"Autumn in the Old Capital" "*Moonlight over the Lotus Pond" PPT


"Autumn in the Old Capital" "*Moonlight over the Lotus Pond" PPT

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"Autumn in the Old Capital" "*Moonlight over the Lotus Pond" PPT

The first part: independent learning before class

Autumn in the old capital

1. Know the author

The patriotic writer who resisted Japan and saved the country——Yu Dafu①

Yu Dafu (1896-1945), whose original name was Yu Wen and whose courtesy name was Dafu. In 1922, he organized the famous new literary group "Creation Society" with Guo Moruo, Cheng Fangwu and others. In 1930, he joined the Chinese Left-wing Writers Alliance. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he went to Wuhan to participate in the anti-Japanese and national salvation movement, and went to Singapore to actively promote the anti-Japanese war. Later he went into exile in Sumatra. He was killed by Japanese military police in September 1945. In 1952, he was posthumously recognized as a revolutionary martyr with the approval of the Central People's Government.

His main works include the short stories "Sinking", "The Evening Intoxicated by the Spring Breeze", and "Bao Dian", etc.

[Companion Reading] ①Yu Dafu once said that he was "a tragedy that is not very well structured but has not yet been completed." However, knowledge, unyielding integrity and the love of his relatives allowed this tragedy to go abroad. , went to the world, and lived a magnificent life.

2. Know the background

This article was written in August 1934. From September 1921 to March 1933, Yu Dafu devoted considerable energy to participating in left-wing literary and artistic activities and creating creations. Due to the threat of the Kuomintang's white terror, Yu Dafu moved from Shanghai to Hangzhou in April 1933 and lived in Hangzhou for nearly three years. During this period, his thoughts were depressed and his creations were exhausted. He lived a leisurely and comfortable life and spent a lot of time traveling around. To a certain extent, this was also to relieve the depression and isolation caused by reality. lonely. In July 1934, Yu Dafu traveled thousands of miles from Hangzhou to Peiping via Qingdao. He once again tasted the "flavor" of autumn in his old capital, and wrote a beautiful prose - "Autumn in the Old Capital".

3. Mingwen style


(1) Overview

Prose is a literary genre along with poetry, novels, and dramas. It refers to prose articles that do not pay attention to rhythm. It is the freest literary style and the earliest writing style in China. Prose expresses the author's views and feelings and reveals its social significance by describing certain fragments or life events in real life.

Prose can be expressed in various forms, including essays, short reviews, sketches, essays, sketches, features, travel notes, communications, letters, diaries, memoirs, etc., all belong to prose. In short, prose is short in length, free in form, widely drawn from a wide range of materials, flexible in writing, and beautiful in language. It can reflect life relatively quickly and is deeply loved by people.

(2) Characteristics of prose

1. The form is scattered but the spirit remains.

"Xingsan" mainly means that the prose can be based on a wide range of materials and is not limited by time and space; the expression techniques are eclectic: it can narrate the development of events, describe characters, express emotions with objects, and make comments, and the author can Freely adjust and change according to content needs. "The spirit never disperses" mainly refers to the purpose of prose, that is, the theme to be expressed in prose must be clear and concentrated. No matter how extensive the content of the prose is and how flexible the expression technique is, it can all serve to better express the theme. ②

[Companion Reading] ②"Reading is like Yu controlling the floods, knowing the context of the world." The "god" of prose is the context that leads readers.

2. Profound artistic conception

The artistic conception is profound, focusing on expressing the author's life feelings, with strong lyricism and sincere emotions. With the help of imagination and association, the author writes sequentially from here to there, from shallow to deep, from reality to virtuality, so that he can blend his emotions into the scene, express his emotions into things, embody his emotions into things, and express his aspirations through things, thus expressing the author's true feelings. To realize the unity of things and myself, it shows more profound thoughts and enables readers to understand deeper truths.

