"Comprehensive research: look at the road traveled, compare other people's roads, and look at the road ahead" PPT


"Comprehensive research: look at the road traveled, compare other people's roads, and look at the road ahead" PPT

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"Comprehensive research: look at the road traveled, compare other people's roads, and look at the road ahead" PPT

Part One: Academic Quality Requirements

1. Understand and compare various social forms, understand the development process of human society, clarify the general laws of human social development, and understand that the historical process of human social development depends on the movement of basic contradictions in society.

2. Understand the different trajectories of historical development in various parts of the world, clarify the unity and diversity of the historical process of human social development, and clarify that the general process of human social development is reflected by the diversity of the histories of various countries, regions, and ethnic groups.

3. Sort out the process of exploring the road to rejuvenation in modern China, understand that taking the socialist road is the inevitable development of modern China's history, and clarify that socialism with Chinese characteristics is a science rooted in the land of China, reflecting the will of the Chinese people, and adapting to the development and progress requirements of China and the times. socialism.

Looking back at the road we have traveled and comparing it with other people's roads and looking at the road ahead PPT, the second part of the content: independent preview before class

Essential knowledge

Looking at the development process and trends of human society, productivity is the most active and revolutionary factor. It is always in the process of continuous progressive change and is the ultimate determining force in social development.

What kind of productivity there is requires what kind of production relations to adapt to it; when the productivity develops, the production relations will change accordingly; new production relations replace the old production relations, so that the political superstructure and ideological concepts will change accordingly. change. Productivity and production relations, economic base and superstructure interact and influence each other, constituting the basic contradiction of society. It is the movement of the basic contradictions of society that determines the sequential formation and replacement of social forms and drives the forward development of human society.

From the perspective of the development of human society, exploring socialism with Chinese characteristics is the dialectical unity of the theoretical logic of scientific socialism and the historical logic of Chinese social development. It is a scientific society rooted in the land of China, reflecting the will of the Chinese people, and adapting to the development and progress requirements of China and the times. ism.

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a major judgment that "socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era." This is the result of our party's leadership of the people in carrying out a great social revolution, and it is also the continuation of our party's leadership of the people in carrying out a great social revolution.

Thinking expansion

Each era has its own theme, and every generation has its own mission. “Only by looking back at the path we have taken, comparing the paths of others, looking far ahead at the road ahead, and figuring out where we come from and where we are going, can we see deeply and accurately on many issues.” General Secretary Xi Jinping’s sincere teachings , enlighten us to move forward better after looking back, comparing, and looking far away.

Looking back is to start better. The great practice of more than 40 years of reform and opening up, the 70 years of continuous exploration since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the 98 years of practice of the Party leading the people in carrying out the great social revolution... It is only after experiencing the baptism of the stormy years and the unremitting efforts that we have finally achieved success. With socialism with Chinese characteristics that “did not fall from the sky”. No matter how far we go, we must never forget why we set out; only by looking back from time to time and not forgetting our original intention can we move forward better.

Looking out is to anchor the direction forward. "Yesterday's success does not mean that it will be successful in the future, and the glory of the past does not mean that the future will be glorious forever." Having reached a new historical position and making strides forward, we must also increase our awareness of dangers and guard against risks and challenges.

Looking back at the road traveled, comparing others' paths and looking at the road ahead PPT, the third part of the content: Comprehensive exploration of the classroom chapter

How to understand the general process of human social development

(1) Consult literature, collect materials, reproduce scenes of production activities in primitive society, slave society, feudal society, and capitalist society through drawing or performance, compare these scenes, and exchange their feelings.

(2) Combine the materials and use the principles of basic social contradiction movement to explain the general process of social form replacement.

Tips: (1) Communicate feelings and experiences and speak freely.

(2) The basic contradictions of society include the contradiction between productivity and production relations, and the contradiction between economic base and superstructure. Historical materialism believes that basic social contradictions are the fundamental driving force for the forward development of human society, and the history of human society is ultimately the history of the movement of basic social contradictions. The so-called social form refers to the unity of the economic base and superstructure that is compatible with a certain stage of the development of productive forces.

Driven by the basic contradictions of society, social forms have successively replaced and evolved from low-level to high-level, forming the history of human society. Regarding the evolutionary sequence of social forms, people have summarized the "five forms" theory of the evolution of social forms, namely primitive society-slave society-feudal society-capitalist society-socialist and communist society.

