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China Education News: "The Growth Characteristics of Outstanding Teachers" was not "written"

Core tip:"The Growth Characteristics of Outstanding Teachers" was not "written" by teacher Wu Zaizhu, but "made" and "understood" by him. Education is a philosophy of "doing", and it is also a philosophy of "enlightenment".

"The Growth Traits of Outstanding Teachers", written by Wu Zaizhu, East China Normal University Press·Daxia Book Department, published in August 2022

Learning ability: the source of motivation for teacher growth

——Read Wu Zaizhu's "The Growth Traits of Outstanding Teachers"

Yang Jinsong

This book "Growth Traits of Outstanding Teachers" (East China Normal University Press) As soon as I read it, I was deeply attracted by it. This book is composed of forty-six educational research and teaching essays. It not only includes the personalized growth and thinking of "from a classical teacher to a human teacher", but also has the guidance of "diligently developing creative courses" and "continuous reading and writing to help growth." "The inspiration. This book not only deciphers the code of teachers' professional growth for us, but also from these sincere works, readers can perceive the author Wu Zaizhu's rich spiritual world from "civilian teacher" to "famous teacher" and then to "master".

The truth of the narrative comes from a thorough understanding of educational life. The author first explains how to become a qualified teacher. A qualified teacher must first have high moral cultivation, that is, dedication, joy and diligence. A qualified teacher must also have a solid academic foundation. Teachers' profound cultural heritage and multi-faceted artistic accomplishments enable teachers to be at ease in their work and subject teaching. Students can feel the charm of teachers teaching and solving doubts, and thus fall in love with the classroom.

Secondly, famous teachers are made through hard work in schools and classrooms. If you want to become a famous teacher, you need to go through the process of "accumulation of learning ability - breakthrough of scientific research ability - sublimation of ideological ability". Teacher Wu Zaizhu’s own growth experience is particularly inspiring. His unrestricted self-growth fully proves that learning ability is the source of life for the growth of a famous teacher, and scientific research ability and ideological power are the only way for a famous teacher to grow. Of course, education and teaching is a very complex activity, and it can never be applied by a formula. This requires every teacher to have his own teaching thinking, learn to refine his own teaching ideas, and move from "teaching thinking" to "educational thinking."

From "famous teacher" to "master", teachers should not only explore the teaching and In addition to learning methods and rules, we must internalize our teaching propositions into educational ideals and realize the life care and spiritual guidance of education. This is another stage for a "famous teacher" to become a "bright teacher", that is, a teacher of understanding and discernment.

As a special teacher who has published many books, Mr. Wu Zaizhu has a solid writing skills Basic skills. This collection of essays also reflects the characteristics of concise writing and expressive ideas. The article is not long and the text is concise. Whether it is a "story" or an "accident", after time of accumulation and brewing, the author has meticulously described it and brewed his own "wine of thought". The author has been teaching for more than thirty years, preaching and teaching, diligently pursuing his goals, clarifying his "priorities" according to his own characteristics, daring to "innovate", knowing how to "take advantage of the situation", and always persevering for his dream.

The works in this book are all about the author’s personal experience of things around him and his common sense of perception. As an ordinary teacher, the author holds firm to his purpose, aims far and goes near, blogs about etiquette, and sharpens his moral character. He subscribes to magazines for a long time, makes excerpts of materials from time to time, insists on special research, and attempts to create lesson examples. Excerpting, excerpting, and excerpting are first of all a learning process, and the most important process lies in the subsequent "classification research". Read extensively and pick up, chew and savor, accumulate thickly but gain little. Wonderful harvests come with reading again and again. In fact, an excerpt and a refinement are a small project study. In a sense, every small topic research is a "treasure bowl" of a certain "big topic". They are like pearls that involve countless materials, bringing them together and shining. This is the accumulation of "quantity" first, and then the burst of "power". It is worth learning from Teacher Wu’s “Spark Notes” that there are often sparks of thought flashing through. He seizes the sparks of these momentary thoughts to carry out research, and can often obtain vivid, real and practical research results. This kind of "accumulation along the trend" is an opening and closing technique in academic research. The wisdom lies in seizing the opportunity, striking while the iron is hot, escaping sideways, and retracting and releasing freely. "Read frequently, write frequently, and accumulate diligently", this is the author's "long-term investment".

Everyone will have peaks and troughs, and the ups and downs are a heavy part of life. Book. Just imagine, a young man who has graduated from junior high school has grown from an ordinary rural teacher to a special or senior teacher. How many ups and downs have there been? Even though the author is in a low point, he always anchors on the goal of educating people and keeps on trudging. Inspire students with your noble personality, treat students with kindness, and win students with your erudition. Be true to knowledge, educate people with sincerity, and teach students true skills. "There are many dragon painters in the world, but there are only beautiful people in the world." Teacher Wu leaned down, lowered his heart, and took root. He used extraordinary pen power to salvage the diligent growth story and decipher the code of teachers' professional growth.

"The Growth Traits of Outstanding Teachers" was not "written" by Teacher Wu, but It was “made” and “enlightened” by him. Education is a philosophy of "doing" and more importantly, a philosophy of "enlightenment". Every teacher's teaching career will be accompanied by various worries and a sense of accomplishment. More often than not, there is only "learning by doing" and "enlightenment by learning" between the two. If you want to make achievements in your professional growth, you may wish to read this book by Teacher Wu Zaizhu.

Original publication: "China Education News" Page 3, August 31, 2022

Author: Yang Jinsong, teacher at Yingshan County Experimental Middle School, Hubei Province

Wu Zaizhu's introduction:< /span> Hubei Province special-grade teacher, senior Chinese teacher, high-level talent in Huanggang City, off-campus tutor for Huanggang Normal University’s master’s degree in education.

Has published "My Feeling of Teaching Chinese", "Rural Teachers Breakthrough", "Citizen Education and Modern Schools", "Rural Youth Growth Code" "Special Teachers Read Classics with You""The Growth Traits of Outstanding Teachers"etc. monograph. Among them, the book "Rural Teachers Breakthrough" was selected into the "Annual Double Hundred" of China Education News and China Teachers News in 2014 (100 books loved by teachers, 100 books that influence teachers).

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