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Deadly gamma ray bursts are far away from us? No, it could be right next to you

A gamma-ray burst that occurred in the Earth's atmosphere in 2018. This is the first photo of a gamma-ray burst on Earth ever taken by humans. University of Valencia

Gamma rays are the highest energy form of light. A gamma burst refers to a sudden increase in gamma rays at a certain point and within a certain period of time. They are usually produced by the most extreme events in the universe - the explosion of massive stars, the collision of ultra-dense neutron stars, and the grabbing of matter by black holes. Once ultra-high doses of gamma rays hit the Earth at close range, the consequences will be catastrophic.

But gamma rays in nature don’t just come from space. Scientists have discovered that gamma rays are also produced in the Earth's atmosphere. In thunderclouds, electrons traveling at nearly the speed of light produce flashes of gamma rays. Such flashes are called "terrestrial gamma bursts." So far, scientists don't know exactly what mechanism they are produced by, because the duration of these flashes is only 1 millisecond on average, making them extremely difficult to locate and study. Of course, they don't cause much damage.

However, everything depends on human effort, there is always a way. After nearly a year of hard work, researchers have captured the first "Earth's gamma ray flash" photo. This photo shows a gamma-ray flash in thunderclouds over Borneo, Southeast Asia, on June 18, 2018. The colored area centered on red and white on the right side of the picture is the location of this gamma burst.

This image was obtained by astronomers using a specially designed device installed on the International Space Station. The instrument's mission is to monitor gamma-ray activity throughout Earth's visible region. In fact, since then, researchers have obtained more than 200 gamma-ray flash photos of the Earth in the following year, and successfully located the geographical location of 30 of them where the flashes occurred. Researchers will compare and analyze the data obtained with data provided by other satellites and local weather stations to explore the cause of these mysterious flashes.


First-Ever Image of a Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Burst Shows Light Exploding Out of a Thundercloud in Asia

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