free fonts:Fonts cannot be used casually, and millions of dollars are being claimed for infringement! 15 free commercial fonts are given to you-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Fonts cannot be used casually, and millions of dollars are being claimed for infringement! 15 free commercial fonts are given to you

Whether you are doing design or writing public account tweets, when it comes to the use of fonts, it is always scary! Because we often see news cases involving millions of dollars in compensation due to improper use of fonts!

Therefore, using free commercial fonts is the safest and safest option!

But when it comes to free and commercially available Chinese fonts, the recommendations we see are always Siyuan Heidi, Siyuan Songti, etc., and the audience is really tired of seeing them.

But you can’t blame anyone, because the range of commercially available fonts is too small!

However, in 2019, the situation finally changed!

Word-making masters from all walks of life roared when they encountered injustice, and one by one they took the initiative to break the situation and presented us with excellent free commercial fonts.

Let the Qiuye team review them one by one for you today!

(Remember to read the end of the article, which provides the source files of this issue’s PPT case and all commercially available font installation packages~)

01 Tiger Balm Font

The Tiger Balm font is extremely universal, so even a novice does not have to worry about making mistakes when using it.

Because this type of font often has multiple weights (i.e. fonts with different thicknesses), matching weights, and clear priorities, they are very suitable for use in titles and text.

❶ Alibaba Inclusive Organization

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As soon as the big factory takes action, you will know whether it is there or not! This font was jointly developed by Alibaba and Hanyi Font. It is open for commercial licensing to all individuals and businesses. It not only has a complete character set, but also provides 5 fonts of different thicknesses.

It is especially suitable for use in more serious occasions such as business and academics.

Attentive friends will find that this font is particularly similar to Siyuan Blackbody. But Alibaba Puhui Ti has an advantage: there will be no embarrassing dilemma of fonts not being able to be embedded in PPT, and it will give you more peace of mind during presentations~

❷ OPPO Sans

OPPO Sans font is another font authorized for free use (including commercial use) by the whole society after Alibaba Puhui Type. It was invested and created by OPPO and completed in collaboration with Hanyi Font Library and Pentagram Company of the United States.

It also has 5 font weights:

This is the official commercial certificate, please feel free to use it~

Some friends may say that it seems to be no different from Alibaba Puhui Sports! In fact, if you carefully compare fonts of similar thickness, especially at the Heavy level, you can clearly find that Alibaba Puhui appears thicker.

❸ Taipei Heidi

In 2019, @汉字 Casting from Taiwan transformed Taipei Sans TC based on Siyuan Sans TC, which is very friendly to heavy Traditional users.

In fact, since the advent of the Siyuan series of open source fonts, many font designers have developed a variety of free and commercial fonts based on this. Here are 4 types:

"Siyuan Rouhei" is similar to the round body. It rounds the corners of the text, making the entire font look more cute, youthful and energetic.

"Siyuan True Black Type" has been further optimized on the original basis of Siyuan Black Type, making the fonts sharper and more readable.

"Yuanjie Ming Dynasty" is based on Siyuan Song Dynasty, and adds a destructive effect to make it very eye-catching and has considerable tension. It can be used as titles and large characters in pictures.

"Armored Ming Dynasty" is modified from Siyuan Song Dynasty, which gives people a tough and domineering feeling, and is suitable for use in situations that require outstanding strength.

02 cute font

Good-looking fonts are all the same, but cute fonts are unique.

Cute style fonts do not give people a regular feeling, and the fonts are playful. However, this also makes its scope of application relatively limited, and is suitable for use in some cartoons, children, and cute pets.

❶ Baotu Xiaobaiti

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The fonts produced by Baotu and Font Vision are free for commercial use by all walks of life. It can also be seen from the font shape that it is very suitable for cartoon, children, and snack design scenarios, and is suitable for titles.

❷ Hu Xiaobo’s sexy body

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The free commercial fonts we use every day: Pangmen Zhengdao Title Font, Zakuku Kuhei, Zakuu High-End Heilong, etc., have a designer who is the main force behind them. He is Hu Xiaobo.

As a big boss in the font design industry, on the eve of Christmas Eve 2019, he dropped a blockbuster and released 3 permanently free commercial fonts at once! !

Hu Xiaobo's Sao Bao body is one of them. The font style is very playful and suitable for relaxed and cheerful scenes.

