"Lily" "*Oh, Xiangxue" PPT


"Lily" "*Oh, Xiangxue" PPT

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"Lily" "*Oh, Xiangxue" PPT

Part One: Lily Flowers

1. Know the author

The ever-blooming lily——Ru Zhijuan

Ru Zhijuan (1925-1998) was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. The mother of Wang Anyi, a famous contemporary female writer. ①

She is best known for her short stories. The writing style is fresh and elegant, the plot is simple and lively, and the details are rich and vivid. Good at reflecting the essence of the times from a smaller perspective. Since 1950, he has successively published short stories and features in newspapers and periodicals, and later compiled and published short story collections such as "Tall Poplar Tree", "Quiet Zen Garden" and "Lily".

2. Know the background

"Lily" is Ru Zhijuan's early masterpiece. When she wrote this novel, it was shortly after the anti-rightist struggle, and her family members were victims of this expanded movement. The harsh reality of life made her "miss the wartime life and the comradeship at that time with some sadness." She said: "War prevents people from having long conversations, but war can make people have deep friendships. Sometimes it only lasts for tens or minutes, or even just a glance, and then passes by in a flash. However, between people, there is a deep friendship. At this moment, we can be heart-to-heart and live and die together." Therefore, "Lilies" is the product of her "reminiscing and reminiscing in the midst of worries." ②

[Companion Reading] ②This beautiful work has beautiful the hearts of many people for more than 50 years. Because Ru Zhijuan wrote "Lily", she herself became a fragrant lily.

3. Expand knowledge


More than 80 species of lilies have been discovered around the world, mainly distributed in temperate regions such as China, Japan, North America and Europe. China is the distribution center of lilies in the world, with about 42 species. Lily has elegant flowers, green leaves, graceful stems and bright colors. It is a valuable flower for potted plants, cut flowers and garden decoration. ③

[Reading] ③The most beautiful name of the medicine in the Chinese medicine hall now is Lily, Lily Lily, taste it carefully twice, it is really full of fragrance.

The second part of the content: *Oh, Xiangxue

1. Know the author

The first female president of the Chinese Writers Association—Tie Ning

Tiening, born in 1957, is a native of Zhao County, Hebei Province. He is the chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the chairman of the Chinese Writers Association④. He has published more than 60 short stories and short stories, including the short story collection "Night Road", the short story collection "The Red Shirt Without Buttons" and "Tie Ning's Novels". The short story "Oh, Fragrant Snow" published in 1982 won the National Outstanding Short Story Award that year. In the same year, the novella "The Red Shirt Without Buttons" won the National Outstanding Novella Award. In 1984, "June's Topic" won the National Outstanding Short Story Award. "Wheat Straw Stack" won the Outstanding Work Award in the "Selected Novellas" from 1986 to 1987. In September 2018, "Oh, Fragrant Snow" was selected as the most influential novel in the 40 years of reform and opening up.

[Companion Reading] ④The first two presidents of the Chinese Writers Association were Mao Dun (1896-1981) and Ba Jin (1904-2005). They were both leading figures in the Chinese literary world. In 2006, when the 49-year-old Tie Ning was elected, "the era of giants in China (literary world) was over, and the era of civilians has arrived," writer Sun Yunxiao commented on his blog.

2. Know the background

During the "Cultural Revolution", political nature and class nature became the only attributes of human beings and the only criteria for literary and artistic criticism. Humanism ⑤ was completely expelled from the field of literary and artistic creation. After the end of the "Cultural Revolution", humanitarianism flourished in China again. Tie Ning's novel "Oh, Fragrant Snow" was produced at this time. The novel uses a corner of Taiergou to describe China's emergence from the shadow of history after the reform and opening up, getting rid of isolation, ignorance and backwardness, and moving towards openness, civilization and The pain and joy of progress.

[Companion Reading] ⑤Although Chinese new literature has experienced many twists and turns in its development, humanism has always been the main ideological connotation and emotional support of outstanding writers and excellent works.

3. Expand knowledge

Sun Li ⑥ talks about "Oh, Fragrant Snow"

This novel is poetry from beginning to end. It is continuous and consistent. This is a pure poem, a clear spring. The places it passes through are also in a pure state.

[Companion Reading] ⑥Sun Li played a crucial role in Tiening's growth. The poetic tendency of Sun Li's Hehuadian School novels greatly influenced Tie Ning's creation. This article is a typical poetic novel.

