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Learn 3 key points and write a perfect resume in 30 minutes

How to make a good resume?

1. Learn to refine the key points of recruitment and avoid universal and simple overseas investment.

If you want your resume to stand out quickly, it must be targeted. Overseas investment is easy, but most of the resumes submitted come to nothing. You should choose the direction of application based on your own advantages. After getting the recruitment information, you must learn to refine the key points of the recruitment information.

For example

Extract keywords:Official WeChat/Weibo, planning, copywriting, traffic< /span>

implied demand: basic WeChat and Weibo tool operation + planning ability + copywriting + will bring traffic to the product

For you:You can use Weibo, you can use the public account backend, you can Write copy and have your own fans

Refined keywords: Baidu promotion, data analysis, effect evaluation

implied demand: need to be able to operate Baidu promotion tools + data analysis thinking + effect evaluation feedback optimization capabilities

For you: at least you can data analysis and have a basis Dataevaluate the work effect to proceed to the next stepOptimization awareness

Refined keywords: Self-media operation, user activity, increasing the number of fans

implied demand: being able to operate things like Weibo and WeChat public accounts, making users active and continuing to increase fans.

For you: will make WeChat official account, and then Can post articles or do Small activities, continue to increase fans

Refined keywords: Assistance, cooperation

implied requirement: teamwork ability

For you: learn the skills you mentioned above, when necessaryHelp other departments to carry out their work

How to let HR know that you have these four abilities, and what should you do if the recruitment information mentions that you have no work experience?

The answer is : to have a hands-on project experience. If you have experience, write work experience; if you don’t have work experience, turn waste into treasure.

How to write it specifically? Please see below

2. Resume content

(1) The beginning part includes: title, name, age, education, marital status, health, contact address, job search goals, etc.

(2) The middle part mainly states the individual’s job qualifications and abilities.

(3) The final part is mostly to provide supporting materials to prove your qualifications, abilities and work experience, including some of your own supplements. For example, academic certificates, academic papers, award certificates, professional and technical certificates, recommendation letters from experts and professors, etc.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy. It is impossible for HR to evaluate every resume in detail. They often have a few core elements in mind.Bachelor's degree 985211, industry experience, marketing background... Once they do not meet the requirements, they will be ruthlessly eliminated.

Self-introduction section:

Purpose, Let HR quickly understand the core requirements for our job requirements .

Workers with work experience can write like this:

Company industry experience

Position experience

Education background

Strengths and career development goals/mission

Fresh graduates can write like this:

Educational background (including grade points and exchange experience)

Internship experience

Certificates and results (CET-4 or CET-6, interpretation, CPA, etc.)

Strengths and career development goals

Tips: Use more numbers in the personal introduction to be intuitive and eye-catching)

For example

Experience category: 12 years of working experience in a US-owned company/chemical industry; 15 months of internship experience in an Internet company. 10 years in marketing, including 7 years in social media marketing…

Education: Graduated from Harbin (Erbin) Buddhist College with a 4-year undergraduate degree, including 1 year of exchange to (Shanghai) Cambridge University...

Specialties: The college’s public account has been in operation for 3 years and has accumulated 6,000 fans from scratch; the company’s sales champion in China for 3 consecutive years...

Work experience section:

Focus on goals - process - feedback - adjust this thinking.

For example

For the purpose of xxx, I independently planned (or participated in) the xxx event. By controlling the location, time and crowd of the event, the plan was directly implemented, and xxx event participants were obtained, and Interact with them in real time to receive feedback and adjust the details of the event, so that the event finally achieves xxx results and achieves the original goal.

3. Pay attention to typesetting, concise and clear

1. Font requirements: It is not recommended to have more than two fonts. It is best to use one font for the entire article.

2. Follow the one-page principle and complete your resume on only one piece of paper.

3. Pay attention to alignment and white space. Appropriate page margins, arrange paragraphs in sections, briefly and clearly describe the key points of experience, and align the whole to the left.

Complete example

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