3. The language is beautiful, concise and full of literary talent

The so-called elegance means that the language of the prose is fresh and bright, lively and full of music, and the writing is like trickling water, tinkling, like talking, and sincere. The so-called conciseness means that the language of prose is simple, simple, natural and smooth, and a few words can depict vivid images, outline moving scenes, and show profound artistic conception. The prose strives to describe the scenery as if it were before our eyes, and the emotions to refresh the mind.

(3) Classification of prose

Prose is mainly divided into narrative prose, scene prose, lyrical prose, philosophical prose, argumentative prose, etc.

*Moonlight over lotus pond

1. Know the author

Essayist, poet, scholar, and democracy fighter—Zhu Ziqing

Zhu Ziqing, whose original name was Zihua, also had the courtesy name Peixian and the nickname Qiushi. Born in Donghai, Jiangsu in 1898. In 1903, he settled in Yangzhou with his family, so he called himself "I am from Yangzhou". After graduating from middle school in 1916, he was admitted to the preparatory class of Peking University. The following year, he changed his name to "Zi Qing" and was admitted to the undergraduate philosophy department. After graduation, he taught in middle schools in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places.

[Companion Reading] ③The classic "Chu Ci·Bu Ju" says, "It is better to be honest and upright to keep oneself clean", which means that being honest and upright keeps oneself innocent. Mr. Zhu has profound meaning.

When he was in college, Zhu Ziqing began to write new poems. The long poem "Destruction" published in 1923 shocked the poetry world at that time. In 1925, he became a professor at Tsinghua University, and his writing turned to prose. At the same time, he began to study classical literature. In 1928, he published a collection of essays "Back". In 1929, he published a collection of poems called "Traces". He died of illness in Beijing in August 1948. He was a poet, essayist, scholar, democratic fighter, and patriotic intellectual. Mao Zedong said that he "exhibited the heroic spirit of our nation." ④ His works include "The Complete Works of Zhu Ziqing".

[Companion Reading] ④Zhu Ziqing was seriously ill and would rather starve to death than receive "relief food" from the United States. A body of pride would rather break than bend. The character of a scholar is so strong.

2. Know the background

"Moonlight over the Lotus Pond" was written in July 1927, when the author was teaching at Tsinghua University and living in the West Campus of Tsinghua University. The lotus pond described in the article is in Tsinghua Garden. At that time, the Great Revolution failed. In this year, the "April 12" and "July 15" counter-revolutionary massacres occurred in China one after another, and white terror enveloped the land of China. Zhu Ziqing was in depression and hesitation. He himself also knew that "only by participating in the revolution or counter-revolution can this panic be solved", but in the end he chose "a method of temporary escape" ("Recalling Peixian"). But he is, after all, a patriotic democrat. Faced with the dark reality, he cannot rest at ease with this kind of "detachment." In "A Letter" he confessed: "There seems to be something strange these days, like a small boat on the boundless sea, like a hunter in the endless forest...My heart is a mess, it can also be said that it is a mess. A ball of fire. It seems to be struggling to understand something, but it seems that nothing is understood." ⑤ "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond" is a true description and vivid description of the author's own "struggle" that wants to be "detached" but cannot. Portrait.

[Companion Reading] ⑤In May, he wrote the words "Hesitating to plan the journey, wondering where to go", which is really a portrayal of the author's heart at that time.

3. Expand knowledge

Xizhou Qu

"Xizhou Song"⑥ is a famous folk song in the Southern Dynasties. The whole poem describes a young woman's deep longing for her loved one. The four lines cited in the text are about a young woman who "goes out to pick red lotuses" in the hope that her husband will not come. The "over-the-head" lotus and the water-like lotus seeds evoke emotions. The homophony of "lotus seeds" is "pity son", which evokes the longing for the lover. The author quoted "Xizhou Song", which contains his infinite yearning for beauty and freedom. This echoes the free mentality described in the third paragraph of "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond" and is in the same vein.

