"The Story of Yueyang Tower" PPT download


"The Story of Yueyang Tower" PPT download

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"The Story of Yueyang Tower" PPT download

Part One: Introduction of New Course

Classmates, many places of interest in our country have left behind poems and songs written by literati and poets. For example, the three famous towers in ancient my country - Tengwang Pavilion, Yellow Crane Tower and Yueyang Tower have many beautiful sentences engraved on them. Wang Bo's "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion" "The setting clouds and solitary swans fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky" is fascinating; Cui Hao's "Yellow Crane Tower" "The Qingchuan is full of Hanyang trees, and the grass is luxuriant and the Parrot Island" is evocative In the Yueyang Tower, Fan Zhongyan's "Be worried about the world's worries first, and be happy after the world's joy" is even more popular. "Yueyang Tower" has become a famous article that describes the scenery, expresses the true feelings and expresses the author's ambition. Today, we will study this famous poem and learn what kind of scenery it describes, what kind of emotions it expresses, and how it expresses its ambitions.

Yueyang Tower PPT, Part 2: Showing the Goal

1. Clear the meaning of the text and master the meaning of common content words and the usage of function words in the text.

2. Learn how to write articles that skillfully combine narrative, scene description, lyricism and discussion.

3. Deeply understand and correctly evaluate Fan Zhongyan’s life ideals and political aspirations of “worrying about the world’s worries first, and rejoicing after the world’s happiness”, and establish a correct outlook on life.

About the Author

Fan Zhongyan (989-1052), courtesy name Xiwen. His posthumous title was Wenzheng, and he was known as Fan Wenzhenggong in history. A politician and writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, a native of Wuxian County (now Suzhou, Jiangsu Province). During the reign of Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty, he was an official who participated in political affairs and was equivalent to deputy prime minister. There is "Fan Wenzhenggong Collection" handed down from generation to generation. The articles he wrote are rich in political content, beautiful in diction, and open-minded. Famous works include the prose "Yueyang Tower", the poem "The Proud Fisherman", the poem "The Fisherman on the River" and so on.

Stylistic knowledge

This genre appeared very early and became popular in the Tang and Song Dynasties. It can record people and events, mountains and scenic spots, and utensils and buildings, so it is also called "miscellaneous notes". In terms of writing style, most of them are mainly descriptive but also have argumentative and lyrical elements. "Ji" is an ancient literary style that can express the author's feelings and opinions by recording people, events, objects and scenes. The literal meaning of "ji" is to remember. Based on this meaning, "ji" gradually acquired its stylistic meaning and became an article style dedicated to recording in classics and history. As a literary style, "Ji" gained literary life in the Six Dynasties, entered the literary garden in the Tang Dynasty, and expanded its content and became more stable in the Song Dynasty. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the subjectivity became more intense and gradually matured and stabilized.

Yueyang Tower PPT, the third part: preview test

1. Read the pronunciation of the characters

Haohaotangtang, banished to guard, rainy day, bright moon

An Zhi Ting Lan Zhi Yu composition Qiang Qing

2. Write the glyph

Relaxed and happy ( ) Favored and humiliated ( ) forgotten

Chaohuī ( ) Dusk míng míng ( )

3. Accumulation of classical Chinese knowledge

(1) Tongjiazi

1. It belongs to me and I write it down to remember it.

("belong" is the same as "charge", entrust)

2. Make new things out of nothing

("Ju" is the same as "Ji", all, all)

(2) Differences in ancient and modern meanings

1. Over the next year

Ancient meaning: the second year; modern meaning: the next year of this year

2. Various weather conditions

Ancient meaning: scene; modern meaning: atmospheric state and phenomenon

3. Go to the country and feel nostalgic

Ancient meaning: capital; modern meaning: country

Story of Yueyang Tower PPT, Part 4: First Reading Perception

Introduction 1. What are the characteristics of the Dongting Lake scenery in the two weather conditions written by the author? What is the author's purpose in describing the scenery?

