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Preschool education week work plan example

The plan itself is the assessment standard for work progress and quality, and has a strong restraint and supervision effect on everyone. Below is an article compiled by the editor about the preschool education week work plan. I hope it will be helpful to you. Everyone is welcome to read and learn!

Preschool Education Week Work Plan 1

Willing to play with children and respond positively to other people's interactions. Children can paint freely, and children are guided to learn the correct postures for holding pens and painting.

life activities

Guide children to use spoons correctly when eating and learn to hold bowls.

regional games

1. Book area: Guide children to read the books page by page, and like to discover, identify, and talk about the people or objects of interest in the pictures.

2. Science Zone: Likes to participate in observation activities and is in a happy mood during activities.

3. Doll's House: Willing to play with children and respond positively to other people's interactions.

4. Art and Art Zone: Children can paint freely, and children are guided to learn the correct pen holding and painting postures.

Materials: seeds, kettle, colorful story books, drawing paper

Educational activities

1. "Sowing" - Know that spring is the season of growth.

2. "The Lost Little Cat" - Know how not to leave adults when going out.

3. "Spring Flowers" - Through children's songs, you can understand the distinctive characteristics of spring and feel the beauty of spring.

4. "Knowing the Willow Tree" - Understand the main appearance characteristics of the willow tree, and know that the willow tree will sprout and turn green when spring comes.

5. "My Seed Will Grow Up Soon" - Encourage children to learn the correct postures for holding pens and painting.

6. "Handkerchief" - Distinguish the strength, speed, and speed of music, and use two handkerchief movements with different strengths and speeds to express it.

7. "It's Light Raining"--I like to participate in painting activities and consolidate the routine of painting activities.

8. "Little Rabbit Eats Carrots"--In the masonry activities, try to use auxiliary materials.

9. "This is much more beautiful" - provides a wealth of materials to enable children to experience the simple quantitative characteristics of various things through perception and operation.

sports activities

Games: "The Little Rabbit and the Fox", "Spring is Here", "How Did You Get There", "What Time is it, Old Wolf"

Goal: Guide children to master the movement methods of common animals and feel the joy of activities while running and jumping.

Materials: bunny, duck, and chicken headdresses

home education

1. Do more outdoor activities, observe more changes in spring, and provide feedback on home communication content on time.

2. In line with the educational requirements of kindergartens, encourage children to eat independently, eat meals separately, and help children develop the good habit of holding bowls.

environmental materials

1. Continue to add pictures of spring flowers and trees to the class wall decorations.

2. Organize materials in the art area

Preschool Education Week Work Plan 2

1. Use political study and business study every Monday to strengthen teacher ethics education. Strengthen the education of teachers' love and dedication to their jobs, be a good mirror for children, use their words, deeds, and actions to subtly influence the children, and truly make the teachers' words and deeds become a good example for children to learn, and communicate with children with a caring and respectful attitude. Communicate, devote yourself wholeheartedly to early childhood education, and effectively transform new concepts into educational behaviors.

2. Encourage teachers to use their spare time to study and improve their academic qualifications and recharge their knowledge. It is recommended that teachers often read early childhood magazines such as "Early Education", "Early Childhood Education", and "Preschool Education Research" to strengthen research on kindergarten-based courses. Teachers are encouraged to visit the education website frequently to continuously absorb new information.

3. The effectiveness of teaching and research activities. Teaching and research activities should closely focus on the generation of problems - how to solve problems - reflection on the process of teaching and research activities, etc. The content should be thematic and serialized; the form should promote full participation and full participation. Members take turns giving lectures. It is held every two weeks, and each time there is a topic for discussion. Strive for opportunities to organize teachers to visit advanced kindergartens, expand teachers' horizons, seize the opportunity to attend classes in various parks in the city, learn from the strengths of others, and gradually improve their education and teaching standards.

