ppt outline:It turns out that this is the defense PPT that the instructor likes, and I no longer have to worry about failing!-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

It turns out that this is the defense PPT that the instructor likes, and I no longer have to worry about failing!

In graduation season, in addition to writing a thesis, defense PPT is also a must It is indispensable, but many students have a headache with PPT, have no ideas, and don’t know how to do it. Today, I will talk to you about what the defense PPT should include and the issues that need attention.

1. Defense PPT content

(1) The first is the PPT cover. The cover page should include the thesis title, respondent and supervisor information, defense date, etc. In order not to block the aforementioned important information, the cover background is generally set to white, and the school logo can be added to the cover, or the school's landmark building can be added. If you choose an image as the background, be sure to increase the image transparency.

(2) Page 2 is the table of contents, which should be logically clear, concise and clear. Instructors can understand the level of your report through this page. The table of contents generally includes the research background and significance, research content (several works in the paper), summary and outlook, and can also be adjusted according to your own research logic.

(3) Begin the PPT text on page 3, explain the significance of the research, briefly introduce the current situation at home and abroad, raise questions on this basis, and briefly describe your own solutions. This part must be concise. Personally, I think 3 pages is enough.

(4) Then there is the research content, which is your own work. Usually this part will contain several parts, which are generally introduced independently in order according to the logical relationship between these several tasks. Each job generally includes the following three parts:

Basic theories or research methods involved in the research content

Research work completed by myself

Research results and discussion

(5) Next is the summary and outlook. Summarize the full text concisely and concisely. The outlook part includes shortcomings in the paper and expectations for future development. This part should not exceed 2 pages.

(6) Finally, there is the acknowledgment page

2. Notes on PPT production

(1) PPT should be as concise as possible. Try to have no more than three colors on one PPT page. Animation can be added appropriately, but the scale must be grasped and animations with a large amplitude should be avoided as much as possible, so as not to affect the instructors' ability to view the PPT content.

(2) Do not use colors that are too bright or have too low contrast. For example, do not use bright yellow, bright green, or bright blue to draw pictures, which will look very dazzling; do not use gray fonts on a white background, which will cause unclear visibility.

(3) Throughout the entire PPT, the layout of the main content should be as consistent as possible, and the text fonts and sizes at each level should be as consistent as possible. The main text should generally be no smaller than 24-point font. You can emphasize key content and keywords by bolding, changing colors, and underlining.

(4) The text should be as concise as possible. Do not copy the text in the paper directly into the PPT. You can use keywords to express it. When you can use charts, be sure not to use words. Charts are more intuitive and vivid, allowing instructors to quickly and accurately understand what you want to express.

(5) Remember to add page numbers on each PPT page to facilitate instructors to ask questions.

If you need various defense scripts, proposal reports, defense PPT templates, literature reviews, domestic and foreign research, etc., as long as they are related to thesis, you are welcome to consult me ​​and I will help. One reply!

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