New Year Painting Doll:Rare information! Which of the nine fat dolls in traditional New Year pictures do you like best?-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Rare information! Which of the nine fat dolls in traditional New Year pictures do you like best?

A major part of New Year pictures is to show people's own lives. This kind of life involves men farming and women weaving, beautiful women and fat children, good weather, plentiful crops, a prosperous population, more than one year after year, making money to return home, making money every day, etc. This New Year painting is a masterpiece of Yang Liuqing's paintings. In the picture, the doll is holding a lotus and a goldfish in its arms. It looks so naive. The red lotus is blooming beside it and there are green leaves supporting it below. The whole picture has a full composition and vivid image. The homophones of lotus and goldfish imply continuous prosperity, expressing people's longing for beauty and hope for abundance.

珍贵资料!九张传统年画里的胖娃娃 你最喜欢哪一个?

This picture is simple, elegant and has a unique composition. The main part in the middle depicts a lady holding a fan, deep in thought, a child squatting on the table playing the sheng, and another child holding a pomegranate and lotus in a cheerful dance. Pomegranate has many seeds, including lotus and sheng, which means "continuous birth of noble sons". The patterns on both sides depict landscapes, flowers, vegetables and fruits, etc., to complement the central picture.

珍贵资料!九张传统年画里的胖娃娃 你最喜欢哪一个?

This is a pair of door paintings. In the door, a lady holds a doll, and the doll holds various flowers such as lotus, osmanthus, and peony in its hands, which symbolizes wealth and longevity.

珍贵资料!九张传统年画里的胖娃娃 你最喜欢哪一个?

This is a New Year painting from the Republic of China. The picture of mother and son in the painting is like a photo, recording the happy and happy life of mother and son. The characters' expressions are happy and contented, and their clothes reflect the distinctive fashion of the Republic of China period.

珍贵资料!九张传统年画里的胖娃娃 你最喜欢哪一个?

Talented fat kid.

珍贵资料!九张传统年画里的胖娃娃 你最喜欢哪一个?

A fat doll with a peach on its head and a bat next to it means good fortune and longevity.

珍贵资料!九张传统年画里的胖娃娃 你最喜欢哪一个?

The lucky fat boy who represents the first prize. This New Year painting is a championship picture. In the picture, two dolls compete for the official helmet, and the baby held by the mother is also eager to try. The doll is lively, the lady is dignified, and full of interest in life. The helmet represents the chief, which means winning the imperial examination.

珍贵资料!九张传统年画里的胖娃娃 你最喜欢哪一个?

This is a New Year painting of a beautiful girl and a fat baby. In the painting, a lady holds a doll, and the doll holds various flowers such as lotus, osmanthus, and peony in its hands, which symbolizes wealth and longevity.

珍贵资料!九张传统年画里的胖娃娃 你最喜欢哪一个?

New Year pictures filled with gold and jade. This kind of New Year picture combines dolls with goldfish bowls, and is painted with plum blossoms and fresh peaches. The whole painting is mainly red and green, and the background is densely covered with swirling patterns, which make the white and fat doll stand out. The two pictures are in pairs and are small festive paintings posted on the wall of the kangtou. (Editor: Guan Ru Picture: "Representative Works of Chinese Woodblock New Year Paintings")

珍贵资料!九张传统年画里的胖娃娃 你最喜欢哪一个?

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