Contemporary critic Chen Sihe talks about "Oh, Fragrant Snow"

The simple and remote beauty is indeed charming, and people can't help but appreciate and praise it. However, it is precisely related to poverty and isolation. In the roar of the train of the times, this simple and charming beauty can still be How long will it be kept? ⑦

[Companion Reading] 7. "Oh, Fragrant Snow" is a poem, but it is more like a serious and implicit prose poem, causing readers to think deeply about history and reality.

Part Three: Task Group Construction and Exploration

text construction

Summary of main themes

The novel captures a small wave in the people's struggle life during the revolutionary war, depicts the image of the young correspondent and the new daughter-in-law with a pure, noble and beautiful heart like a lily, and expresses the pure and deep love between the military and the people and the love between comrades-in-arms. , conveying the noble beauty of human feelings and the beauty of humanity.

Summary of main themes

The novel is set in Taiergou, a small mountain village in the north. Through a vivid description of the psychological activities of a group of rural girls such as Xiangxue, it narrates the disturbances that the train that only stops for one minute every day brings to the usually peaceful life in the mountain village. It expresses the girls' yearning for civilization outside the mountains and their urgent desire to change the isolation and backwardness of mountain villages and get rid of poverty. It also expresses the self-esteem and self-love of mountain girls and their pure hearts. The more profound significance of the novel is that it uses a corner of Taiergou to describe the pain and joy of China emerging from the shadow of history after the reform and opening up, getting rid of isolation, ignorance and backwardness, and moving towards openness, civilization and progress.

mission design

1. In "Lilies", what image does the author portray of the new daughter-in-law?

When analyzing characters, it is appropriate to use a total fraction structure. First summarize the character characteristics, and then combine the text with specific analysis.

Answer: The new daughter-in-law is a beautiful, pure, kind and noble image. After she heard that the purpose of borrowing the quilt was to fight for the common people, she lent her only dowry to the army; when she arrived at the dressing station, she took the initiative to "spread the quilt on a door panel under the eaves outside"; after the correspondent died, she worked as a health worker When it was time to take off the lily quilt from the correspondent, the new daughter-in-law "took the quilt with her hands", describing the decisive, perseverant and non-negotiable attitude of the new daughter-in-law when she used her new quilt to bury the correspondent.

The novel not only describes the changes in the new daughter-in-law's attitude toward the correspondent in terms of friendliness, concern, reverence, regret, mourning, and guilt, but also shows the new daughter-in-law's demure, simple, kind, innocent, and noble beauty of humanity and character as beautiful as a lily. .

2. In "Oh, Xiangxue", what kind of girl is Xiangxue? Please briefly analyze it based on the article.

Answer: ①Beautiful and pure: In the eyes of passengers, Xiangxue’s eyes are “as clear as crystal” and “trustworthy”, her face is “clean”, and her lips are “soft like red satin”. When people see Xiangxue, not only "a good feeling will immediately arise in their hearts, but they can't bear to play tricks with her, and no matter how careless people are, they will become generous." ② Innocence: When watching the train, she ran at the front; when the train came, she shrank to the back. Other girls can make fun of "pretty faces" and "Beijing dialect", but Xiangxue doesn't dare to talk to her, and even blushes after hearing it. ③ Desire for progress: She is the only person in Taiergou who has been admitted to junior high school; other girls pay attention to either the gold circle on a woman’s head or a watch smaller than a fingernail, but Xiangxue pays attention to the student schoolbags in the carriage; Girls always trade eggs, red dates and other local products for their favorite hairpins, silk scarves and nylon socks, while Xiangxue is eager to trade a basket of eggs for a mechanical pencil case. ④Simple self-esteem: The ridicule of her female classmates made her realize that poverty is disgraceful; she insisted on keeping the basket of eggs after getting the pencil case; Xiangxue longed for Taiergou to change the status quo, become rich and progress , she thinks Taiergou should be like this: girls will no longer beg others, pretty boys on the train will beg to come to the door, the train will stop longer, and all doors and windows will be opened to Taiergou... ⑤Perseverance: In exchange for pencils Box, she resolutely stepped into the train during the one-minute pause. For this reason, she was willing to be blamed by her parents and walked a thirty-mile mountain road alone in the dark. This required a lot of courage for a mountain village girl who usually didn't talk much and was timid.

3. (Extended) The image of innocent and simple women is a beautiful landscape in literary works at home and abroad at all times, shining with the brilliance of human beauty. Please choose an image you like and talk about why you like it.

Answer: ① Cuicui is the heroine in Shen Congwen's novella "Border Town", and is the author's ideal form of life and ideal form of love. She is an innocent, beautiful, kind-hearted girl with a new love. She is an ideal artistic image that combines truth, kindness and beauty.

