strike the water in the middle and contain the waves." The passionate young man of "Flying Boat" came to dominate. This question once again expresses the author's great ambition to take the world as his own responsibility.

(2) Appreciate the beauty of language

Combined with the whole word, appreciate the beauty of the word "independence" in "Independence Cold Autumn".

①The word "Independence" shows the author's heroic spirit of being upright and the mainstay when facing the Xiangjiang River rolling northward;

② In contrast to the "Hundred Couples" in "Bringing Hundreds of Couples on a Tour" in the second film, the image of an individual poet in the first film transitions to the image of a group of young people in the second film.

To appreciate the beauty of calligraphy, you need to start from the following five perspectives:

(1) Check whether the meaning is rich and concise. The value of poetic language lies in the richness of meaning in each word, and less is better than more. The reason why many words are used well is that they use the least language to convey the richest meaning. Some words have superficial meanings, allusive meanings, puns, etc. When appreciating them, you must appreciate their rich connotations and read their hidden meanings.

(2) Check whether the message is accurate and subtle. The language of poetry not only pays attention to vivid images, conciseness and expressiveness, but also uses words to express expressions. It is necessary to be good at combining the whole poem to figure out what kind of emotional wishes it accurately conveys to the author.

(3) See if it can create an artistic conception. The so-called "creating a scene" is to use the condensation and implicitness of words to create the artistic conception of poetry. The ancients paid great attention to artistic conception when writing poems, and the wonderful use of words can create a beautiful artistic conception for the whole poem.

Qinyuanchun Changsha PPT, Part 3: Learning Task 2 Exploration and Comparison

1. In-depth exploration

Most of the autumn landscapes written by the ancients are solemn and desolate, but the autumn landscapes written by Mao Zedong are obviously different in emotional color from the traditional chanting of autumn by the ancients. Why?


Mao Zedong

The scenery of the North is covered in ice and snow for thousands of miles. Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, there is nothing but vastness; the river up and down suddenly stops flowing. The silver snake dances in the mountains, and the original wax figure wants to compete with God. On a sunny day, it is particularly charming to see the red clothes and plain clothes.

There are so many beauties in the country that it attracts countless heroes to bow down. I regret that Emperor Qin and Han Wu were slightly less talented in literature; Emperor Zong of Tang and Song Dynasty were slightly less elegant. The genius of the generation, Genghis Khan, only knew how to bend a bow and shoot at giant eagles. It's all gone, let's count the famous people, but let's look at the present.

February 1936

Try to compare the similarities and differences between these two poems in terms of structure, expression, content, theme, and style.

The same points: ① The upper part depicts the scenery, the second part expresses the emotion, the upper part depicts the scenery, and the lower part expresses the ambition. The first film of "Qinyuanchun·Changsha" depicts the "Autumn Scenery of the Xiangjiang River", and the second film recalls the turbulent years of the past, showing the revolutionary spirit and ambition of the author and his comrades in order to transform the old society. The first film of "Qinyuan Spring·Snow" depicts the scenery of the North, and the second film comments on the past and present, expressing ambition and pride.

② They all use the expression technique of alternating near and far, and combining movement and stillness.

③They all praised the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and the "romantic figures".

④They are all bold and high-spirited.

Differences: ① In terms of expression techniques, "Qinyuanchun·Changsha" mainly writes about real scenes; "Qinyuanchun·Snow" is a combination of fiction and reality. The first ten sentences of the film are the actual scenery in front of the author, and the last three sentences are The virtual scene longed for by the author.

② In terms of content and theme, "Qinyuanchun·Changsha" expresses a revolutionary young man's emotion about the fate of the country and his ambition to take the world as his own responsibility; "Qinyuanchun·Snow" expresses that the fate of the Chinese people can only be controlled by the proletariat Only in the hands of the people can we have a bright future.

③ In terms of style, in comparison, "Qinyuanchun·Changsha" is not as majestic as "Qinyuanchun·Snow", and the emotions are not as magnificent.

Qinyuanchun Changsha PPT, Part 4: Learning Task 3 Expansion and Extension

(1) The long road to Xiongguan is really like iron, but now we are crossing it from the beginning. ——"Recalling Qin'e·Loushanguan"

(2) From the beginning, the mountains are like the sea and the setting sun is like snow. ——"Recalling Qin'e·Loushanguan"

(3) He was born out of the sky, roaming Kunlun, and saw all the spring scenery in the world. ——"Niannujiao·Kunlun"

(4) If heaven is sentimental, heaven will also grow old, and the right path in the world will undergo vicissitudes of life. ——"Seven Rules: The People's Liberation Army Occupies Nanjing"

(5) Too much complaining can prevent heartbreak. It is advisable to take a broad view of things. ——"Qilu·He Mr. Liu Yazi"

(6) To have great ambitions to sacrifice, dare to teach the sun and moon to change the sky. ——"Qilu·To Shaoshan"

(7) Ten thousand years is too long, just seize the day. ——"Manjianghong·and Comrade Guo Moruo"

(8) Qiao doesn’t fight for spring, she only repays it. When the mountain flowers were in full bloom, she smiled among the bushes. ——"Bu Suanzi·Yong Mei"

(9) Dawn is about to dawn in the east, so don’t leave early. You are still young when you travel through the Qingshan Mountains, and the scenery here is uniquely beautiful. ——"Qingpingle·Huichang"

(10) The sky is high and the clouds are clear, and you can see the geese flying south. If you don't get to the Great Wall, you are not a true man. It only takes 20,000 yuan to travel. ——"Qingpingle·Liupanshan"

Keywords: Free download of PPT courseware for high school Chinese compulsory course I published by People's Education Press, Qinyuanchun Changsha PPT download, .PPT format;

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Update Time: 2024-09-22

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"Qinyuanchun·Changsha" PPT high-quality courseware download