How to apply other people’s ppt templates:It’s great to use ChatGPT to make PPT! Make requests, copy and paste, and it’s done in 1 minute-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

It’s great to use ChatGPT to make PPT! Make requests, copy and paste, and it’s done in 1 minute

Recently, Santon has become more and more lazy when doing PPT,It’s really because ChatGPT is so fragrant...

There is no need to refine the key points of a large text by yourself, let AI do it in a few seconds:

Find a set of templates for the refined content, and it is so easy to make PPT.

Santon no longer has to answer fans' questions by himself. For example, I am often askedhow to deal with PPTs with a lot of text. You can answer this better than me:< /span>

Don’t believe me? Try it? It’s really like refining the content first, retaining key information, and then designing the layout.

These are just routine operations. There are already many AI tools that can help you automatically complete PPT !

# FlashPPT

This is because ChatGPT is a popular one-click PPT generation tool:

Just enter the content in the specified format into ChatGPT and set the title:

Give your time to ChatGPT and you will get fully written content in 20 seconds:

Select the copy code in the upper right corner, throw it into the flash PPT, and click on the text to convert to PPT:

Zoom in to see the finished page. The layout is neat and you don’t need to modify it at all.

If you want to add content or replace pictures, you can also adjust them in the panel. The generated page effect is very simple, but it is definitely enough if it is used as an emergency.

The basic use of the website is free, and it supports exporting to full-image PPT. Paid members support exporting editable versions and richer templates, but as far as the existing functions are concerned, Sandun feels there is no need to purchase it. It is recommended that everyone just use the basic functions.


Compared with the former, this one is which is currently completely free and can also generate PPT with one click. Website:

Similarly, enter your content requirements in ChatGPT. There is no need to ask a question template. Just ask directly like this:

Request ChatGPT to output markdown source code:

Next, copy the import in Mindshow:

The corresponding PPT can be generated in a few seconds:

After Santon’s experience, compared to Flash PPT, its cover templates are richer, but the generation logic of the inner pages is relatively simple and requires manual adjustment.

If you feel that the content is missing, you can add it manually:

It’s highly customizable and completely free. I recommend you try it~

#Other artifacts

From the overall experience, it is really convenient to use ChatGPT to make PPT. Make a request, copy and paste, and it's done in two steps. The shortcomings are also obvious. The effect of the generated PPT is relatively simple, so it is no problem for emergency use. To say it looks good is to be honest, but it is a bit false.

Yes, it is still far from making Santon unemployed, but the speed of AI development really makes me panic. You see, the following two ChatGPT derivatives are already terrible.


This is a PDF information extraction tool developed by foreign experts based on ChatGPT. With it, you can chat with any PDF!

Yes, Santon randomly found a PDF file. After uploading it, it was able to read the core content of the PDF immediately and greet you with the content:

You can ask it any questions and it will give you answers based on the content of the PDF:

Not only is it simple information reading, it can also help you summarize the content of PDF documents:

If you often read literature, especially various foreign academic papers, using this tool can even save you the translation process!


This is an Excel spreadsheet intelligent processing tool developed by three master’s and doctoral students from Peking University:

It can meet your various needs for Excel processing! Simply deleting specified rows and columns is easy:

It can handle all kinds of data analysis, processing and sorting directly!

It supports continuous editing and exporting to Excel. It is currently completely free and the space is limited. You might as well try it yourself!

Okay, hurry up and collect these 4 useful tools based on ChatGPT!

There are still many imperfections in the overall experience, but Santon believes that with the rapid development of AI technology, these tools will gradually mature, and Santon will continue to share better tools as they emerge. For everyone~

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