Warcraft font modifier:Which officially authorized font platform is the best? Font Supermarket solves your worries-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Which officially authorized font platform is the best? Font Supermarket solves your worries

Extra! Extra! Font Supermarket (font.cn) is officially launched to help users solve font infringement issues.

In daily work, text editing is often involved. Using different fonts can improve the reading and appreciation experience. Appropriate use of fonts can enhance the design plan. However, did you know that many fonts are copyrighted, and using or distributing them without permission may also constitute infringement.

Let's look at the following case:

In 2018, it was believed that props used in the movie "Nine-Story Demon Tower" produced by Dreamer Film Company and four other companies, the book "History of the Ghost Tribe" and the newspaper "Huaxia Daily" used the calligraphy works "Ghost" and "Ghost" created by themselves without authorization. The seven words "clan", "history", "hua", "xia", "ri" and "bao" infringed upon his own rights of authorship and reproduction, so Xiang Jiahong sued the film company to court. After a trial, the court of first instance ruled that the four defendants publicly apologized to the plaintiff Xiang Jiahong and jointly compensated the plaintiff Xiang Jiahong for economic losses of 140,000 yuan. The second-instance judgment of the Beijing Intellectual Property Court rejected the appeal of Dreamer Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and upheld the original judgment.

In 2007, Founder sued Blizzard for infringement of the "World of Warcraft" font and claimed 100 million yuan. In 2009, the additional claim amount was increased to 408 million yuan. In May 2012, the court made a final judgment and ordered Blizzard and other defendants to pay compensation of 2 million yuan. Although the amount of compensation has shrunk significantly, it still far exceeds the level of licensing fees.

In 2012, the popular film "Love Is Not Blind" ended up paying the copyright owner 20,000 yuan because of the use of unauthorized fonts in the opening subtitles;

From the above cases, we can see that many infringing parties were careless or failed to purchase the correct font copyright, which led to infringement incidents, and the amount of compensation far exceeded the licensing fee. At present, existing infringements mainly focus on two aspects: First, font infringement. The second is the infringement of a single font. If an enterprise uses non-free fonts for commercial purposes, it needs authorization from the font copyright owner and payment of usage fees.

So how can users and companies avoid the risk of font infringement? 1. Do not download so-called free fonts for use at will. 2. Obtain font commercial authorization.

In this regard, Font Supermarket provides users with a series of complete authorization processes!

Users who purchase genuine fonts at Font Font Supermarket can enjoy a lifetime use license without time or geographical restrictions. After the font is authorized and paid for download, it can be downloaded unlimited times at any time and anywhere. The customer service is online 24 hours a day, allowing you to purchase without worries.

When users purchase genuine fonts at Font Font Supermarket, they will be provided with invoices, authorization letters and agreements. When users encounter copyright disputes, they will also contact the creator/uploader to help users resolve the dispute.

The authorized uses of Font Supermarket include: personal commercial use, corporate designated Chinese characters, corporate e-commerce online applications, film and television subtitles, corporate all-media applications, corporate offline activity applications, new media platform applications, etc. There are also various font types, including creative writing, brush, calligraphy, cartoon cute, creative fonts, etc. for users to choose from.

In addition to the above-mentioned series of perfect authorization processes, Font Supermarket has also opened a merchant registration function. As a merchant, you can upload and publish fonts. Users can make money by purchasing. Being a merchant will enjoy more benefits.

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/zheng-gui-shou-quan-zi-ti-ping-tai-na-jia-qiang-zi-ti-chao-shi-jie-jue-ni-de-hou-gu-zhi-you.html

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