:Presentation tutorial for beginners Commonly used shortcut techniques when making PPT-Presentation skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Presentation tutorial for beginners Commonly used shortcut techniques when making PPT

  • Picture and text skills

We often Use WPS presentation to create slides. If you want to produce high-quality slides in a short time, you need to master many quick skills.

Here are some quick tips commonly used in making slideshows.


■When creating a new slide, most people will choose to use Insert-New Slide. There is a beautiful template library here.

So how to quickly insert slides? Use the shortcut keys Enter or Ctrl+Enter to quickly insert slides.


■How to delete the current page?

Use the shortcut key Ctrl+Delete to quickly delete the current page.


■Hold down the Ctrl key and push the mouse wheel to quickly zoom in/out the slide page.

It should be noted here that if you do not select any object, the center of the slide will be zoomed in.

If an object is selected, the area around the object is enlarged.


■To move the text box or graphic horizontally or vertically, hold down SHIFT+mouse drag.


■Hold down the Ctrl+shift keys and drag the corners with the mouse to zoom in/out the shape or image from the center.


■When you want to copy and paste text or graphics horizontally or vertically, you can use Ctrl+shift+C+mouse drag.


■When we want to copy or move certain objects uniformly, we can set them as a combination to make them a whole.

Hold down the Ctrl key to select objects, and use the shortcut key Ctrl+G to combine multiple objects, so that you can copy or move certain objects at once.

Press the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+G to cancel the group.


■The undo function is often used in the process of making PPT.

Use the shortcut key Ctrl+Z to undo, and the shortcut key Ctrl+Y to undo.


Have you mastered these practical shortcuts?

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