Founder Fat Baby Simplified Chinese:How to adjust the font style trend for different consumer groups?-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

How to adjust the font style trend for different consumer groups?

Font style can make a difference to users association. Choosing the appropriate font style can not only render the layout atmosphere, but also help users understand and digest the theme. The following is an introduction to the font styles commonly used in posters of different styles.

1. Male font

Shaving, competitive games, The consumer group of products such as football is mainly male, so when designing the pages of these products, thick fonts or angular fonts are generally used. Commonly used male fonts include Fangzheng thick Tanhei Simplified, Zaozi Gongfang Jinhei, Hanyi Lingxin Simplified, etc. The fonts used in the two posters shown below can well show the toughness, roughness, strength, grandeur and other characteristics of men.

2. Female font

In the business of flowers, jewelry accessories, In the design of online stores for products with women as the main consumers, such as women's products, skin care products, cosmetics, etc., fonts that are slim, beautiful, fashionable, with smooth lines and varying thicknesses are generally used, such as Song font, Founder slim black simplified, and Founder Lanting black. Simplified Chinese etc. The following pictures show the font design effects in skin care product posters and women's clothing posters respectively.

3. Children's font

In business of snacks, toys, children's clothing In the design of online stores for products that are mainly consumed by children, such as cartoons and cartoons, lively and cute fonts are generally used, such as Hanyi Doll Seal Simplified, Founder Fat Baby Simplified, Founder Children Simplified, etc. The poster shown in the picture below has round and cute fonts, which is very suitable for children.

4. Promotional font

Promotional copywriting involves various industries, focusing on To highlight promotional information, thick and eye-catching fonts are generally used, along with appropriate special effects such as tilting and text deformation to enhance the promotional effect. Generally choose fonts with thicker strokes, such as bold, Founder Bold, Founder Bold, Black Simplified, etc. The picture below shows the application effect of promotional fonts.

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