How to view the different trajectories of historical development in various parts of the world

Combined with the above materials, we consult relevant information to explore the role of geographical environment, cultural traditions, external influences and other factors on the development of a country or region, and then explain that "the historical development process of no country or region is exactly the same."

Tip: There are specific reasons why a country and a nation make this or that choice (take China as an example): First, it depends on the interests of the country and the nation. National and national interests are the direct motivation for a nation to make historical choices. The fundamental reason why the Chinese people choose the socialist road is that only socialism can save China and only socialism can develop China. The second is that it depends on communication. Countries and nations at a turning point can obtain "historical inspiration" from countries and nations in advanced social forms in international exchanges. Exchanges between countries and nations are a country and nation making historical choices and achieving social leaps. necessary conditions. Inspired by the Russian October Revolution, the Chinese people leapfrogged the typical capitalist stage and moved directly to socialism through New Democracy. This was a great decision that was both in line with the general laws of world history and suitable for China's national conditions. The third is that it depends on the degree of grasp of historical inevitability and the characteristics of the nation. This degree of grasp directly restricts the content and direction of its historical selection activities. The Chinese nation has chosen socialism, which is directly related to the Chinese nation's correct grasp of historical inevitability and its own national characteristics. This is the best choice among the various possibilities of social development, and it is a great historical choice.

After my country's socialist transformation was basically completed, the first generation of the party's central leadership collective with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core correctly realized that contradictions still existed in socialist society and believed that the basic contradictions in socialist society were still production relations and productive forces, and the upper class The contradiction between architecture and economic foundation is what drives the development of socialist society. However, due to errors in judging the specific manifestations of basic contradictions and basic national conditions, our country has been divorced from the reality of the development of productive forces and has blindly pursued increasing the degree of public ownership of the means of production and "taking class struggle as the key link" to promote social development. As a result, the productive forces have been affected. Serious destruction.

Under special historical conditions, our country has gradually formed a highly centralized planned economic system based on public ownership, as well as other systems such as a political system with over-concentration of power associated with this economic system. This system has played a positive role in resuming production, rebuilding homes, mobilizing limited resources, and concentrating efforts on the construction of a number of key projects. However, with the expansion of the scale of economic development and the diversification of the economic structure, this system has become increasingly unsuitable for the requirements of modernization and has gradually transformed into a rigid system that hinders and restricts the development of productive forces. In terms of ownership structure, this system unilaterally pursues a single public ownership, believing that the purer the ownership, the better, and the larger the scale, the better; in terms of economic operation, it ignores and rejects the role of the commodity economy and the market, and the state controls too much and too much enterprises. Unfortunately, enterprises lack the autonomy they should have; in the distribution system, egalitarianism is implemented. Enterprises eat from the country's "big pot" and employees eat from the company's "big pot." The existence of these shortcomings suppresses the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of enterprises and employees, and seriously restricts the development of productivity. Due to the long-term rigid system and the interference of "left" ideas, my country's socialist cause has suffered serious setbacks. During the "Cultural Revolution", our country's economy was almost on the verge of collapse.

After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Communists represented by Comrade Deng Xiaoping emancipated their minds, sought truth from facts, comprehensively and profoundly summarized historical experience, and realized that reform must be carried out to revitalize China. Reform is an urgent need for my country's socialist modernization drive. need. Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: "I advocate reform. Without reform, there will be no way out. The old approach has proven unsuccessful after more than ten years of practice. In the past, we copied models from other countries, which hindered the development of productive forces. It leads to ideological rigidity and hinders the enthusiasm of the people and the grassroots. ... Chinese society was actually in a state of stagnation and hesitation for 20 years from 1958 to 1978. The country's economy and people's lives There has not been much development and improvement. Is this situation okay without reform?" Historical experience has proved that the old system has seriously restricted the development of productive forces and has reached the point where reform is necessary, otherwise it will be a dead end.

How to view the scientific truth and historical inevitability of socialism with Chinese characteristics

"Only by figuring out where we come from and where we are going can we see deeply and accurately on many issues." Use the above materials and combine it with historical facts to talk about your understanding of this sentence.

