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Exclusive Interview | "Star-Lord": I hope "Jurassic World 2" will make the audience like me again

We often use "one person has a thousand faces" to define a good actor. However, for the actors themselves, if they can seamlessly integrate their own characteristics and charm into the roles they play, this is not a skill. Speaking of this type of actor, Chris Pratt, who has quickly risen to become a first-line actor in Hollywood in recent years, is one of them.

From the high-scoring sitcom "Parks and Recreation" that made him famous, to the blockbuster "Guardians of the Galaxy" to the successful reboot of "Jurassic World", although Chris Pratt has never The transformation from a chubby guy to a muscular man is often used as an inspirational model, but what really makes him so popular is his easy-going, funny, and non-celebrity personality. For example, when other people talk about their early experiences of being homeless and sleeping on the streets, they will burst into tears and cannot bear to look back. But when it comes to his mouth, those years have become endless sights, endless drinks, and endless listening. The hippie utopia of song. Just like the characters he plays, no matter what kind of difficulties he encounters or what kind of danger he falls into, he never forgets to make a few remarks. It's no wonder that Chinese fans affectionately call him "Papa" and identify his actual age. Only "three years old".

"Jurassic World 2" stills

While he was in Shanghai to attend the Chinese premiere of "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" not long ago, Pratt took the time to visit the City God Temple, but he couldn't wait to acknowledge him. Fans had no choice but to take a selfie and post it on their Weibo, begging everyone to come and meet him. In addition, he also wrote, directed and provided BGM to perform a motorcycle racing "drama"; he even acted as a gym salesman and went to the streets to ask passers-by to "learn about swimming and fitness." In terms of down-to-earth manner, Pratt's operation has not been surpassed by any Hollywood star who has come to China for promotion.

I begged everyone on Weibo to come to Chenghuang Temple to meet Papa by chance.

However, Pratt doesn't just make jokes regardless of the occasion. When answering reporters' questions in an exclusive interview, he rarely showed a serious face. Especially when it comes to the details of filming and the significance of the profession of an actor, he can talk about it. At this time, you will realize that he is not just a funny person. However, as soon as the interview was over, he took out the mini dinosaur model hidden in his pocket and started enjoying himself there.

“Papa” received an exclusive interview with a reporter from The Paper

【Exclusive interview】

The Paper: You know that many viewers now have mixed feelings about you (note: Pratt’s Star-Lord in "Avengers 3" is a bit hard to describe), do you think you can pass it? Will "Jurassic World 2" win them back?

Pratt: I hope so. However, I feel flattered that they know who I am; I feel lucky enough to be able to participate in a big production and have the Chinese audience see me. I believe that the heroic spirit I showed in "Jurassic World 2" can reverse the impression left by previous works on the audience...

The Paper: "Jurassic World 1" is a collaboration with Colin Trevorrow. This time he was replaced by Juan Antonio Bayona. Can you talk about it? Are the two directors different?

Platt: I think the biggest difference is that they come from different language and cultural backgrounds. J.A. is Spanish and Colin is American. Although J.A. can also speak English, he is better at communicating through music and images. In my opinion, they are both unique directors with interesting perspectives and worldviews; Spielberg also gave them a lot of freedom to shoot in their own way.

The Paper: Compared with the previous film, "Jurassic World 2" has more thrilling scenes. In your opinion, which scene was the most difficult to film?

Platt: Probably the underwater scene, it was really complicated to arrange. That scene was very important to J.A. because he wanted to use it to capture his personal style, so he shot a series of shots. There was one shot that was shot underwater, and technically it was necessary to create a kind of hallucinatory effect. We tried it many times and spent about two weeks in the water.

"Jurassic World 2" stills

The Paper: Did you have any improvisations on the set this time?

Pratt: Yes, there is a line where I said to Claire: "Claire, if I can't come back, remember you had to force me to come."

The Paper: When on the set, Juan is used to playing background music while filming. Is it adaptable to you?

Pratt: I love it. Music has always been a great influence on me, and I think this is a great way to do it. In fact, I used to encourage directors to use music to infect my emotions on set. To me, music is the most complex way to control and change one's rationality. You can easily change your appearance, and you can easily change your voice, but your soul, your emotions, and the things in your eyes are often difficult to change in a short time. At this time, I will think of using music to help.

The Paper: Did he ask you to perform with different styles of background music in the same scene, like Bryce did?

Pratt: Haha, in fact, most of the background music he plays is a bit scary and a bit nervous. Sometimes, in the scene where we're with the dinosaurs, there's a symphony that was originally composed by John Williams. That piece of music must be preserved, because as soon as it sounds, the audience will immediately know that "Jurassic" is coming. Uh-huh~uh-huh~uh-huh~huh-huh-huh...when you appear in this music When, as an actor, you have to leave space for it - and sometimes this allows the music to do more - all you have to do is step back and give the stage to the music.

"Avengers 3" stills

The Paper: We just saw you in "Avengers 3" a few weeks ago, and "Jurassic World 2" will be released soon. Are you worried that the audience will be a little tired of you? Woolen cloth?

Pratt: No, I'm not worried. As long as it's a good film, I'm happy to be a part of it. Maybe one day, someone else will take my place and star in these films that are loved by audiences around the world. I hope that by then, when I look back at the movies I have acted in in my life, I can say to myself: "I really like making movies; over time, I have made myself better; I am full of enthusiasm for the audience." I’m grateful; I fully enjoyed that time.”

"Parks and Recreation" Season 7 Stills

The Paper: I first saw you on the sitcom "Parks and Recreation" and now you have become an A-list star in Hollywood. Apart from those big-budget movies, what kind of movies would you most like to act in?

Platt: I was actually thinking about this last night. After "Jurassic World 2", I will also play "Jurassic World 3" and "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3", as well as "Cowboy Ninja Viking" - this is the first This is a movie that I am trying to make, and it is also a genre that I like very much. It is nonsensical, funny, and violent. It is the kind of movie that will make you laugh... I think the audience will also like it. If I still have free time in my schedule, I hope to have the opportunity to work with a great director, present wonderful stories, improve my acting skills, surprise the audience, and live up to the expectations of myself and the audience.

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