Introduction 2. What is the "feeling of looking at things" of the "immigrant scholar" in the article? Find it in the text. And think about the difference compared with the "Guren people".

Introduction 3. This article combines narrative, description, lyricism and discussion in terms of expression. Find argumentative sentences in the article and use your own words to describe the author's political ambitions expressed in the article.

Translate text

Original text: In the spring of the fourth year of Qingli, Teng Zijing was relegated to Baling County. In the next year, the government will be harmonious and people will be harmonious, and everything will be prosperous.


Teng Zijing was relegated to Baling County: Teng Zijing was demoted to Yuezhou as the magistrate. Relegation refers to the demotion or distant transfer of officials in feudal dynasties. Shou, be the chief of the county.

Over the next year: It’s the second year. Yue, and, to.

The government is harmonious and harmonious: the government affairs are smooth and the people are happy. Pass, go smoothly. Harmony, harmony.

Ju: the same as "all", all, all.

Original text: Yueyang Tower was rebuilt, its old structure was added, and poems by Tang Xian and modern people were engraved on it. It belongs to me to write down to record it.


Old system: the scale of the old days.

Attribution: Same as "zhi", entrust.

Translation: In the spring of the fourth year of Qingli, Teng Zijing was demoted to Yuezhou as the magistrate. In the second year, political affairs went smoothly, the people were happy, and all kinds of abandoned businesses were started. So Yueyang Tower was rebuilt, expanded to its old size, and poems and poems by famous Tang Dynasty figures and contemporary people were engraved on it. (He) asked me to write an article to record this incident.

Yueyang Tower PPT, Part 5: Intensive Reading Taste

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph describing Teng Zijing’s “exile”?

[Answer] ① Explain the reason for writing this article. ② "Relegated to Shou" implies the author's feelings about the ups and downs of his official career, which sets the tone for this article - the descriptions, lyrics, and discussions below all revolve around how to deal with the relegation. ③Reflects the author's positive political attitude: Even if you are treated unfairly, you should work hard and not be depressed.

2. How are the words "title" and "swallow" used well?

[Answer] Dongting Lake is an inanimate thing. The words "title" and "swallow" are anthropomorphic, turning static into movement, vividly describing the relationship between "distant mountains", "Yangtze River" and Dongting Lake, and trying to exaggerate the beauty of Dongting Lake. It is grand, lively and unique, creating a majestic picture.

3. What is the relationship between the scene description in paragraphs 3 and 4 and the lyricism in the two stanzas?

[Answer] The description of scenery in these two sections is for the purpose of expressing emotions. The author should try his best to exaggerate the feelings of sadness and joy.

Yueyang Tower PPT, Part Six: Exploring Difficulties

1. [Difficult point to explore] Is it still necessary for modern people who are nearly a thousand years away from Fan Zhongyan to have the "ancient benevolent heart"? Please explain your views.

[Answer] It is necessary to have the "ancient benevolent heart". (1) Because competition in modern society is fierce, success or failure is a common occurrence in life. We need to correct our mentality, face it with an open mind, and develop a strong heart in order to stay at the forefront of competition;

(2) Although we are in an era of peaceful development, we will still face many difficulties. We need to take the world as our own responsibility, be prepared for danger in times of peace, endure hardship first, and enjoy pleasure later. Only in this way can our nation stand among the strongest in the world. .

2. [Discussion on Difficulties] How does the article highlight the main idea in a layer-by-layer manner?

[Answer] (1) The author first described the panoramic view of Dongting Lake and proposed that "the feeling of looking at things is the same", and then wrote about the different feelings of "looking at things" by the poets who moved there. The "sadness" of the poets who moved there is summarized as "nostalgic for the country, worried about slander and ridicule"; the "joy" of the poets who moved there is summarized as "relaxed and happy, and forgets the favor and disgrace together". Then compare the joys and sorrows of these people with the "hearts of ancient benevolent people". First, the question is asked in a comparative way, and the connotation of "the heart of ancient benevolent people" is clarified with "Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself; if you live high in a temple, you worry about its people; if you live far away from the rivers and lakes, you worry about your king". The broad-mindedness and noble moral sentiments of the "ancient benevolent people" are derived from this, and the conclusion that the "ancient benevolent people" are "worried when they advance and also worried when they retreat" is highlighted. The word "worry" is highlighted, which naturally leads to the second hypothesis. Asking "when will we be happy?" further advances the meaning of the text, and finally points out the main theme of the whole text: "Be worried about the world's worries first, and be happy after the world's happiness." This effectively shows the author's lofty political ambitions and is deeply affecting. force.