❸ Qingsong handwriting

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This is also a font from Baodao Taiwan, produced by the @游青松 team. During production, it is first handwritten with a ball pen on manuscript paper, and then the first draft font is produced through the website, and then processed through font software.

There was a popular question on Zhihu some time ago "How to make printed fonts look like handwriting?" 》, I think this font should meet the needs of the topic~

❹ Pangmen Zhengdao Relaxation Body

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This font was developed by teacher Liu Bingke and 78 designers in the studio, which took 2 months to develop.

Daily writing of Chinese characters is often done deliberately, with the characters being the same size and uniform. However, the relaxed style does the opposite, with the width and height of the characters constantly changing, one large and one small, relaxed and comfortable.

03 Male Power

This type of font tends to have strong visual impact and is suitable for masculine and competitive situations. When you want to express your ambitions and boost morale, then decisively use the following fonts!

❶ Optimize the title black

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To be honest, when I first saw this font, I was amazed and it seemed so cool! It has both speed and power, so it’s perfect for use in sports, promotions and other scenes! Thanks to and Ziyou for their conscientious production!

❷ Hu Xiaobo’s male body

Also from Hu Xiaobo Studio. The handsome font coupled with the handsome character introduction is a masterpiece!

It is also very suitable to be used in other cover titles~

❸ Alliance Qiyi Lu Shuai Zhengrui Heidi

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Strong and powerful is my first impression when I see this font. It was designed and completed by students and backbones led by Lao Lu Design Institute, with a word count of more than 8,000 words.

It is not as rigid as bold boldface. It is rigid without losing vitality and design. It is especially suitable for business and e-commerce occasions.

❹ Pangmenzhengdao bold calligraphy

Authorization source:

The first free commercial font for calligraphy was developed for charity by Pangmen Zhengdao reader @Che Gangmin. The font went through nine months of revisions and was finally released on April 1, 2019, April Fool’s Day.

As Amen said: "For most people, only "foolish" people would do this kind of thing, and smart people would not do such stupid things."

This font has bold strokes and is perfect for cover titles.

No, this font is also used in the promotional poster of "Detective Chinatown 3" which will be released on the first day of the new year~

↑ Pangmen Zhengdao bold calligraphy style (red) + Pangmen Zhengdao title style (yellow)

04 Classical Literature

Classical literary fonts give people the feeling of being elegant enough and have a bookish flavor, so they are suitable for use in the design of some cultural and Chinese-style pages.

❶ Ask the library font

Speaking of fonts, everyone must have heard of Font Studio, right? For example, Zaozi Studio Junya Style.

In 2019, they teamed up with Wenzangshufang to launch a classical and elegant font: Wenzangshufang. If you want this font to be used brilliantly, the premise is that it must appear as a title and be suitable for some non-serious occasions.

Special attention needs to be paid here to the scope of use of the font. The official statement is: Open source is available to all individuals and commercial organizations in Mainland China for free use!

In addition, due to copyright reasons, this font cannot directly provide an installation package. You need to download it from the official website:

❷ Jiangxi Zhuokai style

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It was produced by designer @黄煜成 alone, and the font was named after his hometown, Jiangxi.

Because this is a handwriting-style regular script, it naturally gives people a sense of intimacy, and is particularly suitable for use in Chinese-style pages.

05 Fashion Trend

Fashionable fonts are often full of publicity and individuality, breaking through the conventions of boldface. The font design is also very in line with modern aesthetics, and is suitable for beauty, makeup, Internet and other industries.

❶ Quality Health Olive Simplified

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Produced by @zhuomi brand design team, it took one year to complete.

❷ Hu Xiaobo is so handsome

This font has the same slender thighs as Mr. Hu Xiaobo himself! The strokes are consistent in thickness, slender and stylish, full of modernity and business! Use it in knowledge, education, workplace, forum and other scenarios, and the effect will be beyond your imagination.

The pen shape of Zhenshuai Body is simple, and the tall figure carries a sense of luxury and high-end. It is used to introduce luxury products without any sense of violation.

Okay, that’s all the new commercial fonts released in 2019. Please be patient until the end. We have also prepared surprise benefits for you!

Now, click on the avatar and reply with the keyword "Free Fonts" to get the PPT source files of all the cases in this article + the collection of free commercial font packages~

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source:

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