② Xiao Yingzi is the protagonist of Lin Haiyin's "Old Things in the South of the City". She is simple, kind and innocent. In order to reunite the poor lunatic Xiuzhen with her relatives, Yingzi does everything possible to find out the information. When Yingzi knew that her good friend Niuer was Xiuzhen's daughter, she not only helped reunite their mother and daughter, but also gave them her birthday gifts-diamonds and her mother's gold bracelets as a means of payment.

Part 4: Task 2: Establishing images to convey meaning—analyzing the meaning and function of object images

The role of objects is inseparable from their relationships with characters, plots, environments and themes.

Mission guidance

The objects in the novel are vivid and vivid images into which the author's thoughts and subjective emotions have been poured. They are the basis for the author to express his emotions. Appropriately use the description of objects in the article to hide the truth to be explained or the deep meaning to be expressed in the scenes or things described in the article, making the article more beautiful and implicit, and receiving the feeling that the words are complete and the meaning is endless. Expression effect, thereby improving the appeal of the article.

mission design

1. In "Lilies", what is the symbolic meaning of lilies?

In traditional Chinese culture, different flowers are given different symbolic meanings. For example, lotus symbolizes purity, plum blossoms symbolize perseverance, and peonies symbolize prosperity and wealth...

Answer: Lily has an elegant color, quiet fragrance, whiteness and purity. In the novel, the author gives it rich symbolic meaning. Both the young correspondent and the new daughter-in-law have noble, pure and beautiful hearts like lilies, and the feelings between soldiers and civilians are also like lilies. Pure, noble and beautiful, the emotions between warriors are as pure, noble and beautiful as lilies. Lily flower symbolizes the beauty of human nature, character and love.

2. In "Oh, Xiangxue", what is the symbolic meaning of the pencil box Xiangxue pursues?

The answer novel uses a lot of pen and ink to write that Xiangxue wanted to get the pencil box and walked thirty miles at night to do so. It can be seen that the pencil box is not only a physical object, it is also a symbol. Like the train, it is a symbol of culture and knowledge and a modern symbol. A symbol of civilization. For Xiangxue, the pencil case is like a shining light in the dark night, guiding her to bravely move forward on the road of pursuing knowledge and civilization. Xiangxue's pursuit of the pencil case is the pursuit of civilization. Being able to actively pursue civilization and progress is the awakening of her wisdom factor.

3. (Extension) Please read the relevant works below, find out the meaningful descriptions of objects in the works, and understand the symbolic meaning of the objects.

① "Border Town" Saxifrage

②Shark from "The Old Man and the Sea"

Answer: ① The leaves of saxifrage are like heart shapes, which can be said to be the sustenance of green love. ②The shark is a powerful representative of evil forces and the embodiment of all destructive forces in the universe.

Part 5: Task 3: Creating a stage for character activities - description of the appreciation environment

The environment of the novel includes two aspects: social environment and natural environment.

Mission guidance

As a space-time art, the environment is an indispensable element of the novel. It provides a stage for character activities and plays an important role in promoting the occurrence and development of the plot. The fundamental purpose of environmental description is to create the atmosphere needed for the development of the story and to highlight the characteristics of the characters. In essence, everything is designed to serve the characters.

mission design

1. What role does the word "I" in "Lilies" have in associating the hometown of Bamboo Sea?

This association helps to develop the plot, depict the character, supplement the background material, make the character image vivid and complete, highlight a certain characteristic, or support details, thereby sublimating the theme.

The answer, "Hometown Bamboo Sea," is written in a poetic and picturesque way. This writing, on the one hand, points out the reasons for the formation of the little correspondent's character, that is, the poetic environment gave birth to a hero like the little correspondent with beautiful souls, simple and noble qualities, and the beauty of the scenery and the beauty of the characters complement each other. Harmony and unity; on the other hand, it also expresses "my" incomparable love for my hometown and promotes the emotional development of "my", that is, from the previous anger to becoming interested and "intimate".

Writing in this way greatly expands the capacity of the work, expresses the lily-like pure, innocent, noble and moving emotions among soldiers, that is, the beauty of human nature, strengthens the lyrical color of the work, and enhances the touching artistic power of the work.

2. In "Oh, Fragrant Snow", what does Taiergou look like before the train enters the mountains? What changes happened to Taiergou after the train entered the mountains?

Answer: Before the train entered the mountains, Taiergou was poor, backward, closed and conservative, just like a paradise, isolated from the world.

After the train entered the deep mountains, the previous tranquility of Taiergou was disturbed, and it was impacted by modern civilization from the outside.

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"Lily" "*Oh, Xiangxue" PPT