3. [Difficult point to explore] How to understand the connotation of the two sentences "Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself" and "Be worried about the world's worries first, and be happy after the world's happiness"?

[Answer] "Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself" expresses a lofty spiritual realm. Although it is human nature to feel happy or sad due to the quality of external things and one's own gains and losses, it is not the highest state of being a human being. The benevolent people in ancient times had a firm will and were not shaken by changes in external conditions. Whether they were "living high in the temple" or "far away from the world", they never changed their concern for the country. "Be worried about the worries of the world first, and be happy after the happiness of the world" not only summarizes the lofty ambitions of the ancient benevolent people, but also expresses the author's own lofty aspirations, that is, to transcend personal sorrows and joys, take the world as his own responsibility, and take the world as his own responsibility. The purpose is to benefit the people, eliminate current disadvantages, and be proactive. The author melts rich meaning into two short sentences, each word is worth a thousand dollars.

Yueyang Tower PPT, part 7: summary

Theme of this lesson

This article expresses the author's broad mind of "not to be happy with things, not to be sad with oneself" and "worry about the world first, and worry about the world later" by analyzing and discussing the joyful or sad feelings of the poets who visited Yueyang Tower. The political ambition of "being happy and happy".

1. Narrative, scene description, lyricism and discussion are closely integrated.

Although this article is called "Record", there are not many words describing the reconstruction of Yueyang Tower. Instead, a lot of words are used to describe the scene of Dongting Lake. The purpose of writing scenery is to express the "emotion of looking at things". The scenery is dark and bright, and the emotions are also sad and happy. Finally, it triggers discussion on the basis of contrasting scene descriptions, highlighting the theme of "worry first and enjoy later". It can be seen that the whole article incorporates concise narrative, vivid description of scenery, concise discussion, and has a strong lyrical color.

2. Use parallel rhetoric, mostly four-character phrases. A major feature of the language of this article is the frequent use of four-character phrases when describing scenes, and the use of dual rhetoric in many places. For example, when Dongting Lake was in great shape, it "carried distant mountains and swallowed up the Yangtze River"; when it was stormy and dark, "the sun and stars shone brightly, and the mountains disappeared"; when the wind and sunshine were beautiful, "the sand gulls gathered in the air, and the golden scales were in full bloom". "Swimming", Dongting Lake when the moon is like a pan, "the floating light leaps into gold, the still shadow sinks into the jade", etc. These sentences have the same structure, neat and elegant, and the content mostly sets off or contrasts with each other, which not only greatly enhances the expression effect, but also embodies the A certain phonological beauty.

Keywords: Free download of Chinese PPT courseware for the ninth grade of the People's Education Press, Vol. 1, Yueyang Tower PPT download, .PPT format;

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"The Story of Yueyang Tower" PPT teaching courseware Part One: Learning Objectives 1. Accumulate classical Chinese words. 2. Taste beautiful language and learn writing methods that combine narrative, description, lyricism and discussion. (Difficulty) 3. Understand that the author worries about the world first and then the world’s happiness..

"Yueyang Tower" PPT courseware download:

"The Story of Yueyang Tower" PPT courseware download Part 1: New lesson introduction Yueyang Tower stands on the bank of Dongting Lake. It is a treasure among ancient Chinese buildings. Since ancient times, it has been known as the water in Dongting and the tower in Yueyang. The Yueyang Tower is located at the foot of Baqiu Mountain in the northwest of Yueyang City, Hunan Province. In front of...

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Update Time: 2024-06-30

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"The Story of Yueyang Tower" PPT download