:"To master PPT animation design, this article is enough!"-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

"To master PPT animation design, this article is enough!"

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Hello, everyone, I am Su Su. Yesterday I shared with you the complete courseware of Lessons 121 and 123 of the first volume of my New Concept English. Many friends supported me. Some teachers who don’t teach New Concept English also bought my courseware. I am really a die-hard fan of Su Su. Su Su also likes to buy various courseware and learn from others. Many friends are interested in the correction tape and eraser in my courseware. Today I will present a detailed tutorial. In fact, it can be used not only in English courseware, but also in Chinese and mathematics. I know that not all fans of Su Su are English teachers. In addition, if you learn the method, you will be able to draw inferences from one example. The satisfaction of the work you made yourself must be awesome~ Let’s take a look at the detailed tutorial below: Finally, a small advertisement. Teachers who want to buy the complete courseware of these two lessons, Android phone users can directly scan the code to buy. Apple users can directly contact me on WeChat (sue111013) to buy. 2 complete coursewares come with wonderful past issues. Are you sure you have seen them all? [Su Su is here] Sharing ideas for the complete New Concept English courseware: [Click here](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIyNzUzMTQyMg==&mid=2247487269&idx=1&sn=08cc1cc0ed22a8bc3c84d81f0aeee8cf&chksm=e85e80d4df2909c2117bc9630f04c4aff4f344bbc25044757184af0216cfad7e63d008ca4caf&scene=21#wechat_redirect) [Su Su recommends] Western Window Candle, Appreciate the Beauty of Traditional Culture: [Click here](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIyNzUzMTQyMg==&mid=2247487269&idx=1&sn=08cc1cc0ed22a8bc3c84d81f0aeee8cf&chksm=e85e80d4df2909c2117bc9630f04c4aff4f344bbc25044757184af0216cfad7e63d008ca4caf&scene=21#wechat_redirect) Mg==&mid=2247487264&idx=1&sn=11e6dec9c5f816ad03c23c54a47b25e6&chksm=e85e80d1df2909c7094d86910542109e8c110c8867b483d314a6e11983952079929d3f236938&scene=21#we chat_redirect)【Skill√】Newbies can also use PS to quickly cut out pictures: [Click here](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIyNzUzMTQyMg==&mid=2247487254&idx=1&sn=68b7a348a21e2c17c8c28ed9603649d2&chksm=e85e80e7df2909f1da9112f85518006e4c5a0e1ae978f6fe65a7ba5cdefb456f799f86d3cb5b&scene=21#wechat_redirect) (Other links omitted, click on the relevant links to view more content)【SuSu original】Romantic fireworks PPT tutorial: [Click here](http://mp.weixi n.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIyNzUzMTQyMg==&mid=2247487096&idx=1&sn=11151ef191f97b23cf42652a5523d84b&chksm=e85e8189df29089ff2dc04a9d1c3e857dac897b4b38d3e3138d17e514be 0c2e5d0f655a5a6f2&scene=21#wechat_redirect)【Benefits are coming】Plants vs. Zombies PPT tutorial: [Click here](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIyNzUzMTQyMg==&mid=2247487115&idx=1&sn=87b5e44dc83f22576f91baebc908ff20&chksm=e85e817adf29086c11f43a3fd4cb12d230d2188ff98674a1a0d2b372967f87a1bbb11df01602&scene=21#wechat_redirect) (Note: The above links are examples. Please replace the actual links according to the information in the original text.)

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/zhang-wo-PPT-dong-hua-she-ji-kan-zhe-yi-pian-jiu-gou-le.html

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