:"Which Chinese font should I choose to make the PPT interface more refreshing?"-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

"Which Chinese font should I choose to make the PPT interface more refreshing?"

Hello, Xiaomu! The answer is that using legible, clean fonts in Simplified Chinese is key. Here are some commonly used Chinese fonts that should look cleaner in PPT: 1. Founder HeiTi: Founder HeiTi is a commonly used Chinese font, which is very suitable f

Hi, fellow wooden friends, I am Xiaomu. A while ago, I saw a question on Zhihu: "In PPT, what Chinese fonts should be used to make the PPT look cleaner?" When I saw this question, I knew that this was a questioner with a story. Because people who don’t have enough life experience can’t ask such difficult questions... As a person who has been there, I can understand this man’s attitude at that time: “Why am I so handsome, but I can’t find a product that can bring out my fair temperament?” "font"... If you have also encountered this kind of baldness, I suggest you drink a few sips of Bawang anti-hair loss shampoo to calm down the shock, and then listen to some of the sexy suggestions I am going to give you. …what does a clean font look like? A "clean font" often has the following characteristics: 1) The strokes are not too thick; the thickness of the strokes is called "weight" in professional terms. The heavier the weight, the thicker the strokes. A clean font must be a font with "light weight, at least not too heavy". Because if the strokes are too thick, it means that the text will occupy more space on the page and appear "heavier", and the visual effect will give people a feeling that it is not light enough and concise enough. Therefore, fonts with thicker strokes such as Chinese Amber and Fat Baby Body basically say goodbye to bicycles... 2) The stroke decoration will not be too exaggerated; why do products from Japanese brands such as MUJI and UNIQLO all look the same? A sense of "keep away from strangers"? One of the reasons is that Japan has a traditional design concept - "return to nature", which means to try to keep products as simple as possible during design. Therefore, their products rarely have decorations, and the fewer decorations, the more pure the product is. In the same way, fonts with lighter decorative traces can give people a clean and sour feeling. Therefore, when choosing a clean font, you should try to choose a type with simple strokes. For those coquettish bitches like Xuefeng font and paper-cut font, please don’t favor them if you have nothing to do: 3) The fonts are regular; font refers to the shape of the font: When I was in school, I liked to be unconventional, so when I was doing PPT I like to use Shamat fonts with all kinds of strange glyphs: Faced with my behavior that harms the audience's vision, do teachers and classmates dare to say one more word? No, they don't dare at all! They just pushed me to the ground and hammered me... Later, it wasn't until the eve of graduation when Cuihua rejected my confession on the grounds that "my PPT font was too anti-human" that I realized that they had been treating me as someone who "won't know how to do it" all these years. The perversion of using fonts.” Now that I have covered the wall with my shit and finally become a PPT master, their impression of me has finally changed! I have become a "pervert who knows how to use fonts"... This is probably the legendary "One loss of P will lead to eternal hatred"... I hope everyone can remember the lesson I learned at the cost of failing to express my love, and don't use those fonts when making PPT Weird font. Among Chinese fonts, square fonts are the most regular and pure: Recommended clean fonts. I believe that even if I have said so much above, you friends will still be confused when you go back to choose fonts... Don't panic... Below I recommend several fonts that I commonly use, which are purer and purer than "Dream of the Entertainment Circle: Pure Heart"... 1) Helvetica type: Recommended font: Siyuan Heihe; Reason for recommendation: Free and commercially available, 7 font weights are optional; 2) Song style; Recommended font: Siyuan Song font; Recommendation reason: Free for commercial use, 6 font weights are optional; Recommended font: Founder Qingbo Yuesong Simplified Chinese; Recommendation reason: "Elegance" is the only one I have to say the word ten thousand times... 3) Kai style; Recommended font: Chinese Kai style; Reason for recommendation: One of the simplest fonts in Kai style! 4) Round type; Recommended font: Romantic Yayuan; Reason for recommendation: As the name suggests, the font has a romantic temperament and a simple font. Recommended font: Mini Simple Thin Circle; Recommended reason: The strokes are thinner and can be used with "Romantic Elegant Circle" as the title and as the main text font. Okay, that’s it for introducing several clean fonts commonly used by Xiaomu. Finally...please allow me to pretend...what I said above is all wrong...because without clean typesetting, no matter what font you use, it will be useless...(escape) ▎Good articles that you may have missed recently: [Free Download] Super Cute Emoji theme PPT template! Generate popular "polka dot gradient" style pictures with one click! Do you want to know about the cool lines PPT? This article was first published by the public account "Learn a P from me". Click to read the original text and join Xiaomu’s PPT community! If you need to retain HTML and image address information, you usually retain the `src` attribute of the image. The following is the processed text content, and the image address is still retained: ```

Hi, hello fellow wooden friends, I am Xiaomu.

I saw a question on Zhihu a while ago:

"In PPT, whatChinese fonts can be used to make PPT look cleaner?"< /strong>

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/xuan-ze-na-kuan-zhong-wen-zi-ti-rang-PPT-jie-mian-geng-qing-xin.html

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