public notice board:Establish "public notice boards" for projects under construction and strive to get off to a good start-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Establish "public notice boards" for projects under construction and strive to get off to a good start

Recently, the Quanzhou City Urban Construction Office issued a notice requiring the city’s buildings, All projects under construction in the transportation field must set up "public notice boards" to show the construction plan, progress, completion time limit, etc. As of the 23rd, the first batch of "public notice boards" for the 2023 "Grassing Urban Construction and Improving Quality" wall charts for projects under construction have all been completed. Implement requirements into projects.


Walking into the project site of the third phase of the Donghai Campus of Quanzhou Junior High School, the "public notice board" of the overall progress plan was set up in a conspicuous position. The "public notice board" clearly marked the pile foundation project, earth excavation, foundation construction, etc. The planned timetable of important nodes, and the actual advancement progress of each process is shown with different colored marking lines.

Lin Yizhao, Deputy Project Manager of the Construction Unit of the Phase III Project Department of Donghai Campus of Quanzhou Preschool Teachers College

"This public notice board announces the entire progress arrangement, which includes the planned construction period and the actual completed construction period. The blue line is the planned node construction period, and the green line is the actual completed construction period. As can be seen from the picture, we are now on a normal schedule and in line with the plan. There is also a color of red, which is overdue, and it also serves as a warning and reminder to us."

The third phase of the Donghai Campus of Quanzhou Preschool and College is a key project of the city’s education “14th Five-Year Plan”. Its construction progress is related to the improvement of school running conditions. For the owner units, clear "public notice boards" allow them to understand the "doorway" even for "laymen".

Vice President of Quanzhou Preschool Teachers College and person in charge of the project owner Chen Wendong

Our owners are non-professionals and have no way to understand some specific construction conditions. With this picture, we can see it clearly after we arrive and know what its overall progress plan is. , where are the nodes in the construction process, and through comparison, we can timely grasp the progress of the construction. If we find that it is not progressing in time, we will promptly understand the reason, and we will also intervene to help solve the problem. "

Recently, in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the "Light Cavalry" service team of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau went to the front line to guide project owners to sort out and adjust important nodes and key links of project construction. According to different projects Type design "operational picture" content. As of February 23, the owners of the first batch of projects under construction in 2023 to "grasp urban construction and improve quality" have all set up "publicity boards" in prominent locations as required. Next, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau will provide project owners with "real wall charts" and project organization and implementation progress, providing "light cavalry"-style "helping and supervising" integrated services, creating a strong sense of reversing the timing, going all out to tackle difficulties, and accelerating progress. atmosphere, urging a “good start” in the first quarter.

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