4. Actively participate in the city's kindergarten young teacher evaluation and evaluation activities for excellent courses, as well as the city's outstanding education activity case evaluation activities. Classes usually conduct listening and evaluation activities between classes. At the beginning of the semester, teachers formulate special research topics, during which they carefully observe and explore. At the end of the semester, they write a quality summary of the special topic and communicate with it.

2. Strengthen teaching and scientific research and actively build kindergarten-based courses

1. Teaching and scientific research are the forerunner of education, the key to improving the quality of education, and the fundamental guarantee for the sustainable development of kindergartens. This semester we will focus on the teaching and research of the subject in a down-to-earth manner, work hard on the word "research", and actually study the problems often faced in the micro-field of classroom teaching. Continuing the "Research on Early Childhood Education Using Local Local Resources" established in the previous school year as a kindergarten-based topic, we further decompose and implement it, clarify goals and tasks, and lead teachers to learn and explore methods and approaches to carry out teaching and scientific research. Mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers, actively participate in the process of project research, formulate measures, carry out effective testing according to the plan, collect various data, and implement the project with quality and quantity.

2. Continue to carry out kindergarten curriculum reform, actively build a kindergarten-based curriculum that reflects kindergarten-based characteristics and promotes children's development, requires all teachers to participate in the teaching reform, actively carries out classroom teaching observation and discussion activities, regularly exchanges teaching reform experiences, and solves problems in teachers' daily teaching. Practical problems.

3. Strengthen health care work and require classes to create safe classes to ensure the safety of children in the kindergarten.

1. At the beginning of the semester, conduct physical examinations for new students and transfer students to prevent the introduction of hepatitis. Do a good job in preventing colds, strictly clean and disinfect children's towels, cups, tableware and other daily necessities, keep the kindergarten clean and tidy, and ventilate the room frequently. The "Parents' Corner" promotes common sense to parents about preventing infectious diseases, and does a good job in the morning. Check and record medication for young children.

2. Organize teaching staff to review the "Responsibility of Early Childhood Teachers", "Responsibility of Childcare Workers", "Kindergarten Safety System", and "Kindergarten Teacher Work Regulations" to strengthen the staff's sense of responsibility, strictly ensure that they are on duty, and promptly report and deal with any problems found , conscientiously do a good job in protecting the children in the morning and evening shifts, inspecting the safety of children, and ensuring the safety of children in the park and during pick-up and drop-off.

3. Strictly follow the requirements for health care work in early childhood education institutions, standardize various health care work, improve the health care system, and welcome the review of the health care acceptance of our hospital by the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Care Institute.

4. Supervise cooking staff to comply with regulations and strictly control food hygiene. According to the requirements of the superior department, continue to do a good job in retaining lunch samples 24 hours a day to strictly prevent the occurrence of catering accidents.

4. Establish the awareness of serving parents wholeheartedly and do a good job as parents.

1. The new "Outline" clearly states: "Families are partners of kindergartens. They should strive for parents' understanding, support and active participation based on the principles of respect, equality and cooperation." Teachers should awaken parents with an equal attitude at work. A sense of ownership can stimulate parents' enthusiasm for active participation and active cooperation, provide ideas and suggestions for kindergartens, and integrate kindergartens and families.

2. At the beginning of the school year, each class carefully designed the class wall and parent garden layout to be beautiful and novel, and to highlight the theme. According to the actual situation of the children in this class, a parent meeting will be held in time, and a half-day activity will be opened to parents in November to show the children's activities in the kindergarten. Each class has set up a "parent mailbox" to actively adopt parents' good suggestions. Continue to carry out home visiting activities through various forms such as telephone contact and home visits.

3. Carry out seasonal changes in the activity area environment, create a good environment where children feel caring, acceptance, care and support, carry out a variety of sports activities, encourage children to actively participate, cultivate children's interest in participating in sports activities, and closely Pay attention to the safety of children during activities, and pay attention to cultivating children's lively and cheerful personalities during their daily activities.

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