cheese font:The "cheese font" popular among students is actually over-packaged and difficult to replace traditional fonts-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

The "cheese font" popular among students is actually over-packaged and difficult to replace traditional fonts

Text/Mu Mu Education Diary (Original丨Welcome to reprint and share)

Recently, on the Internet aboutThe comparison and debate between the new cheese body and the traditional block script body are becoming more and more intense.

▲Many people think that cheese fonts should not be promoted, although they look very neat , it is also very comfortable to write, but this does not mean that it can become a template.

▲Some people believe that a large part of the reason why cheese fonts are so popular is Because I don’t feel tired when writing, and the overall neatness is also very high.

Why is "cheese font" so popular among students?

Currently, there is a common problem in primary and secondary schools. That is, many students will be affected by Internet culture, As a result, they are unable to form a correct value system in their study and life.

For example, the popularity of this type of cheese font was only promoted on the Internet platform at first. In order to spread the word, there were even shops selling related copybooks online.

usWe should not criticize the popularity of cheese fonts from a completely negative stance, but we should think about why the font spreads so fast? Can it be so popular in primary and secondary schools?

First , as a "student party" who needs to write a lot of words every day, the amount of writing in a day is even greater during the most intense stage of study. It can reach 2~3 water-based pens.

  • If written in correct block letters,He needs to use his wrists very hard and be very correct. If the teacher's lecture speed is slightly faster , the writing speed naturally cannot keep up.
  • However, If the classmates around you write in cheese characters,Basically, I can master the rhythm very quickly and keep up with the tight class and note-taking speed.

Many people on the Internet will be very Severely criticize the emergence of cheese fonts, thinking that there is an aesthetic problem, but don’t blame it blindly.

The reason why cheese body suddenly became popular,< span style="color: #333333; --tt-darkmode-color: #A3A3A3;">Not only is the writing font beautiful, but the most important thing is that it is very "suitable" for students at this stage of study.

Second, The emergence of this new type of font can quickly make people feel good about it, so it will be more accepted. The biggest reason is definitely Yes Cheese font doesn’t look ugly at first glance.

Especially for female classmates of primary and secondary school students, they will especially like this category The small and fresh fonts always feel very literary to me, and I will write some quite literary sentences in my manuscripts.

Third, whether it is parents or schools, there is no very strict requirement for students' writing fonts. Cheese font is also considered to be a common test-taking font. Fonts, there is no correct concept of writing.

Fourth, Many businesses will use various means to market this type of Internet celebrity fonts. The ultimate goal is to make everyone recognize this font.

The over-packaged "cheese font" cannot replace traditional fonts, and comparison is meaningless

When you see many excellent fonts, you will understand why cheese fonts are different from some traditional excellent fonts. There will be a big gap in comparison.

▼Blockcase font pays great attention to format and content , and the writing is also quite standardized. Each word can feel vigorous if you appreciate it alone. Powerful, but the cheese font doesn’t stand up to any comparison.

▼Cheese font, although it can meet the current test-taking needs, it is difficult to write It seems very comfortable, and it is very popular among liberal arts students. But if you use it as a font practice, it is not recommended.

If I could have more time to practice fonts, I would stillUse regular italics as the basis as much as possible. This is the best choice, although the practice process is very long, you will eventually find that every word you write is neat and clear.

Why does it mean nothing to compare cheese fonts and block letters, becauseCheese font has not reached the height of calligraphy fonts. The status of regular script, running script or cursive script is Hard to replace.

In the current study, there is no rigid requirement for students’ calligraphy. As long as the writing font is regular and clear enough, that's fine.

As for the very popular nowCheese font, should not be overly promoted. This is just an adaptive writing method for students in the learning stage. If it is over-hyped and packaged, it will be the biggest drawback.

Studying time is tight and tasks are heavy. How can students make good use of their time and improve their writing skills?

Many students have tight time and heavy tasks during their studies, and study every day I am also very nervous, and I will definitely feel that I cannot spare enough time to practice calligraphy. But after mastering certain methods, you can also see the text on your font within a certain period of time. Change.

Just need it every dayTake 15 minutes, copy an ancient poem or a short paragraph of classical Chinese in your own textbook, Try to Use block letters fonts appropriately, and then control the font size. There is no need to deliberately pursue it at the beginning. Speed, justensure the correctness and rigorous structure of the font.

After practicing for a while, you have to learnCopy some short paragraphs of articles on blank paper, try to make yourself as regular as possible and improve your writing speed.

Long-term persistence of 15 minutes a day can not only improve the beauty of fonts, but also improve yourself. The neatness will also be very helpful.

In today's Internet era, writing is no longer necessary. What is the meaning of practicing calligraphy?

1. Relax

Being able to write well will first make you feel very comfortable.

Don't underestimate this comfortable state, especially now that the pressure of competition is very high , it is difficult for many young people to find an outlet to vent. If you can write a few words in your spare time from busy work, Relaxation can also bring about a mood adjustment.

This is like how everyone will choose to play football or Running, a sweaty way, allows you to vent your emotions and relieve stress.

2. Use words to make friends

Being able to write very vigorous and powerful fonts can also bring you a very Who says you don’t need good connections in your daily work? We all had a lot of writing tasks like when we were in elementary school.

But don’t ignore it,A good font is always a symbol of image. It also reflects personal charm from the side and can make more close friends.

3. Cultivation of body and mind

Sometimes being able to write well is not just to show off to others or to Various displays, every time you practice calligraphy, will improve your mood. In your future work and life,You can also have a more calm attitude.

No matter what we do now, everyone is pursuing speed, even when writing When writing an article, cheese fonts will also be used to make note-taking faster and more efficient, but don’t ignore the importance of a stable foundation.

You might as well start slowly with yourself and start by practicing block letter fonts.

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