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1905 articles on basic font design training

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Font design is an important part of brand design and is also widely used in advertising design. Although the current font library has a wide variety of fonts and can solve many problems in commercial applications, there are still challenges in perfectly combining fonts and meanings in specific applications. Font library fonts do a good job of unifying style and shape, but they often fail to express a unique design concept based on the specific meaning of the font. Therefore, designers need to step in to recreate fonts and produce font designs that meet specific brand marketing needs. The font design works shown below are all created by design enthusiasts with no art foundation and non-professional background. Although there is still room for improvement in the combination of glyphs and meanings, significant progress has been shown. A font design that meets user needs requires designers not only to understand the meaning of the words, but also to be able to find design methods and incorporate design elements for creative expression. In terms of shape, the design should conform to the writing structure and recognition of the font. Next are some picture examples of font design: [Picture list, each picture tag contains a URL pointing to the picture] Review of past issues: - How to prepare design works for beginners - Effective appreciation and evaluation of design works - Copyright issues of fonts and pictures - Do you want beautiful free fonts? - I dare not tell others about these websites? - The easiest color matching method - Three-dimensional space in graphic design - How much do you know about the font size for design layout? - Grid system in UI interface - Quickly get started with MAC - Download and install Adobecc Windows & Mac - How to set the merge transparency preset for INDESIGN - How to solve the problem that PS cannot save PSD files - How to set auxiliary lines for AI drawing 2.5D three-dimensional illustrations - Long time no see you PSD Lost weight... - Calligraphy font design - Printing knowledge and printing size in graphic design - Quotation guide for the graphic design industry - Do you know perspective as a designer? - CG original painting - light and shadow shaping of icons Copyright statement: The work is a study. If it affects the copyright owner, please leave a message. The copyright of the work belongs to the original author. [List of images, each image tag contains a URL pointing to the image]

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/zi-ti-she-ji-ji-chu-shi-xun-zhi-1905-pian.html

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