ppt template free download:What are some free PPT template download websites?-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

What are some free PPT template download websites?

Share useful information! Let you finish PPT in 10 minutes! No one gets off work earlier than you!

When making PPT, I must have encountered that because there is not enough material, I have to search for materials on the Internet, and there are still some problems. It is not a high-definition picture. It takes too long to type and beautify. It is inefficient, has no inspiration, and your mind is blank. Everyone must have encountered these situations. Share 8 PPT websites to free your brain and hands!


This website is relatively unpopular, but it is very easy to use! It is a foreign PPT template website with various types. Each template is very exquisite, very high-end and classy, ​​and is clearly classified according to different uses, designs, and colors. It will be really easy to find one you like. easy!

2. Office resources

It is no exaggeration to say that having this website can double your work efficiency and accelerate it. It is not only of great help in the field of PPT, but also for workers, this website enough! The website has a large number of office document templates, PPT, Excel, Word templates, rich charts, and sound effect materials and video materials. The quality of the website content is super high!

In the template center, you can see various PPT template categories and PPT chart categories.

3. First PPT

Friends who often use PPT are familiar with this. The PPT templates in this website basically cover all industry scenarios. There are many templates, but the only bad one is There are some advertisements on the website, so please pay attention when browsing.

4. Elephant Knife PPT

This is a website that provides everyone with efficient, high-quality, and safe PPT templates and materials. It also supports online production. In addition to PPT templates, there are also PPT tutorials and materials worth watching. , to meet the needs of most friends.


A foreign sharing website that integrates a large number of resources, including the sharing of PPT templates. The quality of the shared content is very high! In addition to the PPT template, it also contains a large number of other design elements, textures, PS, AE, AI, etc. The content quality of the website is very high!

6. Premium PPT

There are many templates on this website for users to choose from, including business style, fresh style, and high quality. If you want to make your own PPT, you can also use it here Find various backgrounds, fonts, materials, etc. on the website.

7.just free slide

This is a foreign PPT template website. If you are advanced in layout design, you can check out this website. They all have a very flat and forward design style. In addition to PPT templates, there are also themes. Download speech templates, information icons and other templates.


8. Demo Planet

Demo Planet is a website that focuses on high-end PPT. The PPT templates on the website are of super high quality. It is a rare treasure website. Currently, 3 PPT templates on the website can be downloaded for free a day. , everyone should choose carefully and don’t waste the opportunity!

The above are all very useful and highly recommended! Friends, please like, collect and use it now!

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/you-nei-xie-mian-fei-de-PPT-mu-ban-xia-zai-wang-zhan.html

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