The first ppt material network:Finally here! The most powerful PPT material website recommendation, these 3 models are enough-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Finally here! The most powerful PPT material website recommendation, these 3 models are enough

No materials for making PPT? Inefficiency for nothing!

Taking advantage of the Spring Festival holiday, I quickly collected these material websites, so I no longer have to worry about running out of materials when making PPT.

The PPT material website that has been urged to update many times is here!

As a PPT designer, when making PPT, you must not only pay attention to the quality but also grasp the time and deliver the manuscript on time. The accumulation of PPT materials is indispensable!

Today I would like to share with you 3 treasure-level material websites, it is an absolute surprise! Friends who are interested, please read on~

① Fishnet background texture picture

This website focuses on texture background pictures .

The website has a simple background like this:

There are also gradient background materials like this. It can be used for both design and PPT production.

When making PPT, it is also very suitable to make a background. Let’s see how the master uses a gradient background. The effect looks like this~

There is also this: the overall look is simple and high-end.

Smart friends have already bookmarked the website~

②librestock search engine can jump

The homepage of this website looks like this: Very simple . You can also use this website as a search engine.

Because in librestock, it is not very efficient to search the content of more than 40 foreign free image material websites with one click.

In order to facilitate viewing, we use the browser's translation function to assist in the review.

The introduction of the website clearly shows that the photos on this website are all free and everyone can use them with confidence.

In addition to pictures, the website also has free video resources.

③unsplash free picture website

The homepage of the website looks like this, search it directly in the browser unsplash, that’s it~

It is also free material.

Let’s take a look at the website’s image quality:

Friends who are interested must quickly collect it.

That’s it for today’s sharing~

Finally, I would like to recommend a private website navigation to everyone, which has been classified!

Click to jump, including image material websites, plug-in tools, font websites, icon resources and so on.

The interface is simple and ad-free, making it very easy to use. For those who are interested, here is how to get it!

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source:

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