Tip: Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the banner for the development and progress of contemporary China and the banner for the unity and struggle of the entire Party and people of all ethnic groups. Taking the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics clearly answers the fundamental question of what path to take and what flag to raise in contemporary China. It clearly points out the extreme importance of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in accelerating my country's socialist modernization. It clearly expresses the This strengthens our party’s firm belief in uniting and leading people of all ethnic groups across the country to uphold socialism with Chinese characteristics.

If a country wants to achieve sound and rapid economic and social development, it must find a development path that is both suitable for its own national conditions and in line with the requirements of the times. For a nation to realize its great rejuvenation, it must have common ideals and beliefs. The path of socialism with Chinese characteristics was gradually developed by our party through arduous exploration in the long-term practice of socialist construction. It is the correct path to achieve China's prosperity and strength and the happiness and well-being of the Chinese people. The common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the ideal and belief that the entire Party and people of all ethnic groups in the country strive for. Practice has fully proved that only socialism can save China, and only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China and make China prosperous and strong. On the way forward, no matter what complex situations we encounter, no matter what risks and tests we encounter, we must unswervingly adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Looking back at the road we have traveled compared with other people's roads and looking at the road ahead PPT, Part 4: In-class training

1. In the Neolithic Age, with the improvement of production efficiency, humans mastered more advanced processing technologies such as grinding and drilling, and even more complex weapons specifically used for war appeared. The stone tools and bone tools of this period shown in the picture below are meticulous and exquisite in workmanship, even comparable to some modern stone tools. Material Description()

① At the end of primitive society, the improvement of production tools greatly promoted the development of productivity ② The status of clan members became more and more unequal, and the long primitive society gradually disintegrated ③ By the end of the Neolithic Age, tribal wars began to become increasingly frequent ④ Reflect The development of handicraft technology is an important measure to increase the output of agricultural products

A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④


Analysis: In addition to being used for hunting, bone tools can also be used for warfare. This reflects the improvement of production tools at the end of primitive society, which greatly promoted the development of productivity. It also reflects that by the end of the Neolithic Age, tribal wars began to become increasingly common. Frequently, ①③ conforms to the meaning of the question; ② is not reflected in the materials; ④ is wrong. There is no clear social division of labor in primitive society, and there is no specialized handicraft sector.

2. In 1959, the "Dawenkou Tombs Group" was excavated in Dawenkou, southern Tai'an, Shandong Province, which is about 5,000 years old. One of the large tombs has a huge tomb and a wide variety of burial items, including ivory vessels, turquoise, crocodile scales, etc. In contrast, many small tombs are very simple and narrow, without luxuries, only some tools and pottery used by the deceased during his lifetime. Explanation of "Rich Tombs" and "Poor Tombs" in the Dawenkou Tombs Group ()

① The intensification of the polarization between rich and poor at the end of primitive society; ② The status of clan members becomes increasingly unequal; ③ The opposition between the slave-owning class and the slave class; ④ Individual labor gradually replaces collective labor.

A.①② B.②③ C.①④ D.③④


Analysis: The "rich tombs" and "poor tombs" in the Dawenkou tombs reflect the intensification of the differentiation between rich and poor at the end of primitive society. The status of clan members has become increasingly unequal, but they have not yet entered slave society at this time. ①② Selected; ③④It has nothing to do with the meaning of the question and is excluded.

3. When the Great Pyramid, the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu, was built in ancient Egypt, a team of 100,000 people was formed, and each team served for 3 months. It took a total of 20 years to complete. Material Description()

① At the end of primitive society, people have begun to organize large-scale production collaborations ② The slave-owning class can concentrate a large number of production means and slaves to collaborate ③ There is fierce class opposition and struggle between the exploiting class and the exploited class ④ Mental labor and physical labor The division of labor creates the prerequisites for cultural development

A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④


Analysis: The material is based on the construction of the Great Pyramid of the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu in ancient Egypt as a background to test students' understanding of relevant knowledge. In ancient Egypt, the construction of the Great Pyramid, the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu, was a huge project that could not be realized in the context of primitive society. Under the historical conditions at that time, only the slave-owning class could concentrate a large amount of production means and slaves to cooperate, excluding① , select ②; ③ is not reflected in the materials, exclude; large-scale engineering construction is inseparable from corresponding organizational management and the division of mental labor and physical labor, which creates prerequisites for the development of culture, ④ Selected.

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"Comprehensive research: look at the road traveled, compare other people's roads, and look at the road ahead" PPT