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The central bank issued a heart-shaped commemorative coin on the 20th, with the words "dragon and phoenix present auspiciousness" printed on it

The People's Bank of China is scheduled to issue a set of 2022 Auspicious Culture gold and silver commemorative coins on May 20, 2022. There are 7 gold and silver commemorative coins in this set, and the obverse patterns are all in the shape of "auspicious" characters.

Among them, the 3-gram heart-shaped gold "dragon and phoenix present auspiciousness" commemorative coin has a treble clef, dragon and phoenix decorative combination pattern on the back, and the words "dragon and phoenix present auspiciousness" and the face value. The back of the 30-gram heart-shaped silver "Dragon and Phoenix Presents Prosperity" commemorative coin features a decorative combination of butterflies, dragons, phoenixes, round domes, curtains, etc., with the words "Dragon and Phoenix Present Prosperity" and the face value.

(Source: People's Daily)

[Editor: Hou Fangyu]

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