[Companion Reading] ⑥Southern folk songs are lingering and graceful, while northern folk songs are impassioned. The representative work of northern folk songs is "Poetry of Mulan", and the representative work of southern folk songs is "Xizhou Song".

Part 2: Construction and exploration of task groups

text construction

Autumn in the old capital

Summary of main themes

Through the description of the autumn colors of Beiping, the author praises the natural scenery of his old capital, expresses his true feelings of longing for and being attached to the autumn of his old capital, and reveals his melancholy, loneliness, desolation, and desolation.

*Moonlight over lotus pond

Summary of main themes

By describing what he saw and heard while walking alone in the lotus pond on a moonlit night, the author praised the lotus pond under the moonlight and the moonlight on the lotus pond. Under the moonlight, by the lotus pond, the author felt the faint joy of "rarely stealing a moment of freedom", but still Mixed with a touch of sadness that cannot be shaken off, it euphemistically and tortuously expresses his dissatisfaction with reality and his fantasy of transcending reality but being unable to transcend it.

Task exploration

Task 1: Similar objective world, different subjective minds - Entering the inner world of Zhu Ziqing and Yu Dafu

Mission guidance

As modern writers, Yu Dafu and Zhu Ziqing lived in the same social environment. Their life path staggered from the end of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, which was the most turbulent period for Chinese society. Yu Dafu and Zhu Ziqing have similar objective worlds. From the perspective of "life is the only source of creation", their creative styles should also be similar. In fact, it is not the case. One is realistic and the other is romantic. There is only one reason: different subjective minds.

mission design

1. Based on the principle of knowing people and judging the world, please explore with relevant information: Why is the autumn in Yu Dafu's works so "sad"?

It's not easy to know people, but it's even harder to understand the world. It is necessary to understand not only the author's situation and state of mind when writing, but also the creative background.

Answer: (1) The social environment is dark. In the 1930s, Chinese society was in turmoil for years, and people's livelihood was in decline. Scholars had no food, clothing, or stable residence. In order to make a living, Yu Dafu traveled thousands of miles and suffered from the sorrow and sorrow of life. He describes that the "sadness" in his heart is not just the mentality of admiring the scenery in his hometown, but the entire feeling of life. This feeling is also revealed from time to time in Yu Dafu's other works.

(2) It is related to the writer’s literary outlook and aesthetic pursuit. During his stay in Hangzhou, he was depressed and exhausted in creation. He lived an idle and lonely life. He advocated "quiet" literature and wrote mostly "reclusive literature as quiet as still water."

(3) It is related to the traditional sad autumn complex of Chinese literati. As a modern literati, Yu Dafu has never completely gotten rid of the old traditional Chinese literati's habits due to the influence of his education. Therefore, when he wrote about the autumn in his hometown, he naturally inherited the sad autumn complex of traditional Chinese literati.

2. How to understand Mr. Zhu Ziqing’s “very uneasy heart”?

This sentence can be called "wenyan", that is, the key sentence that "reveals the purpose of the whole text".

Answer: When Zhu Ziqing wrote this article, it was July 1927. Because Chiang Kai-shek rebelled against the revolution, Chinese society was in chaos. Zhu Ziqing fell into depression and hesitation in the era of white terror. He was disgusted with the Kuomintang's "counter-revolution" and was suspicious of the Communist Party's "revolution." He had to fall into a contradiction, so he wanted to find a refuge to maintain the relative independence of intellectuals. In a sense, the "dream" of "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond" (peaceful nature) is also the spiritual refuge of intellectuals. However, Mr. Zhu Ziqing is a democrat after all. Facing the dark reality, he is uneasy with this kind of "detachment." "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond" is a true description and vivid portrayal of Mr. Zhu Ziqing's desire to be "transcendent" but unable to "struggle".

In short, Zhu Ziqing was fascinated by his personal free world, but also felt uneasy and self-condemned about it. This internal contradiction constituted Zhu Ziqing's inner "unquietness".

3. Both essays are famous in the history of modern prose. They both use scenes to express emotions. What are the differences between the two authors in the way they express their emotions?

The answer: "Autumn in the Old Capital" expresses emotions. First, it uses the description of scenes to capture some characteristic scenery and paint it, so that the spring of affection naturally gushes out. The second is to narrate events, that is, to describe the events "among the crowds in the imperial city." Leisure life, as well as "Chinese literati, especially poets", as well as "foreign poets", "poetry and prose notes", and even "prisoners locked in prison", have broad horizons and strong emotions. In addition to being strong and open, lyricism also has depth, explores the essence of life, and is rich in philosophical meaning.

The lyricism of "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond" mainly relies on the description of the scenery to hide the emotions deeply in the description of the scenery. The opening chapter "I've been feeling quite uneasy these days" and the subsequent "I can ignore it now" then turn to careful observation and description of the scenery, implicitly expressing a touch of joy and a touch of sadness.

Part Three: Task Group Reading and Practice

Read the following three materials and complete the following learning tasks.

Material one

The intoxicating green is like a huge lotus leaf, full of strange green. I wanted to open my arms and hug her; but what a delusion this was. Standing by the water and looking over there, it actually feels a bit far away! This flat, thick green is really lovely. She is loosely wrinkled, like a young woman's trailing skirt; she is playing with it gently, like the beating heart of a virgin in first love; she is smooth and bright, as if she has been coated with "varnish", with eggs. It is so soft and tender that it reminds you of the tenderest skin you have ever touched; it is not mixed with dust, just like a piece of warm jasper, with only one clear color, but you can't see through it! (Zhu Ziqing's "Green")

Material two

It takes five steps to turn, and three steps to reach the ridge. On one side is a deep pit with flowing springs and whirlpools, and on the other side is a cliff that birds cannot fly to. Turn a corner, change the scenery, go up a ridge, open up a world, go up and down, go back and forth, we are in Xianxia Mountain, on the bank of Longxi, from north to south, because we have to bypass Xianxia Pass, the car It took more than an hour of walking on the mountain road. (Yu Dafu's "A Brief Account of the Scenery in Eastern Zhejiang: The Adventure of Xianxia")

Material three

① Dafu's prose is like flowing clouds and flowing water, reflecting the bright clouds every time. He is not the same as the ancient lyrical works of describing scenery, but he also gets the essence of it. He writes about landscapes, especially the scenery around his hometown of Fuyang. He is worthy of being a great painter. (Liu Haisu)

②Although Zhu Ziqing is a poet, his prose is still full of poetic flavor. Among the prose writers of the Literary Research Association, except for Ms. Bing Xin, he has the most beautiful words.

[Yu Dafu ("Introduction to "The Department of Chinese New Literature·Episode 2")")]

1. In material three, Yu Dafu’s words are borrowed, “His (Zhu Ziqing’s) prose can be filled with that kind of poetic flavor.” Please analyze its “poetic beauty” with the examples in material one.

The author of the answer is good at using metaphors, not only describing the static beauty of the pool, "like a huge lotus leaf spread out, full of strange green", which makes the author unable to help but have the delusion of hugging her; he also describes It highlights her dynamic beauty, "She was loosely wrinkled, like a young woman's dragging skirt." From many levels and angles, the clear water of Meiyutan is described with great affection as strange, lovely, gentle and soft. In this greenery full of poetry and life, the author's love for life is revealed.

2. How does material two reflect the "flowing clouds and flowing water" characteristics of Yu Dafu's prose?

In the second answer material, long sentences alternate with short sentences. The long sentences have a subtle and soothing meaning, while the short sentences are bright, concise and well-proportioned, creating a calm, soothing but ups and downs rhythm; and the use of repeated words makes the reading full of charm. Full of interest, fresh and fluent, it gives readers an indescribable sense of beauty.

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"Autumn in the Old Capital" "*Moonlight over the Lotus Pond" PPT